Luke's eyes fluttered open and, for the barest of moments, he wondered if they had. Where was he? He felt the cold durasteel of a bulkhead at his back and deck plating beneath him. He also felt a warm, breathing body in his arms. Salene. Luke smiled and buried his face in her hair with a sigh – red-hold hair. Luke came to full awareness with a shock! Salene was NOT a redhead. Reality hit Luke Skywalker full in the face and he had to check himself before flinging Mara Jade away from him like a rag doll. Instead, he set her to the side and backed away quickly, as if he had been holding a sleeping sand panther. Mara rubbed her face and considered him with swollen, bleary eyes. They stared at one another for several long moments. In a very raw, husky voice, Jade murmured, "We didn't..?"
Luke's eyes widened and then narrowed. "Would be kinda hard considering the amount of clothing we're wearing. I take it you don't remember anything?"
Jade dialed back her memory and it all came to her. She still felt the effects of the emotional overload that was still raging through her, albeit more slowly and less violently. Not only that but her hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, feet, legs and knees felt like she had be pounding a weighted bag with all her strength. Looking at the condition Skywalker was in, she might as well have been. "I remember. So what now, Skywalker?"
Luke shrugged and winced. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't really care what you do so long as you stay out of my way."
Jade nodded. Slowly, they both pulled themselves to their feet and Luke gasped and coughed. Jade limped towards him. "Do you have a bacta tank on this crate?"
Luke hesitated but allowed her to help him towards the small medbay in the rear of the ship. "I don't need bacta. I'll just go into a healing trance for a few hours."
Mara chuckled humorlessly. "Any chance I can use that bacta tank then? I did almost as much damage to myself as I did to you, Skywalker. What are you made of anyway – durasteel?"
Luke didn't laugh or even smile. He sighed and winced again. "Let me help you in the tank and then I'll put myself in a healing trance."
Coruscant – The Former Imperial Palace
Leia Organa rubbed her temples in pain. This had turned into the second worst week of her entire life. First, her sister in law had been killed in an assassination attempt on her rogue Jedi brother and now she's in the midst of a love triangle involving Han Solo and Prince Isolder of Hapes. Could this week get any worse? Yes… yes and it would too. Salene Dumare-Skywalker's funeral would be as soon as Luke got back and she would have to just at that to the list. Leia sighed and snuggled onto the sofa of her quarters. Normally Han would be here to comfort her but the whole thing the Hapens had strained their relationship and neither of them was really talking at the moment. Leia began to blink her eyes rapidly. Oh how she missed him. Her comlink pinged and she wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "This is Leia."
"Hey, Princess. You doing okay?"
Leia smiled, happy that Han had called. "I'm doing okay, Han. I wish you were here though."
A tired chuckle came from the other end. "Yeah, I know, Sweetheart. The members of the Council ordered me to give you some space to think. The only reason I did listen to them was because they threatened to station you somewhere on the borders of Wild Space if I didn't."
Han tried to maintain a light air but Leia could hear the cold anger in his voice. "Did they now? I'll have to bring that up to Cracken, Reickan, Madine and Ackbar next meeting."
Leia sighed, "Please don't, Han. It's their job to think about the New Republic and what's best for it. To them, Hapan wealth is far more important than my happiness."
"So you don't think you'd be happy with his gorgeousness?"
Leia shook her head. "I don't know, Han. I don't know. This is so much harder than it should be – choosing between what the New Republic wants and what I want, what they think is right and what I think is right. Damn it, I don't even know what I think is right?"
"Sshh, sshh. Hey, it'll be okay. I'm sure we can think of something."
Leia sat up and said, "No, Han! No wild eyed schemes! If we do the wrong thing, we will make ourselves another enemy and we cannot fight both the Empire and the Hapes Consortium."
Han sounded a little defensive. "I wasn't talking about wild eyed schemes, I was talking about a way to solve this so that everyone wound up happy with the result."
Tears sprung into Leia's eyes and she said, "I'm not sure that there are any this time, Han."
"Well if there is then I'll find it and if not…"
Leia stiffened again. "If not?"
A tired and very unhappy sigh came from the other end. "Then the choice is up to you, Sweetheart."
Dantooine – Aboard the Rogue Shadow
Mara Jade watched as Skywalker lay in his healing trance. It looked like nothing more than a very deep sleep but Jade had studied up on the Jedi healing trance. She knew for a fact that she could pound away at him and it wouldn't wake him. Her assassin's training told her that it would be the simplest thing in the universe to take anything and kill the man whom she had wanted dead for so long. Now, after the events of the day, she didn't want to kill him. No, instead, she wanted to learn from him. She wanted to see how he coped with the loss and what he would do afterward. Jade had watched as the numerous bruises, cuts and other injuries she had inflicted quickly faded away. It was quite remarkable. Sighing, she stood and headed to the galley. There, she threw food together from the dehydrants in the cargo hold and made instant caff as well. As if on cue, the rogue Jedi stirred and sat up, yawning. Jade walked in with the cups and the plates. "I hope you don't mind;" she murmured. Luke managed to smile and said, "Not at all. Thank you."
They ate in silence and Luke gathered the two plates. For another several minutes, they sat in silence. Finally, Luke looked at her very keenly. "What are going to do now, Jade? I need to return to Coruscant for my wife's funeral."
Jade shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know."
Luke nodded and drank the last of his caff. When she was finished, Luke took Jade's cup and then walked her down the ramp. "Do you need anything?"
Jade looked at him with a start. "What?"
Luke's face was a little stiff but he asked again. "Do you need anything?"
Jade shook her head, somewhat surprised at him. This man was her enemy and she had killed his wife and tried to kill him numerous times. They stood uncomfortably for several minutes before Luke awkwardly proffered a hand. Jade stared for a moment before taking it. Luke turned back towards the ramp of his ship. Compelled by something even she couldn't identify. "Skywalker, wait."
He turned, his face still stiff but quizzical. Jade wrung her hands before saying. "I just wanted to say thank you and that I'm sorry."
Luke's eyes flashed but he kept his temper in check. "Thank you? For what?"
Jade laughed mirthlessly. "For sparing me almost a dozen times, for feeding me and letting me heal. For taking me off the second Death Star when you could have just left me to die. Just… thank you."
Luke nodded his head and turned away. Suddenly, both their danger senses tingled and Jade's Cloak Shape Starfighter exploded in a hale of fire and shrapnel. Luke tackled her to the ground and through up a force barrier to protect them. When the wreckage and dust had settled, they both looked up to see a Imperial Lambda shuttle touch down right on top of where Jade's ship had been. They both leaped to their feet as four figures strode down the ramp. The Imperials weren't wearing uniforms or robes or anything that showed that they were Dark Jedi. They wore the clothes of swoop gang - leather and spikes and at each of their hips was a lightsaber. One of them extended his hand and Jade's lightsaber flew from her belt. With a smooth motion, the Dark Jedi cut the cylinder in two. Jade felt her stomach drop. All she had now was her blaster in her sleeve holster. Then Skywalker was next to her, his green bladed weapon in one hand and an unlit lightsaber in his other hand. "Take this. You can give it back later."
Jade just looked stupidly at him for a moment but then took the weapon. It was masterfully made and when she activated it, a brilliant blue blade came forth. "We aren't here for you, Skywalker - not this time at any rate. Let us have Jade and you can go unmolested."
Luke found himself tempted for a moment. Jade had been his enemy but now - now he wasn't sure what she was. Luke knew what Kenobi and Galen would say. "Trust your feelings."
His feelings were telling him to stand by her. He was about to open his mouth and warn them off but frowned. Luke recognized one of them - a young man with platinum blond hair. "Kam Solusar, son of Ranik Solusar."
Jade looked at him for a brief moment with a frown. The tall, platinum haired man frowned as well. "What do you want, Jedi?"
Skywalker chuckled mirthlessly. "I'm no Jedi, Solusar. I was though, just as you were. I can still sense the pull towards the light in you."
One of the other dark siders laughed. "The light - everything that embodies weakness is in the light side of the force."
Skywalker smiled again. "Tell that to Galen Marek, the man who ripped Star Destroyers from the sky."
"ENOUGH!" snapped another of the Dark Jedi. "Either give of Jade or die with her."
Luke shrugged and raised his weapon. The Dark Jedi looked nervous. None of them seemed keen on engaging one of the men who killed the Emperor. Summoning their courage and power, all for of them rushed forward as one. Luke leaped into their midst, engaging three of them at once. Jade rushed Solusar, attacking with the athletic grace of a sand panther. Immediately, she realized two things: First, that her constant duels with Skywalker had sharpened her skills drastically. Second, it still wasn't enough. Solusar was cleary a gifted swordsman and Jade chose to stay defensive, hoping she could keep Solusar away from an already thrice assailed Skywalker. "You could be so much more powerful, Mara Jade. Give in to the dark side and we can help you realize the potential that the Emperor wasted."
Jade nearly laughed. "The Emperor was a lying sack of excrement who slaughtered billions needlessly. You know, Skywalker was right. I could sense your emotions flinch when I mentioned the murdered billions. There is still good in you."
Solusar sneered angrily. "Since when should we care about the death of the weak? Since when did YOU care, Emperor's Hand?"
"Skywalker opened my eyes. The Emperor had manipulated my mind, making me less than human. Skywalker tore down the barriers and made me see clearly for the first time."
Solusar faltered. Jade could see the gears turning and decided to push just a little further. "If you think the dark side so powerful, how is Skywalker not only holding his own, but beating three of your precious Dark Jedi? Watch. Just watch how this plays out."
Luke seemed to be everywhere at once, blocking, riposting, slashing, thrusting, dodging and spinning. It was only moments into the fight that the Dark Jedi realized that they were outmatched. Skywalker was not only incredibly powerful but one of the most skilled lightsaber duelists they had ever seen. Vill Goir, the Dark Jedi Knight in charge of the mission, doubted that they could beat him. When the first of his followers fell with a cry of pain, a deep gash across his chest, he realized that none of them would even survive. This thought was confirmed when his second follower fell as well. Skywalker turned to face him. "I am giving a chance to escape in your shuttle. Go, now."
Goir's jaw went slack. "You're showing me mercy? Why"
Skywalker lowered his lightsaber and deactivated. "It is not the way of the light to slaughter an enemy without the chance of mercy. Perhaps you'll learn a much needed lesson. Perhaps you'll understand that the dark side is not so powerful as you seem to think."
He turned towards Jade and Solusar, his back to Goir. The Dark Jedi seized the opportunity but, to the surprise of all present, Kam Solusar called, "Skywalker, behind you!"
In a single, smooth motion, Luke ignited and whipped his lightsaber around, cleaving through arms and neck. Both the limbs and the head of Vill Goir dropped to the ground. Skywalker and Jade turned to Solusar and the Dark Jedi dropped his weapon. "I cannot defeat you, Skywalker."
Skywalker nodded and clipped his weapon to his belt. "I can give you the same choice I gave Goir. You can take your shuttle and go - or you can follow in the footsteps of your father, the great Jedi Master Ranik Solusar. If you wish, go to Coruscant and seek out my sister, Leia Organa. She can train you in the ways of the light."
Solusar was silent for a long moment. Luke strode up and put a hand on his shoulder. "It is not an easy choice. I leave you to make it as you will."
Luke gave a kind squeeze and then turned to return to his ship. Jade looked between them before turning to Solusar. "I would take his offer of amnesty with the New Republic. The Dark Side Elite don't look kindly on failure."
Jade also turned back and headed towards the Rogue Shadow. Aboard, she found Luke running the ship through pre-flight diagnostics. As soon as she reached the cockpit, Skywalker turned to her. "Is there something I can do for you, Jade?"
Jade smiled tentatively and held out the silver and black lightsaber handle. "I'm returning this."
Luke nodded and took it from her with a thank you. He clipped it to his belt and considered her for a moment. Finally, he said, "Follow me."
Jade complied and soon found herself in an armory filled with a pair of suits of armor and over a dozen lightsabers. "Pick one. If you want, you can have one of the pikes too. If I remember right, you were very skilled with one on the Death Star."
Jade looked at them for several minutes before turning to him. "Why are you doing this, Skywalker?"
"Doing What?"
"Well first you showed me mercy after I..." she swallowed her last words before continuing. "Then you defended me when the prudent thing would have been to just fly off and leave me to my fate and now you're offering me not one but TWO weapons from your own collection. Why?"
Skywalker sighed and leaned against the wall. The strong emotions, the fights - it was all beginning to way on him again. "It was something Ben said: our paths are linked by the force. Well I have no clue what that means but I think doing my best to help you keep yourself safe is the right thing to do."
Jade took a lightsaber and ignited it. The blade was red, not at all to her preference. Besides that, the handle was all wrong. She tried another and another until she came to one that had a blue blade. It was a slim hilt, perfect for her small hands and elegant, athletic fighting style. She also took a red bladed lightsaber pike. Luke smiled and said, "That lightsaber belonged to Galen Marek's father. He gave it and all the other lightsabers in his collection to me except the one that he wielded when he died."
Jade hesitated for just a moment before clipping it to her belt. "Thank you again, Skywalker."
The blue eyed man smiled and motioned her towards the exit and walked her down the ramp again. "You can use my landspeeder to get to Khoonda city and then go anywhere you wish to go. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again."
Jade's expression remained impassive but Luke could sense the anxiety. "What's wrong, Jade?"
"Nothing. I'll manage just fine."
Luke looked into her emerald green eyes and knew that she could but it would cause herself or someone else harm. "So, you have no money and your ship is gone, am I right?"
She nodded slowly and Luke looked back at his ship with a sigh. "Okay. Well, I'm going to Coruscant so if you don't mind spending a few days confined to the ship, you can come with me."
Jade's mouth dropped open in absolute shock. "Are you serious?"
Skywalker gave her a most serious Luke. "Why would I want to travel with you? I might not want to kill you anymore but you still ruined my life and because of you, I lost everything."
Luke chuckled without humor and said, "It seems to me that we took everything from each other. I'm offering you a chance off this planet. Feel free to find your own if you want. I'm not going to force you. I'm just saying that I'm going to Coruscant and IF you come with me, it wouldn't be safe to leave because you are wanted by the New Republic. I'm about to take off so make your choice quick, Jade - off my ship or strap in."
He strode back up the ramp and went to the cockpit, keying engine start up and getting ready to activate the repulsers when he heard a plop and the clicking of crash webbing in the co-pilots seat. Looking over, Skywalker wasn't displeased to see the attractive red head strapped in. With great skill, Skywalker took off and headed towards space, already keying the navcomputer to calculate the jump to lightspeed. Just before he could pull the hyperspace lever, the ship's long range comms unit chimed. Frowning slightly, Luke activated it. "This is Luke Skywalker."
"Luke, it's Leia. How did your trip go?"
Luke smiled fondly and said, "Suffice to say that I don't think Jade is going to be a problem anymore. How are things going back home?"
"Don't want to talk about it. I have the funeral planned, all you need to do is sign off and alter as you need. I hope you don't mind..."
A tear came to Luke's blue eyes and he cleared his throat. "I'm sure it will be perfect. Thank you, Leia. I'll be there in a few days."
Coruscant - One week later
Luke looked down at the marble block that was the only monument to his wife. His eyes were red and dry now and he hadn't been able to make it through the ceremony without sobbing like a child. Now it was over. She was gone, along with their two unborn children and he was still grieving. Leia had been very thoughtful, had stayed by his side and not taken his hand from hers throughout the entire day. Han had stood behind him, a comforting hand on his shoulder and Chewbacca, the great hairy Wookiee had watched over them vigilantly even as his own blue eyes wept tears and he whimpered in sorrow for his friend. Bleary eyed and emotionally beat, Luke returned, not to his apartment or to his sister and friends, but to the Rogue Shadow. He had a lot of thinking and meditating to do and he knew that if he went to his apartment or his sisters, he would never get any peace.
Mara Jade wandered the ship. It had been a very boring week. She and Skywalker had barely had a dozen words between them during the trip and when they had landed, he had told her that she could do as she wished but that he recommended that she stay on the ship. Jade had considered leaving the ship, stealing the ship and destroying the ship to fake her death but had decided, instead, to catch up on her much needed practice. When Skywalker finally came back aboard, she took one look at him and then ducked into the cabin she had taken while he did the same. Periodically, she ducked by and listened, hearing sobbing sometimes and feeling like an intruder. It was over twelve hours later that Skywalker emerged from his cabin. In a hoarse, broken voice, he said, "I need to go see my sister and then we'll be leaving. I'll take you to whatever planet you want and you can find yourself a new life from there."
Without waiting on a reply, Skywalker left the ship again.
Leia Organa and the ruling council stared at Luke in silence after he finished what he had to say. The first to speak was the Bothon Treasury Minister Borsk Fey'lya. "Am I to understand that you are, once again, abandoning us, Jedi Skywalker?"
Luke glared balefully at the Bothon. "I am not a Jedi. I am not a part of the New Republic government. According to the laws that this government set up, I have this right."
"Those laws did not consider extremely powerful Jedi going rogue! Clearly this needs to be an exception."
In another seat, Crix Madine said, "Stay in your lane, Treasury Minister. Law interpretation and enforcement are not a part of your assigned duties."
"As a member of this council, they are!" snapped the Bothon before turning to Leia. "Madam President, I demand that you either talk sense into your brother or arrest him. He is too dangerous to be allowed to wander freely."
Leia stood to her feet, eyes blazing. "You do not make demands of me, Minister. You advise and you request but you do NOT demand. Luke is right. He is a private citizen now and can go where he pleases. If he become trouble, I will deal with him."
Luke smiled at his sister but she didn't return the smile. "Everybody out, please. I need a moment with my brother."
Slowly and with some not so kind looks at Luke, the cabinet left. Leia buried her face in her brothers chest and said, "I don't want you to go. I need your help, Luke. You are by far, a more powerful Jedi than I."
Luke hugged his sister fondly but stated firmly, "I'm not a Jedi, Leia. I don't think I ever was - not like Galen was or you are. I'm not sure what I am but just please believe me when I say that I am on your side and would never betray the New Republic."
Leia separated and looked him in the eye. "Okay." she said quietly, wiping her eyes. "Where with you go?"
Luke looked grim faced. "First, I'm going to Dagobah to visit the Jedi master Yoda's hut. Ben Kenobi told me to go there. Then I am going to complete the work I stated with Galen Marek long before Endor. I'm going to learn who the Imperial leaders are and weaken them in whatever way I can. That is the only plan I have right now."
Leia nodded and cleared her throat. "Just be careful, Luke. Beware of the dark side and don't give in to your anger. You have had a hard life but please remember the good that was done and cling to that."
Luke hugged her again. "I will, dear sister. Now I have to go. I love you, Leia."
"I love you too, Luke. Please take care of yourself."
Jade heard him coming aboard and went to meet him. "Are you ready to leave, Jade?"
She nodded without a word. They both strapped in and took off. "Where should I take you?"
Jade took a deep breath and said, "I would like to stick around for awhile, if you don't mind."
Luke froze, his hand over the control board. Slowly, he turned to her and asked in an utterly, deadpan voice, "Why?"
She fidgeted slightly and said, "I think I could learn a lot from you, Skywalker - not about the force but just about how to move on with my life. I think that I'd be safer with you and I think that it's the will of the force."
Skywalker's blue eyes were like chips of ice as he replied, "Why would I want you on my ship?"
Jade lifted her chin and said, "I'm not exactly useless you know. I can help around. I'm a good pilot and you know I'm good in a fight."
Skywalker continued to glare icily at her. "That wasn't the question. I asked why I would want you on my ship, not how you could be useful on it."
Jade felt her own defensiveness beginning to rise but was trying to quell it. "I figured it would be better than traveling on your own, that's all."
Luke's expression never changed but his mind was working furiously. She would be useful to have around and her skill would be an asset to his new self appointed mission. Not only that, traveling alone would be a sad and depressing thing to do. It would definitely be better but Luke wanted to refuse. He wanted to hold the death of his wife against her but, to Luke's own shock and amazement, he found that he couldn't do it. It had never been in his nature to hold a grudge and he had always found it easier than most to forgive those who wronged him - not that he would tell Jade that. He still didn't want to be to comfortable with her.
With a shrug, Skywalker finally broke his silence and said, "That's fine. You can stick around as long as you like. First place we're going is the swamp world of Dagobah. I need to find something there."
"Do you think..." but Jade clamped her mouth shut before she could finish her question. Luke chuckled and said, "Maybe. I can't imagine why this place would be special to either of us so if it gives me the answers I need, why wouldn't it give you the answers you need?"
Jade proffered a small smile and turned to the instruments before her.
Skywalker and Jade stood side by side, looking at the ugly hut dug from the roots of a tree. After looking at each other and shrugging, they both went inside. In the middle of the floor, they sat down and took deep breaths before settling into meditative trances. Skywalker had to teach Jade how to do so since meditation had never been a part of her training as Emperor's Hand. Suddenly, a voice spoke to them. "Welcome, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. I have been waiting for you."
They both leaped up and there, before them in his white armor, stood Galen Marek, a sardonic smile on his face. Luke smiled. "Hello, Master. It is good to see you again."
Galen chuckled and turned to Jade. "Emperor's Hand. I must be honest, I didn't expect to see you and Luke together."
Jade didn't reply. Her green eyes were large in surprise and she looked wearily about her. Luke turned to Galen and asked, "Why would Ben Kenobi send me here? I already know what my mission is."
Galen chuckled dryly. "All will be made clear, my friend. There are many who have things to say to you."
Skywalker frowned and said, "Others? What others?"
"Like me, for one." Luke turned and saw his first master Ben Kenobi. "I'm glad you took my advice. It is good that you have a goal and mission for yourself. It is important. However, you shouldn't get so caught up in it that, once completed or if failed, your life loses any and all meaning. There is more to life than the next fight."
Luke shook his head, grief beginning to creep into his heart. "Not for me, there isn't Ben. My wife is dead and without her, my life is only for the mission. There is no warmth or joy or happiness left in it for me."
Both Ben and Galen looked at each other with troubled eyes. Suddenly, an all too familiar voice came from behind Luke and Mara - a voice that brought tears to Luke's eyes. "Oh my love. I know that you need to grieve and I understand that you need some time but please, please don't let my death cause you to give up and a life of happiness."
Behind them both stood Salene Dumare as she had looked the day they were married - clothed all in white and lovely beyond compare. Luke fell to his knees and began to weep like a child. The vision of his wife knelt down and wrapped its arms around him. "Oh my love." she shushed him quietly. "There is so much life left in you and so many years ahead of you. I don't want you to forget me but you must move on. It doesn't have to be tomorrow or a week or even a year from now but please, Luke, please promise me that you will allow yourself to find happiness again."
Luke looked into her eyes and tried to promise but he couldn't force himself to do it. With a kindly smile, Salene lifted him to his feet and then looked at Mara. "Are you still trying to kill my husband, Jade?"
Jade shook her head and spoke in a low croak. "No. I gave up on that. I want to learn from him. I want to know how to get on with my life."
Salene looked at Luke and said, "There, you see, someone is counting on you, Luke. Now promise me."
Tears still streaming from his blue eyes, Luke slowly nodded, gasping out, "I promise, my love. I promise. Just don't leave me again."
Salene sighed and wrapped her arms around him, whispering sadly, "But Luke, I'm already gone. This place cannot bring back the dead and cannot reunite us. Someday, we will be reunited in the force but I hope that day is still far away. This is just one of the places where the living force is infused. It takes the life and memories of those who visit it and uses it to teach them. I'm afraid it won't last forever, though. In fact, our time is almost up. Galen, Ben, is there anything else you need to say to them?"
They both nodded. "This mission you have chosen for yourselves will lead you to the very brink of the abyss that is the dark side. Beware that your hearts do not become too hard or else you will slip into that abyss. The ends do NOT always justify the means. The goal is no more important than the method;" said Ben. Galen nodded in agreement. "With the force, anything is possible and though the ends do not justify the means, remember that there is not problem that cannot be solved by trusting in your feelings and in the force. Use every tool and weapon in your arsenal. You'll both need it."
They all stepped outside and Luke and Mara saw all those who had influenced their lives positively, people who had kept them from slipping to the darkness. Salene smiled at Luke. "We must go, my love. Our time is up and you have work to do."
Luke nodded his had solemnly. Suddenly, Salene grabbed his face and yanked him into a blistering kiss. When she let him go, she winked impishly at him and said, "I just needed one more. Good bye, my love. Remember, you have a long life ahead of you. Don't waste it pining after me. I'm gone. You can find happiness again."
Suddenly, they both snapped back. Luke and Mara faced one another, both with tears in there eyes. Sniffing loudly, Luke quickly stood to his feet and proffered his hand. Mara took it and let him pull her to her feet. They looked at each other, considering. Suddenly, to both their surprise, Mara gave a small smile. "What?" asked Luke. Mara shook her head. "I'm my own person now. I can do as I think is right and what do I decide - to tear down the Empire that raised me."
Luke grinned. "Talk about a rebellious streak. Come on. Let's head back to the ship. I'm a little hungry and need to consider our first target."
They walked out of the hut and back to the Rogue Shadow. When they got aboard, they found the long range comms chiming. "Want me to play the message?" asked Mara. Luke nodded as he began preflight. "Sure, go ahead."
A tiny holo image of Winter Retric, the aide, councilor and confidant of Princess Leia, popped up and said in her usual emotionless voice. "I'm contacting you to let you know that General Solo has kidnapped Princess Leia and taken her to a planet called Dathomir."
Luke's jaw slacked and Mara had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing at his expression. Winter continued. "The Hapen prince Isolder has gone after them in his Battle Dragon and, if what I hear is correct, is threatening to kill General Solo when he finds him. I implore you to go after them and make sure that NO ONE gets hurt."
The message ended and Luke leaned back with a groan. "That stupid, moronic son of a kath hound. He kidnapped her? Why the hell?"
Mara burst into laughter, a sound that Luke didn't even think her capable of making. "He's in love with her. What else? Then some gorgeous prince comes along and tries to sweep her off her feet. So now, the scruffy smuggler turned New Rep general has to resort to drastic measures or lose the woman he loves. I don't know why she doesn't just dump Solo and go for the prince. I mean, have you seen that guy?"
Luke looked at her incredulously. He was beginning to see so many sides of the redhead that he never expected. "She loves him, has for years. This whole situation is so stupid. Alright, setting course for Dathomir. It looks like, before we can start our mission, we need to stop my moronic best friend from being killed by some idiot prince all for the love of my Jedi sister."
I hope you enjoyed this story. Since Starkiller is now dead, I was considering just ending this line but i have received a decent amount of support for this story. If you want me to continue this story, please tell me in the form of a review. Thanks for reading.