Was he a monster? Or was he just trying to save me from myself? Why did he do it? I know now. It turns out… He was just as lonely as me. Not a predator...a lost child. He saw me and knew I was just as lonely as him. He protected me and called me his family, his only one. Why did he use violence? Did he really use violence to keep me in that house though? Did I want to leave? If I did couldn't I have put up a better fight? No...because I wanted to stay there. I wanted to be able to see him come home every day. I wanted to cook for him, joke with him, talk with him, sleep with him. He saw that. He knew that. So really...who's the real bad guy? Maybe it was me. I rejected him after all. I couldn't make up my mind and betrayed him in the end. We could have had our happily ever after...but now I'm in this dark place and I can't get out…


I watched the hospital bed intently. The doctors said she had lost a lot of blood. Every second a beep on the monitor resembled a heartbeat and I was thankful for it. That God damned bastard, he nearly killed her. The doctors said she was in a very critical condition. I was there three days now just watching her sleeping face. So peaceful, she looked like a red-haired angel. All I wanted was for her to wake up so I could take her home. That cunt Travis tried to escape but I "accidently on purpose" sliced his fucking throat. He didn't die, no, but he was also now in a critical condition. I hoped he never would wake up...on second thought he'd have to go to jail and get his ass raped every day so actually I hoped he'd wake up pretty soon. They gathered all the evidence against him and called me slicing his throat "self defence". I didn't even care about that, all I wanted was for Flaky to be okay.

I felt so bad about everything. I scared her so much that she thought I was a murderer. That look that she gave me when I came back home on the night of Jenny's murder was heart shattering. I'm not normal, I know, mostly because I lose control very easily. But Flaky… she really healed me. I had to kill people and go through a lot of crazy shit... but... I could forget everything because of her.

The thought of coming home and living with her was the only thing keeping me going back when I was in the army. I remember when I was only a kid, eleven or so, I had no hopes or dreams. I wandered around with nothing. But then, one day, I saw what I thought was an angel. She was the most beautiful girl in the world. She was only eight but she was smaller than all of the other girls and her big round amber eyes resembled something pure. I tried getting close to her but ended up stalking her. It was only when she wandered into the woods a year later were we finally introduced. Her personality was just like I had expected. From that day on she became my dream, my purpose in life. I swore I would protect her no matter what the cost.

We became closer than any family, and she told me how her parents died in a car crash. I couldn't tell her about mine, because mine got killed right in front of my eyes when I was ten. Some crazy man just showed up at the door one day and decided to shoot them. I managed to hide but I saw everything that happened. The screams of terror...the blood… It really screwed me up.

Flaky made me forget, though. When we got separated I promised myself that I'll get back to her no matter what. I had a few swings when I was in the army, but they meant nothing compared to Flaky. After I left the army, I found out that Flaky didn't move and instead settled into a little house at the south part of town. I was really happy to hear that she was okay. I looked up her number and was delighted that it was right. But when she came to my house… she didn't recognize me as a lover. More as a friend. So I panicked. I thought that if I let her go then she wouldn't come back. I don't know what made me do it. I lost control.

I once again looked at her peaceful sleeping face and tears streamed down my unshaved face. It was all my fault. I terrified her. It would be a wonder if she ever wanted me after this. Shakily, I stood up off the metal chair that was my bed for the past 3 days. Hesitating, I stroked her soft cheek and leaned in gently to kiss her. This was my last kiss with my sweet little angel. I deserved no more. Holding on to her miniature hand for the very last time was so heart-clenching that I thought I would die right there beside her. I couldn't control it anymore. Sobs escaped my dry cracked lips and I fell to my knees.

"Please, please wake up Flaky. Please tell me you forgive me. PLEASE. FLAKY! Oh Flaky please wake up! Please, please wake up!"

It was all my fault she was like this. No matter how much I screamed she wouldn't hear me. Losing faith, I slowly got up and turned around. I would just disappear out of her life so she would have no more sorrow.

Ever so gently, Flaky's hand squeezed mine. I swiftly turned around full of hope. What I saw before me made me sob once again. Flaky had her eyes fully open, looking up at me. She looked so malnourished and abused that it made my heart bleed.

"P-P-Please don't g-g-go" she managed to whisper hoarsely. I immediately smiled and sat back down, holding on to her fragile hand."I will never leave you. Never!"

A month passed and Flaky was getting better and better. I talked to the doctor that was looking after Flaky and he said that she could go home tomorrow. He also remarked that he never saw a patient recover so quickly.

After I had talked to the doctor, I went back into Flaky's room. She sat upright in her bed and looked out onto the hospital garden. I gently sat down and Flaky's gaze rested on me.

"Say, Flippy… Can I ask you a question?" she asked gently while smiling.

"Of course you can. Ask away."

"Will we live together properly now?"

Amazed that she still wanted to be my family, I nodded. My heart filled with joy and love. After all the struggle, we could finally be happy together. "Then… I want to go home now," Flaky whispered while looking down at the floor and smiling cheesily. Without any hesitation, I stood up, walked over to her bed and took Flaky in my arms. "Then let's go"

As we walked through the hospital we got a lot of strange glances, but that didn't matter because Flaky was laying peacefully in my arms. Finally, we could just be a family. No more sorrow, no more obstacles. What lay ahead of us was peace. Flaky suddenly opened her eyes and looked up at me once more.



"I love you"

"I love you more"

*Well that's that finished. Sorry for the cheesy ending but I just thought that they deserved something good after all the tragedy...Hahahaha. Again, sorry for any grammar mistakes it really isn't me. It's my stupid PC .I'm thinking of doing another FlippyxFlaky fanfic but I'm not sure if I should. I hope you enjoyed this story and thanks A LOT for all the good reviews :D Bye Munchkins~