I do not own Star Wars, the Old Republic or any of the characters involved in this story. I just hope to add to the brilliance created by others. Please review and criticize. I'm still pretty new at this.

BTW: There may (or may not be) some more mature content later.

Malavai Quinn was running diagnostics on the ship the same way he had a dozen times before on a dozen worlds. It had become a task of the subconscious and it gave his mind the opportunity to contemplate.

It was over. Darth Baras was dead and the Sith Lord known as Gira Kessar had been named the Wrath of the Empire and given a seat on the Dark Council. It was a great day to be part of her crew – unless you were Malavai Quinn, her husband. He leaned back in the pilot seat and looked up at the bulkhead. Gira Kessar had met Quinn on Balmorra where he was stuck because of a dead-beat Moff who had since been killed – by Quinn, thanks to Lord Kessar. Since Quinn had signed on to the crew, Lord Kessar had made obvious advances on him and it had taken quite some time for her to break through the rigid military exterior and he had resisted valiantly. However, Quinn could not resist the inevitable. They had begun to sleep together and Quinn had even fallen in love with her. They had gotten married and everything was going so well. Their mission had grown closer to fruition when Quinn had received a transmission from Darth Baras commanding that Quinn kill Lord Kessar - and the Imperial Captain's world was shattered. He had immediately left the ship and gone to the single cantina on the space station in the midst of the Imperial Fleet. There he had drunk himself nearly into oblivion. The young twi'lek woman who had traveled with Lord Kessar since the beginning, Vette her name was, found him nearly incoherent. Since it was so out of character for him, she had half carried and half dragged him back to the ship, seriously worried about his health. Shortly after receiving the order from Darth Baras, the ship had arrived at Correllia and Quinn had used a clever ruse to get Lord Kessar alone and ambushed her with a pair of high tech, exquisitely programmed assault droids. The whole scheme was perfect - and it failed utterly. Lord Kessar had demolished the droids and, in a fit of rage, given Quinn a concussion, six broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder before allowing him to live and come back aboard the ship in her service. Quinn still remembered his hollow words, "I'll understand if things are going to be different for a while."

"DIFFERENT?" she had rounded on him, nothing left on her face but pain, anger and incredulity. "DIFFERENT! Quinn you betrayed me! You, my husband whom I love more than anything else in this universe, turned on me for a fat bastard who is trying to betray the Emperor, the Dark Council and the Empire itself."

She had put both gloved hands over her face and whispered, grief weighing down her voice. "I don't know if we can ever be the same again."

That memory was burned into his skull. Now they were back on Dromund Kaas, capital world of the Sith Empire and they were going to celebrate. Malavai Quinn was miserable. The ships intercom went off and the melodious voice of Lord Kessar rang out. "All crew members meet in the coms room for new orders."

With a sigh, Quinn stood, checked over his crisp gray Imperial Officer's uniforms for any deficiencies and then strode to the comms room. In the room were the crew of the ship. Vette, the young twi'lek woman who had been freed by Lord Kessar, was leaning against the wall where she normally did. Lieutenant Pierce, the Black Ops grunt who would rather shoot something than discuss anything, sat on the bench, running his dark eyes over his blaster rifle. Broonmark, a talz warrior who lusted for battle – always – was pacing restlessly. Jaesa Willsaam, the Sith apprentice who used her unique ability to read force user's true natures and her passions to kill them, slouched seductively against the wall, glaring at Quinn. She had never quite forgiven him for his indiscretion over Correllia. Quinn stood next to the holocomm's projector and waited. It was only a few moments before Lord Kessar entered - very uncomfortable moments during which Quinn swore that Jaesa was using the force to nudge his throat. Lord Kessar was a pureblood Sith with deep red skin. She was of medium height and drop-dead gorgeous. The armored suit hugged every inch of her from her curved hips, all the way down to her boots. Above her waste she wore a chest plate from which hung a cloak. With the grace of a dancer, she glided to the center of the room. "I am ordering some R and R for everyone for the next two weeks. Don't go too far in case something pressing arises but by all means, enjoy yourselves. Dismissed."

Pierce gave a whoop and all but ran to the crew quarters. Jaesa Willsaam headed straight for the boarding ramp in a blurr of force powered motion. Broonmark was right behind her and Vette followed Pierce to the crews quarters. Quinn turned and headed back towards the cockpit to go over the systems one more time. Lord Kessar watched Captain Quinn leave before heading back to her own quarters.

Gira Kessar stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her emotions were in utter turmoil. She still loved Malavai Quinn but she didn't trust him anymore. It had been some time now since Correllia and he had proven his devotion. Only one thing troubled her now. What if, in the midst of a crisis, Quinn decided that the Empire would be better off with her dead again? Would he turn on her again? Turning away from her reflection, Lord Kessar unbuckled her armor and cloak and stripped off the jumpsuit beneath. Knowing that the ship's droid, 2V-R8 would be by to set everything straight, she left it on the floor. Gliding over to her wardrobe, she opened it and began to flip through. For the most part it contained more suits of armor for different situations but there were a few other outfits inside. Several dresses, trousers, skirts, blouses, a couple of athletic workout outfits and even a very revealing dancer's getup she had warn for Quinn were also in there. Picking through, she took out a long black dress with slits in the sides to reveal her shapely legs and a low cut front. She also wore high-heeled black boots and took her black hair out of the utilitarian pony tail. Knowing a little about the ins and outs of dressing ones hair, she brushed it and straightened and curled it slightly. Looking in the mirror again, Gira nodded in satisfaction. She looked irresistible. Giving herself her most alluring and winning smile, she strode out the door, leaving one of her twin lightsabers behind. Pierce and Vette were gone as were Broonmark and Jaesa. 2V was wobbling about, making sure everything was at peak efficiency. Lord Kessar was about to leave when she heard footsteps in the corridors coming from the cockpit and going towards the crews quarters. Reaching out with the force, Gira felt her heart skip a beat as she sensed her husband. Almost angry that he hadn't left like the others, Lord Kessar, stormed towards the direction of his footsteps. He had just opened the hatch to the crew quarters. "Captain Quinn." She called. He turned and snapped to attention before bowing. "How can I serve you, my Lord?"

She strode up to him, looking in his blue eyes. Even though her emotions were in utter turmoil, she managed to keep a completely level voice as she said, "I ordered R and R for the entire crew. That includes you, Captain Quinn. Why are you still aboard this ship?"

Quinn kept his eyes front, above her head, and replied levelly, "I'm beginning mine now, my Lord. There were just a couple of systems that I had to check."

Silence followed before Lord Kessar huffed and said, "If the captain of this vessel will not take time to himself then neither will the crew. Moral will drop and efficiency will go with it. Am I clear, Captain?"

"Of course, my Lord. I am just about go catch up on my reading." Answered the captain. Lord Kessar glared, daring him and begging him to look at her. As always, he remained completely professional, just as he had before their relationship had begun and after it had ended. Unable to bare it any longer, she turned away and left the ship. Quinn went into his quarters, changed into an imperial issued officer's leisure uniform and began to tend to his service uniform. He then polished his blasters and inventoried his medical supplies. When all that was done, he rolled onto his bunk and tried to sleep. Sleep never came.

Lord Kessar strode into the cantina in Kaas city. As soon as she entered, all eyes turned to her. Vette was surrounded by a half dozen males of different species, all offering her drinks and trying their luck to win a night with her. Pierce was in a civilian jacket, shirt and trousers but still in his military boots. He tipped a glass at her, a lustful light in his eyes. She didn't think he recognized her and that pleased her. Flashing him a winning smile, she walked up to the bar, her hips swinging. It felt good to look good and have so much attention on her that wasn't trying to kill her. The bar tender, a chiss she knew named Marn from her times in the capital city, winked at her and said, "Well, well my Lord – you look ravishing. What are you drinking tonight? It's on the house."

She smiled and pointed out a very, very strong liquor. It was poured and she downed it. The fire felt good in her system. The bartender poured her another one, murmuring, "On the house," as he did. This one she sipped delicately as she surveyed the room. There was dancing going on down in a lowered section. Vette was down there, dancing and surrounded by eager males. Kessar laughed and contemplated joining when a twi'lek waitress in a dancer's outfit whispered in Marn's ear. The chiss male's eyes widened. Reaching into a cabinet, he pulled out an extremely expensive bottle and poured a triple shot of it. "Here you go, my Lord - ordered by the big fellow over there in the corner – the one wearing a gundark leather jacket and the combat boots."

Kessar knew who it was. Pierce still didn't recognize her. She laughed and took the drink. "He asked if you would go over and drink with him, my Lord." Said the twi'lek waitress. Lord Kessar shrugged and got up. Tossing her hair, she strode over to the corner, making her movements as sensual as she could. The look on Pierce's face was utterly priceless as she slid into the seat across from him and crossed her long legs, a sultry smile on her beautiful red face. "M-my Lord! I – I apologize for my impudence. I thought… I mean I hadn't imagined that…"

She laughed again and allowed her foot to rub against his bulging calf. "Relax, Lieutenant. This is a good drink. Thank you for getting it for me."

Still not completely at ease and utterly surprised at the feeling of her foot rubbing against his leg seductively, Pierce could only manage, "My pleasure, my Lord."

After a moment, Kessar sighed and leaned forward, giving Pierce an amazing view down the front of her dress. Cooing slightly, she whispered, "I said relax, Lieutenant Pierce. We are here to have fun."

Pierce finally relaxed and leaned forward, brazenly enjoying the view. Downing what was left in her glass, Lord Kessar leaned back, obscuring his view of her breasts and smiling tauntingly. "I think I am going to dance."

Pierce's eyes widened as she stood and extended a hand. "I am not much of a dancer, my lord. I am afraid I would step on your feet."

She smiled again, her hand still extended. "Well then at least come and watch. I promise you won't be bored."

She winked at him lazily, a plan developing in her mind - a plan to hurt her husband. The alcohol had dulled her emotional turmoil and left little but resentment.

Pierce downed the rest of his drink and followed her over to the dancing section. Pierce sat at a table overlooking the dancers while Lord Kessar walked into the midst of them, beginning to sway to the beat of the music. Vette saw her and began to dance her way over to her. Kessar whispered something in the young twi'lek's ear and they both laughed. Soon they were both swaying and twisting to the music, their bodies moving hypnotically. Most of the females soon sat down, glaring angrily at them as their former partners surrounded and tried to dance with the two mesmerizing women. It wasn't long before fights began to break out and the two women eased their way to the sidelines, the young twi'lek being guided by the older woman. They both sat down, laughing at the brawl that had broken out. "That was so much fun." Laughed Lord Kessar. "But I think I'm done for the night. I'm heading back to the ship."

Pierce stood and said, "I'll walk you back, my Lord – not that you need it. You coming kid?"

Vette psshed. "The night is still young and so am I. I'll see the two of you later."

Kessar strode out into the night and took a deep breath of the air. The big man beside her pulled a box out of his jacket and from it he pulled a nicotine stick. Hiding her disgust, she strode up and took it just as he lit it. "You can smoke that now – or you can come with me back to the ship and we can… get better acquainted."

Pierce looked at the glowing smoke in her hand and then at her barely illuminated smile of invitation. With a polite motion towards the airspeeders and an expectant grin, Pierce said, "After you, my Lord"

Quinn couldn't sleep so he did exactly what he told Lord Kessar that he would. He began to read all the manuals and instructional books on his personal datapad. He enjoyed the quiet. Suddenly, the door to the boarding ramp hissed open and laughter filled the ship. "Easy, my Lord. Clearly, alcohol hits you more slowly than the rest of us. It wouldn't do for you to hurt yourself."

An almost girlish giggle followed and Quinn's heart skipped a beat. "You're only saying that because if I hurt myself, you would lose this opportunity, Lieutenant."

The sound of kissing and low moans followed before Lord Kessar said, "Wait, not the crew quarters. Quinn is still in there, probably 'catching up on his reading.'"

The scorn in her voice was lost on Quinn as he realized what was going on. His heart began to burn and ache at the same time. Quickly, as he heard the door to Lord Kessar's quarters slide shut, he dressed himself in the single set of civilian clothes that he had and left the ship as quickly as he could, moving blindly in the general direction of the cantina.

Inside the cantina, it had slowed considerably. Quinn went to the bar and ordered the most expensive stuff they had. After downing a half a dozen drinks, he slowed down, pondering everything that had happened. The only conclusion he ever came to was a simple truth. Everything that had happened to him and his Lord, everything that had gone wrong between them was singularly his fault. Slamming his fist on the counter, he growled, "Give me another."

As he sipped his drink, he looked over at the dancing area. Vette was still there, still surrounded by males but she looked like she was having trouble. They were all drunk and were prodding and pinching her. She couldn't get out because every time she tried to leave, they barred her path. Quinn downed his drink and strode down to the dancing pit, throwing people to the side before he grabbed the shoulder of one young human who was trying to grope Vette. "I think, gentlemen, that the young lady has had her fill of your company. Please let her be and go on with your night."

The human wore the robes of an acolyte and his eyes were yellow. "How dare you touch an apprentice of one of the Dark Council, Captain. This slave was simply entertaining us."

"She isn't a slave, acolyte. She is the ally of Lord Kessar. You would do well to leave her be." Said Quinn. The acolyte shoved Quinn back and drew his lightsaber. "I don't care who she serves, or you. You have made your last mistake."

Quinn realized that this would be the end of all his problems. His death would end all his pain. The blade rose but a cool, feminine voice said, "Put your blade down, acolyte."

All turned to see a tall woman in Sith robes. At her hip was a double bladed lightsaber. She was quite beautiful. "This man and this young woman truly do serve Lord Kessar, Wrath of the Empire. If you hurt them, you will invite that wrath on your heads."

Everyone backed up and the acolyte deactivated his lightsaber. Quinn looked toward Vette, "Are you alright, Vette?"

She nodded. "Man do men know how to kill a buzz. I'm heading back to the ship for the night. Comin' Cap?"

He chuckled and shook his head. On an impulse, he handed her a hold-out blaster and said, "Just in case they didn't get the idea." She thanked him and headed out. Turning to the Sith Lord in front of him, Quinn bowed. "Thank you, my lord. Darth Nox, isn't it?"

Darth Nox nodded her head. "It is indeed. You must be Malavai Quinn. You have quite the reputation, Captain. I suggest you take care when you leave tonight. I doubt that that acolyte is going to forget this."

With an incline of the head, she strode towards one of the back rooms. Quinn went back to the bar and, being rather tired of ships rations, ordered a small meal. The food was good. When he had finished, he sat sipping on an ale. Slowly, the place calmed down. The chiss bar tender looked apologetic and said, "I'm sorry sir but we're closing up."

Quinn paid him without a word and headed out into the night. He hadn't made it a block before a cold voice said, "Hello again, Captain."

Whirling around, slightly inebriated, Quinn saw the acolyte he had stopped from assaulting Vette. Behind him were five men, off duty soldiers by the look of them. Quinn didn't say a word. He just looked at them. The acolyte examined a gloved hand as he said, "I can't kill you. If I did, I would be dead. Only a fool would break the Wrath's favorite play thing. However, a beating wouldn't go amiss. Teach this fool some respect, men."

They moved in and surrounded Quinn but before any of them could lay a hand on him, he attacked. With a hard right, he dropped one in his tracks and kicked another as the man tried to lay hands on him. The fight became rough and dirty then. Quinn punched and kicked and head-butted anyone who came too close. It wasn't long before Quinn stood alone facing the Sith acolyte, sporting numerous cracked ribs and a dislocated jaw which he immediately snapped back into place with a low groan. The acolyte clapped mockingly. "Very good, Captain. You surprised me. I thought you more of a paper pusher than an actual warrior."

"Oh I'm just full of surprises." Quinn growled. The acolyte stretched out his hands Quinn flew back against the wall of a nearby building. The already cracked ribs broke and he could hardly breathe. As he was pinned there, Quinn spat towards the acolyte. The young Sith began using bolts of force lightning, shocking the captain over and over again, laughing all the while. "You won't die, Captain. You will just wish that you were dead."

Lord Kessar lay on her bed. Lieutenant Pierce had left about an hour before to go smoke his nicotine stick. He had been more fun than she had thought he would have been, employing years of experience in the time they had spent together and fulfilling her quite skillfully. Part of her wondered why she hadn't made him such an offer before. Despite all this, the pain had returned. She still couldn't keep Quinn out of her mind. Throwing on a tank top, a loose pair of cotton trousers and a light cloak, she headed towards the crew quarters. Inside was Vette, reading her datapad in her bunk and Broonmark snoring softly. Quinn was gone. "Is everything okay, Gira?"

Kessar smiled at her younger friend and said, "I think so. Just checking around."

She went to the cargo compartment, the comms room, the conference room and the cockpit but Quinn was nowhere to be found. She wasn't really worried. Quinn was a man who could easily take care of himself. She returned to the lounge and sat cross-legged on the couch. Just as she settled into a meditative state, the boarding ramp hissed opened and angry voices came in. "Damnit, Pierce! Get the hell off of me. I can walk without anyone else's help, least of all yours."

"I don't care what you say, Captain. I'm not going to let you keel over. What would Lord Kessar think if her husband died and I could have helped?"

"I doubt you give a damn, Lieutenant now let me go!" shouted Quinn, his voice obviously wheezy. This was followed by a groan and fit of coughing. "That's it, Captain. I'm taking you to the medbay."

"No! I can make it with the help of the droid. 2V, get over here and help me. Don't touch me, Pierce. I swear, I'll break your hand if you try to again."

Coming around the corner, Kessar saw her husband in a bloody and burned heap on the ground. His left arm was curled up against his chest, his breathing was utterly ragged and long burns covered him. "Pierce, get him to a kolto tank. NOW!"

She said. Pierce bent but leapt back as a vibro knife flashed. "Don't you touch me." Quinn growled as he stood slowly to his feet and began to limp pathetically towards the medbay. 2V was soon there and helped the injured man onto a sick bed. "Put him in the tank, 2V" said Kessar anxiously. "I'm sorry, my Lord but there are several injections and that he will need. Plus, if my scan is correct, he has broken ribs that will need to be secured or else they may puncture his lung."

Kessar covered her mouth in horror. "Oh Malavai! What in the stars happened to you?" she whispered. Quinn grabbed a kolto syringe and began injecting into several different areas, hissing every time the needle punctured his skin. He never even looked at her. Looking towards the droid, Kessar said, "Take care of him, 2V. Alert me if anything changes for the worst. Quinn, you will report to my quarters when you are cleared."

Returning to her room, Kessar fell to her knees and shuttered rapidly. She had nearly gotten her husband, whom she still loved dearly despite his treachery, killed after driving him out onto a binge by making love to a man he absolutely despised. Tears rolled down her red cheeks and she sobbed. She had to find out what had happened and why.

Updated May 22, 2016