![]() Author has written 7 stories for Young Justice, Sonic the Hedgehog, South Park, My Little Pony, Bendy and the Ink Machine, and Cuphead. Hi I'm Ashley but everyone calls me Ash.I've been on fanfiction for a while now. I love reading stories on here of my OTPS and others. I'm 20. I am best friends with Spitfire1017. You should go check out her page, she writes many good Young Justice stories. Favorite Shows: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Young Justice, Spongebob,Invader Zim,Tattoos After Dark,Family Guy,South Park, Phineas and Ferb, Young Justcie, etc. Favorite games: Animal Crossing New Leaf, Sonic Forces, Mario Brothers, Sonic and Mario at London 2012 Olympic games, Call of Duty Ghost, Mafia II, Call of duty Black ops, Batman Arkham City, Injustice Gods among us, Just Dance 2014, GTA 4, etc OCs that I have made(THEY BELONG TO ME!): Ash: Sonic character that I made. She is a wolf. Sketchy: MLP character I made. She is a Pegasus. Shy: Sonic character that I made. She is a wolf Artorias: Sonic character I made. He is a wolf Movies: Wreck-it Ralph, Frozen, 21 Jump Street, The Vow, The Lego Movie, Jurassic Park, Monster University, Pitch Perfect, Magic Mike, All the Dragonball Z movies, etc. Books: The Twilight Saga, Once Upon a Time, The Vow, Until I die, Enshadowed, Songs: Nightcore: God Is a Girl, Be With You, Bleeding Love, castle in the sky 1D: Live While We're Young, They Don't Know About Us, Rock Me Pitbull: All songs MnM: The Monster Lady Gaga: Bad Romance, Monster, Just Dance, Judas, Poker face, Love Game,Born this way,Do What You want,Applause, G.U.Y Katy Perry: Firework,TGI Friday, Kiss a girl, Dark Horse, California gurls, Peacock, Roar,ET(with and without rap) Ke$ha: Cannaible, C'mon, Die Young, Tik Tok, We R who we R, dinosaur,Take it off PSY: Gangam Style,Gentlemen Owl City: When Can I see You Again,Shooting Star,Fireflies Nsync: Bye Bye Bye Imanige Dragons: Radioactive, Its Time, Demons Cascada: Bad Boy, Everytime We Touch, Miracle, Evacuate the Dancefloor, What Hurt the Most Destorm: This Could Be Us but you playing S3RL: MTC, MTC2, Space Invader, Kamehameha, Friendzone, Tell Me What You Want, Always Picking on Me, Butterfly,Candy, Catchi, DJ Whore, Escape, Forever, Hentai, I'll see you again, Intensify, JP 2015, Little Kandi Raver 2012, Next Time, Over The Rainbow, Pika Girl, Princess Bubblegum, Flame Princess, R4V3 Boy, To My Dream, Upper Hand, When I die(Bury Me a Raver), manly ever song he made OTPS: Wreck-it Ralph: Older Vanellope and Ralph, Taffyta and Rancis, Candlehead and Gloyd, Felix and Calhoun Sonic: Shadamy, Silvaze, cream and tails, Knuckles and Rouge, Rosy and Scourge, Sonadow, slightly Infinite and Amy High School Host Club: HaruhiXHikaru Alice: Mad Hatter and Alice Invader Zim: Zim and Gaz, Dib and Tak Batman: The Joker and Harley Quinn, Batman and Catwomen, Batman and Wonder women Phineas and Ferb: Isabella and Ferb Once Upon a Time: Rumplitezlskin and Belle, Snow and Charming, Captian Hook and Emma South Park: Cartman and Wendy, Kenny and Bebe, Kenny and Kyle, Stan and Wendy The Nightmare before Christmas: Jack and Sally Young Justice: SuperMartian and Spitfire and Robin and Zantana The Walking Dead: Daryl and Beth My Little Pony: Rainbow Dash and Soarin, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Twilight and Flash Sentry, Apple Jack and Caramel, Apple Jack and Trouble Shoes, Apple Jack and Rock Hoof, Rarity and Spike, Applebloom and Snails, Scootaloo and Snips, Scootaloo and Rumble, Button Mash and Sweetiebell, Doctor Whooves and Derpy Hooves, Celestia and Discord, Luna and Sombra, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, Spitfire and Thunderlane, Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger, Big Mac and Marble Pie, Photo Finish and Hootie Tottie Highschool of the Dead: Kohta and Saya, Takasi and Rei Red Band Society: Leo and Emma Dragonball Z: Vegeta and Bulma, Goku and Chi Chi.Pan and Trunks, Krillin and Android 18 SEPTIPLIER!!! - MarkiplierXJacksepticeye PewdieCry- PewdiepieX Crytonic Tyhan- Tyler and Ethan Reylo- Kylo Ren and Rey |