Reviews for Star Wars: A Fragile Hope
Mallahawk25 chapter 3 . 2/17
I imagine Darth Vader would've stopped the death Star project. And would have built a massive shipyard or something because he was opposed to the idea of the death Star he hated the waste of resources.
HaywireEagle chapter 10 . 1/4
Zsing is an Admiral at this time. Not a Warlord. He doesn't become one until after the Empire's Fall when he ignored the de facto Imperial Council.
HaywireEagle chapter 2 . 1/4
Honestly. It could use some work. While an interesting idea at first glance. Though on reading. I'm noticing that it just is a copy-paste of Star Wars. Just shifting characters over and changing very little for the most part.

The biggest glaring issue I have is with the Death Star. Vader was a firm opponent against its creation. Saw it as a waste of resources and credits when ships, men, and the Force were all one needed.

The fic itself needs to be balanced and made more reasonable over all.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
Fleet Corner Trimmer 2415 L.S chapter 10 . 10/4/2019
You seem like the kind of person to enjoy SWTOR...

Anyone I don't have much time so this'll be a short review
This is a fine little fic here, it's pretty soft landing, it has a couple errors here and there mostly to do with the dialogue.

Overall I shall now go and read the sequel
Pink ranger 13 chapter 10 . 1/8/2019
Please make a sequel the story!
Mari Wollsch chapter 10 . 4/19/2018
great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Redemption's Avenger chapter 4 . 2/14/2018
I do believe you made a bit of an error here. It was Motti that insulted Vader, not Tagge. Tagge was a firm believer in a Starfleet. In fact, in the new Disney comics, Tagge is off the Death Star when it explodes and commands an SSD, the Annhilator
Deathwatch Razgriz chapter 4 . 1/3/2018
Well, you lost my interest pretty quick. Did you REALLY have to go "but muh defenseless world which didn't du nuthin wrong." Alderaan is Westros in SW essentially (play SWTOR)...They only embraced "pacifism" when their unelected monarch decided not to support the elected ruler...and they financially support the rebellion, as well as sending large numbers of soldiers to fight for them. So no, Alderaan is NOT peaceful.
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 10 . 12/12/2017
StoneKai99 chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
I think you had a great idea building off the bonus level of the ROTS game and while at first I liked the insertion of Ahsoka in place of Obi-Wan I found the story going downhill as I realized you were just doing a straight up alternate version of A New Hope. I was really looking forward to something different perhaps seeing Ahsoka take the twins to confront Vader and redeem him early. I also liked Vader taking Galen and Mara as his surrogate children but in the end it fizzled out for me because it was just a direct copy of ANH. Lastly, while I think you have some great ideas I have one major criticism. The typos, omg the typos! I can deal with a fair amount but as a fellow fanfic author and lover of all things SW it seriously irks me to see a staple character like Anakin Skywalker mistyped so horribly. It doesn't do them justice. Keep writing though!
nightbeat95 chapter 10 . 12/10/2017
are we going to see a sith wedding with galen and juno, will kota kick luke's ass in training, and what are some of the get rich schemes that kota and han are cooking up?
Qwerty chapter 9 . 12/10/2017
Great AU you know i always hate rebellion and i hope you write anakin's reaction about Death star and alderaan
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
You can't even spell Anakin properly. Can't even make it past the first sentence.
legends fanboy chapter 6 . 11/25/2017
Good chapter Keep it up also i have few Suggestion for you since you brought back Galen,Juno and Mara can you add more Legends character Such as Ysanne Isard,Natasi Daala,Soontir Fel and Nogri assasin

And can you change Anakin's flagship Executor -class Star Dreadnought into Eclipse -class Super Star Destoryer
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