Coruscant - the Imperial Palace

Lord Starkiller and Lady Jade sat to the right and left of their father in the throne room. Chairs and holo projectors had been set in a large, multi-tiered semi-circle. In those seats and from those holo-projector, every Grand Moff, Grand Admiral, Grand General and Warlord was present. Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard sat exuding her normal aura of authority and menace, her mis-matched eyes flicking around. She was a predator, searching for her pray. The Grand Inquisitor of the Imperial Inquisition, a Dark Jedi branch of Imperial Intelligence, sat as well, his icy eyes and black tattoos cutting a fierce figure. There were other important individuals such as the newly promoted Colonel Oniye Namada, the head of the Imperial Security Bureau, was present. She had been promoted after Colonel Yularen's death on the Death Star. It was quite the gathering.

Mara noticed that there was a holo-projector that was empty in the front row to her right. It was a curious thing. Before she could contemplate it, her father cleared his throat, putting the force behind the motion. The low murmur died and all eyes turned to the galactic Emperor. Mara looked at her father. His face was lined and his hair had grayed slightly but he still had a ruggedly handsome look. Standing, he clasped his hands behind his back. "Ladies and Gentlemen, by now I'm sure that everyone is aware of the disaster at Yavin. The Death Star was destroyed and Grand Moff Tarkin, Colonel Yularen, Admiral Motti and General Tagge have all perished in the battle against the Rebels."

Dead silence followed and Mara glanced over at her brother. Lord Starkiller nodded to her silent query. They could both sense the anger in most and the grief even in some. What caused them to glance at one another with annoyance was the smug satisfaction in several of them and the downright ambition in most. How ambition could coexist in the mind with righteous anger and grief, it took an Imperial bureaucrat to know.

Emperor Vader continued. "Considering the weakness discovered in our first battle station of that type, I have decided that we are completely cancelling the Death Star project."

That seemed to get one hundred percent of their attention. Three officers stood and bowed. One of them, the mutated three-eyed Supreme Slave Master Trioculus said, "With all due respect, my Emperor, that is, if I may be so bold, a hasty decision. The project is forty-three percent complete. What will we do with the raw materials, laborers, officers and men and the entire battle fleet set to guard the station?"

Emperor Vader nodded, "I've considered this very carefully and consulted with several individuals. The raw materials will be sent to various ship yards and the laborers will be carefully allocated to various places. After all, sending Wookiees to the spice mines would be a waste of labor forces. The fleet would be better spent enforcing Imperial law and engaging rebel forces. The station itself will be stripped of anything and everything and, once that's done, we'll find something for what's left."

The three individuals sat down and no one else seemed to have any objections. Indeed, the Emperor's son and daughter sensed general satisfaction from the military members of the gathering. They had never liked or supported the idea of a massive, world killing battle station. After all, what would their precious battle cruisers and star destroyers be for if a battle station could do that?

Galen snorted quietly. Apparently, he had picked up on her thoughts. A brush from his mind told Mara that her father was also quite amused by her them. He cleared his throat and continued, "I would like to introduce to everyone an individual who assisted in bringing us the Death Star project. Many of you might remember her and wonder what had happened to her after her ascension to being the first female admiral in the Imperial Navy."

With the flick of his hand, the thus far unused holo projector activated. A young woman wearing the bars of an admiral appeared. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome Admiral Natasi Daala of the Maw Irregular fleet and the woman in charge of defending the Weapons development division that was known to very few. In fact, it took my daughter's search into the late Grand Moff Tarkin's personal life to discover it. Admiral Daala, thank you for taking the time."

Admiral Daala stood and bowed. "Thank you, your majesty. I am distressed to hear about the destruction of the Death Star and the cancellation of the project. I hope that it does not mean the end of my command or the abandonment of any of its projects."

"By no means, Admiral;" smiled the Emperor. "I will be relocating your fleet to Coruscant and you and I will have a private conversation about which projects will continue and your future with the Empire. I think, Admiral, that it is a bright future indeed."

The Admiral bowed and the line was cut. "I have one more order of business. The first seven of our Star Dreadnoughts are coming off the lines."

A tension filled the room. The Star Dreadnoughts were massive ships of varying sizes. "We have four of the Executor-class, one Assertor-Class and two Vengeance-Class. Now, I have allocated them. One Executor Dreadnought, the Executor, will go to my son, Darth Starkiller as his flagship. The Lusankya will go to director Isard. The Iron Fist will go to Warlord Zsinj and last of the Executor Dreadnoughts to Admiral Sarn for his Project-Terror. For the Vengeance Dreadnoughts, one is going to the Inquisition as its mobile field headquarters. It has not been named so I'll leave that to you, Grand Inquisitor Yiaso."

The pale skinned, icy eyed Zabrak bowed his head and said, "Thank you, your majesty."

"The second Vengeance Dreadnought will go to Grand Admiral Nial Declann and the last, a smaller one but still quite large, the Assertor-Class will be given to Admiral Daala when she arrives as her headquarters when she is away from Coruscant."

There was a sour taste of jealousy and resentment. "Now, now, ladies and gentlemen;" chuckled the Emperor. "We are still constructing several more. They will be assigned to those who merit them. Now, I believe that is all I have. Continue your duties for the Empire."

The officers present departed and the holo projections flashed out of existence.

The Imperial family stood. "Lord Starkiller," said the Emperor, "Take your new flagship when it is outfitted and crewed and take it to the Yavin system. The loss of the Death Star cannot be an excuse to give the Rebels a reprieve."

"Of course, Father."

Lord Starkiller strode from the room, his force era filled with righteous anger and supreme confidence in his mission. Mara turned to her father and bowed. "Oh stand, my child;" chuckled the Emperor, lifting her to her feet with a fond smile. "You and I are alone so there is no more need for such formality."

Mara smiled and her emotions flooded, emotions that had been repressed since Yavin. She sighed and hugged her father. "I know it's been a rough weak, my Dear;" murmured the Emperor and he kissed the top of her head. After a long moment, Mara stepped back and cleared her throat. "So, what is my next assignment?"

The Emperor gave a grin. "About that. I have something I would like you to look at. Come with me, my Dear."

They headed to her father's more private office. With a flick of his hand, a series of nine personnel profiles showed up in holographic form. Mara examined them and found, to her surprise, that they were each force sensitive with unique skills. "They seem very impressive. I think that, perhaps, a force sensitive team with a strong leader would make them a force for good in the Empire."

The Emperor's smile broadened. "Do you really think so? I had the same thoughts."

He gazed at Mara pointedly for several long moments before she turned to face him again. With a frown, she was about to ask why her father was looking at her that way when it dawned on her. "Me?"

"Of course, you!" laughed the Emperor. "They are talented and, considering your coming mission, I think an elite team under the Emperor's Hand would be a great asset. Besides, your brother has a fleet and a brand new Star Dreadnought to play with. It is only fair I at least offer my daughter a team of elite agents and a Raider-Class Corvette."

Mara frowned. "A what?"

"It's a corvette made for elite teams. There are two prototypes - one for you and your team, should you decide to accept it, and one for an elite squad being put together by Admiral Versio. It can hold four fighters and acts as a mobile headquarters. It's fairly well armed too. So..."

Mara felt an excited smile crossing her face. "It would be an honor, Father! What is our mission?"

The Emperor, pleased with her acceptance, through an arm over her shoulder and directed her out of his office. "You will be sent to specifically prevent military defection and to hunt down corporations and organizations who are supplying the Rebel Alliance. An army marches on its stomach and can't fight without blasters and power cells so you will starve them and disrupt their supplies at the very sources."

Mara smiled broadly. "Excellent! Thank you, father. I will not fail you."

"I know that you won't my child but remember what Grand Admiral Thrawn is fond of saying. 'Anyone can make an error. But the error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.'"

Mara smiled. Her father had stationed her under Thrawn while he battled the rebels so that she could learn from him. In point of fact, Mara admired Thrawn for his tactical brilliance. "Of course, father. When do I leave?"

"As soon as your team is gathered and your ship is here."

Mara was eager to begin. "In the mean time;" he said, "I have an hour after my mid-day meeting. Perhaps we could spend some time in the simulators."

"Of course! That would be wonderful."

The Emperor smiled and kissed her forehead one more time. "Happy eighteenth birthday, Mara."

His daughter smiled and kissed his cheek before heading to her quarters.

Yavin IV - the Rebel Base

Luke, Han and Chewbacca strode between the rows and rows of rebel pilots, soldiers, technicians and honor guards towards the front of the room. Princess Leia Organa, General Jan Dodonna and General Rahm Kota stood at the front of the room with other members of Alliance Command. Luke was nervous but Han was swaggering like he owned the hall. When they reached the front of the hall, Leia placed a medal around Luke's and Han's necks. Luke was grinning ear to ear and Han, ever smug, was just smirking as they turned and faced the gathered members of the Alliance. They broke into applause. General Dodonna and Leia said some very suitable words and Rahm Kota, since he was most likely to make the shortest speech, finished up. After that, of course, was a massive celebration.

Luke was back slapped by everyone he passed. For the first time in his life, he drank Corellian whiskey and found that, after the ninth or tenth sip, the stuff wasn't half bad. Wedge Antilles and several members who couldn't take part in the battle do to severe illness, were around him and laughing with him. Luke made more friends that night than he had ever had. After several drinks, some good food and even a little dancing, Luke found that he needed to get some air. The hanger doors were open so he slipped out and looked over the forests of Yavin IV. A quiet sob caught his attention and he frowned, following it. To his surprise, he found Leia, still in her formal white dress, weeping inconsolably. "Leia, what's wrong?"

She turned to him and smiled, trying to wipe her eyes. "I didn't want to bring the mood down but I couldn't hold it in anymore."

It hit Luke like a ton of bricks. Leia had lost her family, the vast majority of her friends and her home when Alderaan was destroyed. He didn't know what to say other than, "I'm so sorry, Leia."

She nodded, "Yeah, I know. A lot of people are sorry and Alderaan has received a good portion of the justice due to it but even so..." and she broke down again. Luke put his drink down and sat beside her, tentatively putting an arm around her. Leia leaned into him, burying her face in his shirt, sobbing brokenly. For quite awhile, they both sat there. Eventually, Leia looked up and said, "You lost quite a lot too, Luke. How are you doing?"

Luke sighed, "I don't know. It hasn't really hit me yet, I guess."

"Well when it does, you can come find me;" said Leia, holding his hand. Luke smiled. "Thanks, Leia."

"Of course. Now come on. I got my cry out for the night and there's a party going. You, sir, are depriving the masses of their hero on my account. Let's go."

Luke chuckled as they hustled back in. Han was leaning against a crate of something or another with a trio of young and very attractive women. As soon as Luke walked in, Han found himself alone. The young women flocked to Luke, hugging him and asking for him to dance with them. Leia gave him a shove with a laugh and went over to stand with Han. "Hello, Captain Solo. Are you enjoying your night?"

Han chuckled ruefully. "Yeah, I am. I guess I shouldn't resent the kid too much. Damn, that was one hell of a shot!"

He shook his head and chuckled to himself. Leia smiled and said, "You saved him and made sure he could take it. You are every bit the hero that he is."

Han chuckled and said, "Yeah well, the Alliance has a new poster boy. I sure hope this is what Luke wants."

Leia frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Look, I know Luke wants to fight the Empire but he is quickly going to be put under a whole lot of pressure. But he's, what, nineteen at the oldest? He's still just a kid."

Leia nodded. "I understand and don't worry. I am personally going to see to it that he doesn't get used and abused, rest assured, Captain. So will General Kota."

"That's right, I will;" came a growl from behind her, making her start. "Luke and several others in the Alliance have the potential to be Jedi. I want to start their training but at the same time, they need to be active parts of this Alliance. We're looking at having Luke and Wedge Antilles put another squadron together. I also want to have him, and any of his pilots who choose, to train with Paige and his commandos as well. He'll be busy but I'm going to make absolutely sure that he isn't misused. Now, let me ask you something, Captain Solo, what are you going to do from here?"

Han looked uncomfortable. "Not sure, Sir. Before I make any real decision, I need to pay off a substantial debt to Jabba the Hutt."

Kota pulled a face but then smiled. Surprising both Leia and Han, he threw an arm around the smuggler's shoulders. "Come with me, Captain. I have a few ideas on how you can get that taken care of and assist us at the same time. Interested?"

Han threw a look towards Leia, who was mingling with the Alliance personnel. Looking at the elderly general, Han shrugged, "You know what, I think I might be interested. Let's hear what you have to say?"

The general smiled broadly. "That's great, Captain. Now, tell me what you think of this-"

Updated 12.12.2017