Greetings! This story is a collaboration between myself and jojobinks01. Go check his works too! He's got some great stuff!

Prologue - 30 ABY

Another terrible war finished and millions more beings dead - billions more who's lives were changed forever. So much tragedy and so much death. The Yuuzhan Vong War was just the most recent in a series of conflicts that ripped and tore at the galaxy and its people. In the eyes of Herron Organa, formerly called Herron Dreis before he took his mother's name, it all started over half a century ago. Whenever he stated his belief, the old timers would shrug or sigh and say, "You can't change the past, Herron. All you can do is look to the future."

He had believed that for most of his life, living in the sadness of the loss of Alderaan, his homeworld, and all of his family who lived on it - his mother, his father, his aunts, his uncle - all were dead. Only his adopted cousins Leia and Winter had survived. He had been off planet, attending the university at Chandrilla for technology engineering. After graduating, he tried to move on, make something of his life but the dreams haunted him. A billion voices cried out and then died. He had heard it right before hearing that Alderaan had been destroyed.

Herron had contemplated joining the Rebellion but he didn't wish to fight in a war that would just cause millions more to suffer. Instead, he studied history in his spare time, taking especially great pleasure into learning about the ancient Jedi Order, which had been ended decades ago by the rising Empire.

Until Alderaan had been destroyed, Herron hadn't cared much about the Empire. He had kept to himself and done the best he could as a person. But then Alderaan happened and, to add insult to to injury, there was a rumor that the Emperor was targeting Alderaanians. He hadn't believed it - until a squad of Imperial soldiers had beaten him to within an inch of his life after one of them had heard one of Herron's friends mention that he was from Alderaan. The only thing that had saved his life was the force. It was the only way he could explain it. He had woken up in a bacta tank completely healed. The doctor had said that he had already been healing at an alarming rate before they had plunked him in the sticky goo and couldn't explain it.

Over the next twenty years, he had studied on slicing techniques, technological engineering, computer, program and encryption slicing and, with the greatest interest, archaeology. Coupling those skills with what he had learned from the history of the Jedi Order, he went to the planet Tython. It had taken him years to learn that it was the home of the Jedi Order and weeks more to travel through the Deep Core and find it. As he traveled through the ruins of the temples and the masters' retreats and the even more ancient ruins of Kaleth and the ancient Je'daii Order, which predated the Jedi Order.

Deep within the most ancient part of the ruins beneath the temple, he found what he had been searching for since the end of the Galactic Civil War and the Bastion Accords. Peace with the Empire had galvanized him to find it and it had taken him over a decade to finally find everything. He had even had to work with the Jedi and their historian Tionne Solusar but it had all paid off. Herron Organa knew how to change the past.

According to legend, at the beginning of time itself, the Celestials formed the galaxy. At one point a family of them - a Father, a Son and a Daughter - created a monolith from where the force was rumored to be kept in balance. There were hundreds of legends surrounding them but it is said that they entrusted something very important to the Jedi Order. Gateways to a place where one could see and even change all of time and space - a World Between Worlds. There had been a gate on Lothol and on Ossus but both of those had been destroyed. The only one that Herron could find was on Tython.

Now he was here, with a datapad and over a hundred datacards of information. He had the schematics for ships, weapons and armor and he had all the information necessary. He had proof that Palpatine was Darth Sidious. He had proof of the whole plot that the Dark Lord of the Sith had used to rise to power, causing the enslavement and death of billions, if not trillions. And he was going to stop it. He was going to save the past.

Armed with a blaster and a vibroblade and all of his information, Herron stepped through the door and into the star-field before him.

Chapter 1: Altered Course

22 BBY - Coruscant

The entire course of the war had changed over night. Jedi Knights and Masters from all over the galaxy had been called back to the temple for a convocation of the Jedi Council. Some information had come to life - a young man from Alderaan had somehow discovered that the Supreme Chancellor was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious. He had the evidence to prove it and now, the Council and several other Jedi Knights and Masters were discussing the situation.

In his seat, the diminutive Jedi Master Yoda shook his venerable head. "Disturbing and hard to believe, it is, that so deceived, we could be."

"But the Dark Side is clouding everything, Master;" pointed out Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been recently promoted to Jedi Master. "Many questions we have are answered and all of this does make sense."

"We aren't questioning whether it's the truth, Master Kenobi;" said Mace Windu, a dark skinned Jedi Master, "but we still aren't sure how to deal with it. When dealing with the Sith, we have no idea how far his corruption has spread in the galaxy. It is now clear that he absolutely controls the Separatists and much of the Republic. The question is, can we afford to bring the Republic into the fold."

"Do we have a choice?" asked young Anakin Skywalker, former-Padawan to Master Kenobi, recently elevated to Jedi Knight and given his own Padawan to train. "If the Jedi simply take control, the Chancellor will simply execute this Order 66 and the senate will follow him. We have options. Having the senate declare the execution of Order 65 or having the Chief of Defense Staff declare the execution of Order 5."

"I doubt that we would be able to trust the Chief of Defense Staff;" stated Jedi Master Shaak Ti. "He is too close to Palpatine."

Eeth Koth stroked his chin before saying, "We will get together all of the senators that we trust most - Amidala, Organa, Farr, Bel Iblis, Mothma and those that they trust. We clue them in and have them bring forward the evidence and the motion to declare Order 65. They will meat aboard Master Rahm Kota's cruiser."

Silence followed that. "Why Kota's?" asked Plo Koon.

"Because there isn't a single Clone his ship. What's more, it's not one of Sienar Fleet System's ships. It's an old Rendili Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser so it is far less likely that the Chancellor has surveillance or espionage equipment aboard it. Not only that, I trust Kota to be able to guard them. He's a canny soldier with a keen tactical mind."

They all nodded solemnly. "Arrest Darth Sidious, we must. Put him on trial, the Senate will."

"Should we risk that?" asked Mace Windu. "He's a Dark Lord of the Sith, Masters. Would it be wise to allow him to live at all?"

"We don't have a choice, Master Windu;" said Master Adi Gallia. "For the same reason we must involve the Senate, we cannot simply attempt to kill the Chancellor, even though he is the Dark Lord of the Sith. The real question is, who do we send to confront him?"

That was, indeed, the the question. Only a few of them had ever faced an opponent in earnest lightsaber combat and fewer still had faced a Sith. Obi-Wan stepped forward and said, "With respect, Masters, there are only a few of us who have face a Dark Lord of the Sith - Master Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, myself and Master Vos during his infiltration missions. A few others may have face some of Dooku's Acolytes but that would hardly compare to fighting a Sith Lord."

Mace Windu sighed. "Having them accompany you would be better than the alternative. We have no idea what we're dealing with. I, however, cannot go with you. I must go to Haruun Kal. My one-time apprentice has gone missing and I fear she may have gone to the dark side."

"Yes, rescue Master Billaba, only you can do, my friend;" said Yoda. "With the exception of those going to confront Darth Sidious, return to their fleets, the Jedi must. Cut off all communication to High Command, they will. Await the clearance code, they must. Obi-Wan, Skywalker, Vos, Agen Kolar, Master Tiin, Master Ti and myself will go. Confront the Chancellor we will."

"There are others who have faced opponents in true lightsaber duels, Master;" stated Oppo Rancisis. "Master Mundi, Jedi Hett, Master K'kruhk - several others."

"All of our experienced warriors, we cannot risk, Master Rancisis. You, however, will come with us. Aid us, your battle meditation will."

As they began to disperse, Master Yoda's comlink sounded. It was Chancellor Palpatine. Immediately, all but a few of the council member vacated the room. "Chancellor, how may I serve you?"

"I was just made aware of the fact that almost every Jedi has returned to Coruscant and became anxious. Is something the matter?" asked Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

"Most unfortunate news was received, I fear. Come to you directly I will."

"I am most grateful, Master Yoda and I look forward to the meeting."

When the Chancellor had signed off, the aged master turn to Anakin. "Go you must, young Skywalker, to your friends in the senate. Your padawan take with you and gather them quickly. Relocate them we must; a few at a time over the next twenty-four hours."

The next twenty-four hours, there was a flurry of activity in the Senate District. There were many clandestine meetings between senators and the Jedi and, little by little, they snuck off to General Rahm Kota's Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser. Within several days, an emergency session of the senate was called - without the Supreme Chancellor and his retinue. Yoda kept them occupied with fictitious war . Bail Organa addressed the senate. It took less than an hour for him to make his statement. The vote was cast - deposition of the Chancellor or no.

It passed resoundingly. Immediately, the clearance code was sent to the Jedi generals and Order 65 was issued.

"Stay close and be ready;" said Master Kolar.

They strode into the officer where Yoda and the Chancellor were speaking. Rather than address the Chancellor, Agen Kolar said, "Master Yoda, it is done. The Senate has spoken."

"The senate?" asked the Chancellor, confused.

Yoda nodded and joined his fellow Jedi. Moments later, a group of Clone Shock Troopers, Senate Commandos and Senators Organa, Mothma, Amidala and Bel Iblis strode in. After a brisk nod from the senators, Yoda cleared his throat. "Darth Sidious, regretful I am, to inform you that you have been deposed and by the Galactic Senate of the Republic and Clone Protocol Order 65 has been issued. Under arrest, you are, for the practicing of the Sith Religion and for treason against the people of the Republic."

At first, it seemed as though the Supreme Chancellor would protest. But instead, he sneered. "You think you have won, Jedi? I am more powerful than your small mind can imagine."

"To safety, get the Senators;" said Yoda as he set aside his cane. "The Sith, we shall deal with."

Seven lightsabers leaped to life - green, blue and red in the case of Vos, who had not had the chance to change the crystal out after his infiltration of Dooku's acolytes. Darth Sidious sneered and from each sleeve, a lightsaber appeared. With twin snap-hisses, they came to life and he leaped among them. Immediately, Master Kolar died on the end of one blade, putting the others on the defensive. Only Skywalker and Vos pushed the attack. The Dark Lord laughed and leaped into the hall as if making after the senators. When they reached the open, he was somewhat surprised to find it empty. "Very clever, Jedi;" he sneered again, facing his enemies. "You had the whole building evacuated. Do you really think I did not foresee this?"

"Considering how we obtained this information?" snarled Skywalker, "I highly doubt it."

"Put your doubts to rest, Skywalker;" said the Sith Lord as he fended off the six remaining Jedi.

He managed to cut down Saesee Tiin as well before a joint force blast by Kenobi and Skywalker slammed him into a solid duracrete wall. Before leaping back into the fight, he hit something on a wrist band. The fight continued to grow more and more vicious. Yoda managed to slice apart one of the Sith Lord's lightsabers before he cut off Skywalker's right hand - the mechanical hand he had lost once already. A severe blast of force lightning put young Skywalker out of the fight. Just then, alarms began to sound and a dozen Clone Troopers ran in, covering the Sith Lord. "Sirs, a Separatist fleet just dropped out of hyperspace."

Sidious ceased his chance. Grabbing all twelve of the Clones, he flung them at the Jedi, forcing them to deactivate their blades. When they were able to disentangle themselves, the Sith Lord was pelting with force-powered speed towards his private landing pad. His retinue, those who were fully aware of his identity, were already on board and ready to take off. Overhead, the Separatist Fleet pounded away at the planetary shields.

The Sector Defense fleet was already engaging the enemy but the gap was there and as soon as Sidious was on board, his shuttle took off, making for space. The pilot, whoever they were, managed to avoid the starfighters and anti-air guns and make it safely to the command ship of the Separatist Fleet. As soon as he was aboard, the Separatists turned about and made the jump to lightspeed. Darth Sidious had escaped and the whole war had just changed.

Anakin Skywalker woke up in the Jedi Temple's medical facility. His right hand had, once again, been replaced and he could feel the after-affects of the Jedi Healing trance. With a groan, he sat up and stretched. "Oh good, you're awake;" came an eager voice beside him.

There sat his young Torgruta Padawan Ahsoka Tano. She looked relieved and tired. Anakin smiled. "Hey, Snips. What happened? Did we get the Sith?"

Her face fell slightly. "No but a lot has happened. The Senate is putting forth candidates for the chancellorship. Bail Organa is one. So is Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Iblis. I think Senator Organa will get it though."

Anakin stood and flexed his new artificial hand. It was as good as new. "I agree. What about the war?"

"It's pretty well ground to a halt. Almost immediately, the Separatist Alliance was contacted and peace negotiations were suggested. Of course, after hearing how they had also been manipulated, they agreed. They apparently deposed Count Dooku and elected a Senator Mina Bonteri to become the knew Head of State. All combat has ceased - for the moment."

"It won't stay that way;" said Anakin as he paced around the room, getting life and feeling back into his limbs. "The Sith will be far too determined to keep this war going and to conquer the galaxy. It's how it always is."

Ahsoka's face seemed to fall. With a chuckle, he went over and tapped her beneath her chin. "Cheer up, snips. I'm starving. Let's go eat and then we can get back to our command with Obi-wan and get ready for the Siths' next step."

Ahsoka smiled and jumped up. "Right behind you, Sky-guy."

Korriban - The Ancient Citadel

The holo-map of the galaxy rotated slowly before them. "You will order your commanders to launch an attack on the worlds listed on this datacard, Lord Tyranus;" said Darth Sidious.

Tyranus could sense the barely contained rage of his master after his plan had so totally collapsed. Plugging the datacard in, the Sith Apprentice's eyes widened. "So you are attacking the worlds of the Separatists who are suing for peace. How will we maintain control of out military if the systems are no longer willing to fight?"

Sidious's irritation was palpable as he replied, "Because we still control all of those who fund, supply and manufactor for the war effort. I have already contacted Viceroy Gunray and his peers. They are still building their armies and readying them for combat - as are most of their planets. Only a few, such as Onderon, are suing for peace. We will deal with them."

"Yes, my Master;" said Lord Tyranus.

He bowed and strode from the room.

Darth Sidious sat on his throne, seething with pent up furry. A thousand years of planning had led him to the very sight of galactic domination - until suddenly, the Senate and the Jedi were on to him.

It had been a vicious duel, too. Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and several others had all come for his arrest - with a squad of Clonetroopers, no less. The Security Council had activated Clone Protocol Sixty-Five at the order of the Galactic Senate.

Turning to face a bank of vid screens, he watched with disgust as Bail Organa, in a landslide emergency race was elected Chancellor. Of course, his first orders were to cut far back on the emergency powers of the Chancellery and to attempt to open negotiations with the Separatist Parliament. There was a strong case for it considering the emergence of the Sith to the galaxy - but Darth Sidious and Count Dooku would never allow it, of course. The second order had been to end all additional orders form the cloners on Kamino. Instead, volunteers from the citizenry of the Republic would be called for and trained by the Clones. For sure, the Kaminoans would not be pleased with that.

Sidious's lip curled into a derisive sneer. First, he would seize all Separatist holdings using the Separatist's own armies and fleets. Then, he would go to his secret fortress on Wayland. He had many treasures and secrets stowed away in there - treasures and secrets that would definitely give him and edge. Finally, he would launch a massive attack against the Republic worlds that were most loyal to the new Chancellor - Alderaan itself, Naboo, Chandrilla, Corellia, Rodia, Kuat and so on. Finally, he would launch a full scale invasion of Coruscant and, so help him, if they did not surrender and turn on the Jedi, he would burn the planet to the ground - a large feat considering the ground was literally miles below the city-scape. With a low growl, Darth Sidious stood and turned towards a cluster of glowing red pyramids - Sith Holocrons. Using the force, he activated one and a man who wore a strange masked helmet. "Your plan failed, Darth Bane;" snarled Sidious. "The Jedi have found us."

"Your incompetent is what led to it;" said the holocron's gatekeeper. "My plan was perfect. Only a fool could have failed it, someone unworthy of being a Sith."

"Fool;" hissed Sidious. "Even you could not see all ends. Your teachings, your Rule of Two, are useless to me now. I will shape the Sith in my own image and you will pass into history as another ancient who failed in his task."

With a wave of his hand, Palpatine closed down the holocron. It was time to make a change to the Sith.

So I am going to be beginning what I and my compatriot jojobinks01 will be referring to as our 'Codex' and the end of each chapter. Each entry will be something unique to this universe or, in the case of some characters, that are massively effected by this universe. Each chapter will have three entries. Hopefully, they will help you enjoy the story more and just add a little something extra to make the story even better. Enjoy, my friends!

Codex Entry #1: Herron "Dreis" Organa

Herron Dreis was born in 19 BBY on Alderaan to the noble family of House Organa. Growing up with his two adoptive cousins Leia Organa and Winter Retrac, he had a wonderful and happy childhood, receiving the best education that could be obtained. Upon completing his initial education at eighteen, he was accepted to the University of Chandrilla where he wished to receive a degree in history and archaeology. It had been his goal to study the ancient ruins of worlds such as Dantooine, Taris, Telos and more, and he was well on his way to achieving that goal until the terrible news reached him. Alderaan had been destroyed. Official reports declared that it was some kind of planetary core meltdown but deep down, within his soul, Herron knew that it wasn't true.

Upon completing his first degree, he jumped into learning about astronomy, geology, meteorology and whatever else he could, hoping to gain some knowledge about what actually happened to Alderaan. He obtained several more degrees and, utterly by mistake, discovered that he was force sensitive five years after Alderaan's destruction. Around that time, the Rebel Alliance, now under the new title of the Alliance of Free Planets, began publishing the truth - that the Empire, under Emperor Palpatine, used a super weapon known as the Death Star to destroy Alderaan.

Upon learning this, Herron began to hate the Empire and the Imperial Remnant and started to study everything that he could about the Jedi, the Sith and any other force religions that he could. His studies took him out of the university classrooms and all over the galaxy. Suspecting that the force was guiding him to do so, Herron found numerous artifacts - scrolls and books, tomes and even a holocron. Using them, he discovered that the Jedi, the Sith and many force religions believed that ancient beings known as the Celestials had created life in the universe and put the evolutionary cycle in motion. Furthermore, he learned that those Celestials infused life with the force, giving some the ability to feel it and use it.

While he found all of this quite fascinating, Herron began to lose interest in these studies and contemplated taking up Jedi training from Luke Skywalker, the last known Jedi in the galaxy until he stumbled upon an important discovery - a mostly destroyed scroll deep in the ruins of the Deep Corp world of Tython. From what was left of the scroll, he learned that in the places where the force was strongest, there were gates that led to a pocket dimension from which one could travel through time. The scroll referenced it as the "World Between Worlds". Excited, Herron found the portal and, using his rudimentary and self-taught knowledge of the force, he entered through the gate. Once he realized it was possible, he returned and began working on a long-plan to change all that had happened in the past. Returning to university, he learned about space travel and starship engineering and design and weapons design, all while continuing to learn about the history of the galaxy. For another twenty years, he gathered knowledge and power. Each time he though he was ready, anther catastrophe would strike and set him back - the emergence of Grand Admiral Thrawn form the Unknown Regions, the reborn Emperor Palpatine, the destruction of the Carida system by a Dark Jedi, the peace negotiations with the Empire and, worst of all, the war with the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong.

It was after that final war the Herron took his mother's name of Organa and resolved to travel through time. Armed with the knowledge of the New Republic's most advanced war ships and weapons, he returned to Tython and went to the world between worlds. It took him very little time to find the gate he needed - a direct access point to the Jedi Temple of Coruscant in the midst of the Clone Wars. Immediately on walking through, the Jedi took him before the council and demanded to know everything about him.

Herron told them everything and offered them proof of the truth that he spoke beyond any shadow of any doubt. Immediately, they moved against Chancellor Palpatine, who had been revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith they had been searching for - Darth Sidious. As they did, the Senate gathered and declared the execution of one of the one hundred and fifty emergency orders, declaring the Supreme Chancellor unfit taking command of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Despite the Jedis' best efforts, Darth Sidious escaped into hiding. As the Clone Wars continue apace, Herron was placed in charge of a secret weapons project that would produce all of the designs her had brought back of New Republic warships. Knowing that it would give the Galactic Republic a massive edge, Herron began his work, overseeing the construction on the Correlian system world of Selonia where massive shipyards were hidden deep within the planets service and far away from the prying eyes of any spies.

Despite his success at outing Darth Sidious, Herron refused to rest or consider his mission a success until the Dark Lord of the Sith and all of his followers were brought to justice, even in the altered universe that he had brought about.

Codex Entry #2: Anakin Skywalker - "the Chosen One"

Anakin Skywalker was born to a single mother on an unrecorded world. When he was only three, his mother Shmi Skywalker and he were sold to Gardulla the Hutt and transported to Tatooine, a harsh desert world. As he grew up, he exhibited great skill with droids and machines, repairing anything that was able to be repaired with relative ease. This caused him to be obtained by the Toydarian junk dealer Watto through gambling on the local podraces.

At the age of nine, the boy's life changed forever. A Jedi, a young woman, a strange alien and a droid rolled into Watto's shop needing repair parts for their ship. Having nothing but Republic credits, the outworlders were turned away disappointed. Anakin graciously led them to his home since a sandstorm was coming up. During dinner, Anakin revealed that he recognized the Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn, as a such and asked if he was there to free Anakin and his mother. It quickly became clear to Jinn that Anakin was force sensitive and they devised a plan to secure the parts that the outworlders needed. Unknown to Anakin, Qui-Gon also placed a bet for himself and his mother. While Watto would not agree to both the slaves, a roll of a chance cube and some manipulation with the force, Anakin became a wager in the podrace.

After winning the race and his freedom, Anakin traveled to Coruscant where, initial, the Jedi refused to train him or find him a master despite the strong evidence that he is the prophesied Chosen One. The discussion was tabled for later when Queen Amidala, who had fled her homeworld of Naboo to plea for assistance to the senate. The Trade Federation, a mega corporation that had somehow managed to blockade the planet without repercussions. The Senate is hesitant so, before they can pledge help and before the Council can decide what to do with Anakin, Amidala decides to return and retake her home. Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-wan Kenobi elect to go with her and take Anakin with them. After securing the aid of the Gungans, an indigenous people of Naboo, they make their attack and Anakin jumps into a fighter with a group of Naboo pilots. They attack the Federation control ship and, despite his young age, Anakin single-handedly manages to destroy it.

Though it was a victory, Qui-Gon was killed. Obi-wan is elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight and takes up Anakin's training. Over the next ten years, Anakin becomes more powerful and, because of that, become proud of his skill. Often, he questions his master, even in front of others, causing a tension between them.

Ten years after Naboo, Anakin and Obi-wan are assigned to protect Padme Amidala, former-Queen and Senator of Naboo. After several assassination attempts, Anakin is assigned as her body guard and Obi-wan is assigned to investigate, follow evidence to a previously forgotten world of Kamino while Anakin and Padme return to Naboo. While on Naboo, the two discover that they have strong feelings for one another but reject them. Suddenly, Anakin receives a vision that directs him to Tatooine where he searches for his mother. The search takes him to his in-laws and then to a Tusken Raider camp. There he finds his mother, who dies in his arms. Consumed by anger, he slaughters the whole settlement. After burying his mother and confessing his remorse and confusion to Padme, they receive a message from Obi-wan, who had found his way to the desert world of Geonosis and witness the Jedi Knight's capture. After relaying the message to the Council, Anakin and Padme disobey their orders and go to Geonosis where they manage to get themselves captured.

Just as they are about to be executed, the Jedi arrive and a battle ensues. It goes poorly for them as thousands of battle droids are deployed from the factories hidden beneath the surface of the world. They are nearly wiped out until Master Yoda suddenly arrives with an army of clones, mysteriously commissioned by a Jedi Master thought dead over a decade before. After a costly victory, Anakin and Padme are married in a secret ceremony.

The Clone Wars begin. During the war, Anakin becomes a Jedi Knight and General of the Grand Army of the Republic. He grows in fame and power with each victory and is even given a padawan, a young Togruta named Ahsoka Tano. A year and a half into the war, the Jedi Council suddenly calls him to Coruscant where a young man named Herron Organa has highly important information for them. Chancellor Palpatine, a close friend and mentor of Anakin's, is revealed to be the Dark Lord that they had been searching for Darth Sidious. Immediately, the Jedi, including Anakin, move against him but he escapes.

After the shock of finding that Palpatine is the Sith, Anakin is forced to realize that even he, the fabled Chosen One, can be deceived by the dark side. The humbling experience caused him to take a fresh look at himself and the Jedi as a whole and realize even more their limitations.

Codex Entry #3 - The Clone War

The beginning of the Clone War dates back to the time of the Battle of Naboo against the Trade Federation. Other than the battle itself, the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus recruits a famous bounty hunter Jango Fett to be the template for a clone army while using the name of a dead Jedi Master Syfo-Dyas to commission the Kaminoans to create army using the Fetts DNA.

During the next ten years, worlds, systems and sectors start threatening to leave the Galactic Republic and form a new government. Their reasons are mostly due to the corruption in the senate. It all comes to a head after numerous attempts on Senator Padme Amidala's life and the subsequent investigation leads to the Separatists. The War kicks off at the battle of Geonosis where the Clone army is first mobilized. After a victory there, the Jedi are made generals in the Grand Army of the Republic.

The war rages back and forth across the galaxy and worlds such as Christophsis, Toydaria, Rishi, Kamino, and many others. Just a year and half into the war, a Human male named Herron Organa appears unexpectedly in the Jedi Temple and gives the Jedi Council a great deal of important information. Of all of the information, the most important was that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Furthermore, Herron Organa revealed that Sidious was behind everything - the Separatists, the War, the Clone Army and even the dark side clouding everything so that the Jedi can't see him for who he is.

In a swift move, the Jedi struck, trying to end the threat of the Sith, but the Dark Lord escaped to parts unknown. Immediately, the Separatist Parliament was contacted with Herron Organa's information. They expel Count Dooku, who is the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, and the Senator from Onderon, Mina Bonteri, is made the Head of State of the Separatists and peace negotiations begin - just in time for the droid armies to suddenly begin summarily arresting all the leaders. Some of the Separatists leaders are arrested, some swear loyalty to the Sith and some manage to escape and are rescued.

The Sith take over Separatist space and Sidious and Dooku eliminate the Rule of Two and put their Dark Jedi Acolytes in charge of their armies.

Back in Republic Space, the Senate votes to end the production of clones and orders that each system and sector is partly responsible for its own defense.