Author has written 7 stories for Ranma, Naruto, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Worm, Gargoyles, X-Men: Evolution, and Slayers. It's been a few years since I've updated my profile. My tastes have definitely changed over the years, though I'm still avid reader. I've mostly been sticking to forums these days, as the things I'm currently reading tend to get more attnetion on them, but I still poke through here on occasion or when a fic I've been following updates. Unfortunately, most of the fics I've been working on are either dead or on indefinite hiatus for various reasons. Redheads and Succubi is dead. It was fun for a while, and I did enjoy writing it, but it's style is beyond what I can currently manage... and didn't have a real plot planned out. Kyuubi No Cabbit needs more of a plot and a number of scenes need tweaking to continue being viable. Unfortunately, the lore of Naruto has expanded to such a degree that I would feel obligated to subject myself to the entirety of the series before continuing. This is unlikely to happen, based on what I've heard of it. Dark Lord Spooker was the first fic I wrote with a coauthor. Unfortunately, we had different ideas on where we wanted the story to go, and more importantly, I haven't been contact with her in any way for something like eight years. I still have a few ideas floating around for it, but I'm not sure how to implement them and the story would still be fairly close to a retelling of Harry Potter. After all, how much is one kid deciding to study instead of slacking off really going to change in book one? Witch's Familiar was a fun concept, but it relies a bit too heavily on an OC who may be a bit of a Mary Sue. It'll probably remain a one-shot. Finally, Giles Child was going to be something of a retelling of BtVS Season Three and onward, with certain broad changes. It could probably do with a rewrite, which isn't coming anytime soon. On the other hand, I really should find the handwritten chapters I have and actually type them up. I should have done that years ago, really. My current fic, Commercial Break, is something of a challenge I've set myself, to take source material that is definitely rated MA (using FFN's rating system) and make something rated M out of it. It is also the fic that has the most long term planning already done when I started it, beyond "This sounds cool, now how do I get there?" Hopefully, that'll mean it'll last significantly longer than my other fics have. |