Flaky woke up and she was back at the house, her head and neck were throbbing. She looked around for cuddles who was tied to a chair. "Wake up, wake up!" she shouted desperately. " oh I wouldn't count on that. You see you're little lover isn't going to be waking up any time soon. I can't have you ruining plans today." An evil figure walked out the shadows, no surprise that it was evil flippy. "what do you mean ruining plans?" flaky questioned. " you see I don't like you, In fact I think flippy or me deserves someone better than a scared little porcupine, and if I'm going to be married to person all my life then she better meet my standards" Evil said mockingly.

"Get married? Married to who? Flaky asked eagerly to know. " oh silly me I didn't tell you that giggles stole your little boyfriend" evil said. "what are you talking about!"

Flaky yelled in a confusing way. " Jesus Christ bitch do you ever stop asking questions or yelling, look I'm going to explain this in the most simplest way that even a dumb

Bitch like you can under stand! You see I don't like you, in fact I try to physically and mentally scar you, I try to break you and flippy apart, it's not like you actually thought you were dating anyway. And I don't find you that appealing to my needs , oh and I almost forgot, your (*) timidness makes flippy weak so I can't have you around." Evil said as if flaky was a three year old.

Very soon a thought struck flaky. Wait a minute this all doesn't add up why didn't evil flippy kill me yet?

Evil left the house along with flaky, he pushed her in the jeep and sped off. "Hey what the hell do you think you're doing?" flaky shouted "I'm taking you to a place far far

away." Evil answered

Flaky tried to open the door, but it was locked only the driver side had all controls. Until then all flaky could do is hope for the best and also hope where ever evil flippy is taking her it doesn't have to be a place where she would be killed without any body hearing her screams. Twenty minutes later all the city buildings and cars turned into nothing but trees flaky started to recognize where evil is taking her.

"Get up and get out bitch!" Evil pushed out flaky turned the car around and sped off. What am I going to do now? I have to go back to flippy and apologize. Apologize for everything I did to him, tell him what Evil is up to, and tell him the real way I feel about him. But wait I'm probably miles away from flippy's house now and there's nothing I can do but walk back

Flaky was walking out of the forest for about an hour until she tripped over something. She looked down and saw that she tripped over and old skate board.

"do I still know how to skate?" flaky said to herself "oh well it's worth a try!" flaky walked until she finally saw the first glimpse of the city she was glad to be out the forest.

Flaky looked to the left and spotted a long hill going downwards. Flaky took a deep breath got on the skate board and pushed herself down the hill "aahhhhh!" flaky screamed. Tears of fear and excitement rolled down her cheeks. The mole was pushing a watermelon stand in the middle of the street. BOOM! All the watermelons went flying one of the melons hit nutty who had a long candy cane in his mouth. The watermelon bashed the cane through the back of his mouth. Another watermelon nailed petunia in her face smashing out some of her teeth and messing her up, she quickly ran home to take yet another shower.

As flaky was going down the hill, one of the wheels came loose sending flaky flying in the air, she landed on top of lifty and shifty's van. She quickly got off the van and pushed lifty and shifty to the side "Quick smelly raccoons I need your van" flaky said "were not smelly!" lifty protested. Three flies dropped next to lifty. "I prove my point!"

Flaky said.

Flaky got in the van "ew it smells like wet raccoons in here but it'll have to do, wait a minute I don't have a drivers license! Oh I see my mom do it how bad can it be?"

Flaky started the ignition and sped off the van was swerving out of control and it rear ended pop's car sending club flying out the window and smashing into a window.

Thirty minutes later flaky was at flippy's house. She busted down the door but nobody was there. She looked around the house to see if there would be some sort of information at where they might be. She went into flippy's room and saw an invitation to the wedding. "674 minister lane" flaky said to herself. She ran out the house and drove there but something was wrong, "wait a minute I'm on minister lane and I don't see the church!, oh wait silly me it's even so I look to the right ha ha.!"

Flaky parked the car outside the church. She walked to the front door and tried to open it "damn it it's locked I'll go try around the back"


"Giggles do you really think we should do this?" flippy said nervously. "of course I love you and you love me, you proved that at the carnival."

Lumpy was the priest and was looking for page in the bible, "d'oh this stupid book I can't find duh page! D'oh well I'll remder it" Lumpy said stupidly (here's the thing, the bible is upside down!) . Soon giggles and her father were walking down the aisle to flippy who was sweating nervously do I really want to do this am I ready for marriage at age 25? Soon giggles was in front of flippy smiling excitingly. "uh do u flipee take giggle to be ur lawfulle wedded life?" lumpy said stupidly "I do" flippy said.

"And do u giggle take flippe to be ur lawfule wedded husbin?" lumpy said "I do" giggles said "And does anyone have a reason why dese two should not be wed? speek now or forever hold your peace" lumpy said. The people were silent " you may now kiss da bribe!" lumpy said again in a stupid way. As flippy leaned forward to kiss giggles the door flew open "I OBJECT!!" Flaky yelled. She ran up to flippy and went down on her knees. " Flippy I'm sorry, sorry for the thing I did to you! I spited you and I held on to you like you were my world! And I also came here to tell you that all this was evil's plan to break us apart from seeing each other even though we're not boyfriend and girlfriend! I also wanted to tell you the real way I feel about you! I-I love you flippy no matter how much you hate me or love me, forgive or forgive me not you're the only one who belongs in my heart for ever and ever!

"Flaky is that true?" Flippy said pulling her up. " yes.. yes it is!" flaky said "to show you how much I loved you I went down a hill on a skateboard!, I smashed into a watermelon stand and killed nutty in the process! I pulled two smelly raccoons out their van and tried to drive here! I rear ended an old guys car and sent his baby crashing through a window!" Flaky cried " were not smelly!" lifty and shifty yelled out from the crowd. "well flaky if that's true then.. –" Flippy turned around to giggles and said "

giggles I don't want to marry you besides we met at a carnival, got drunk, and suggested the idea so yeah" " what you can't do that I'm the bride! Hey listen to me when I'm talking to you" giggles yelled in an annoyingly nagging way. "should I do the honors?" flaky said " I'll be insulted if you didn't "flippy teased.

Flaky snuck up behind giggles who was still surprisingly talking, and snapped her neck. " that's enough bitching out of you for one day!" flaky laughed. "where did you learn how to do that?" flippy asked. "Oh I learned a thing or two from evil" flaky replied. Flippy turned to flaky. " Flaky there's something I wanted to tell you as well. I love you and you're like the only girl who doesn't think I'm a psychotic bear who's only interest is killing for the hell of it and you understand me and I understand you, so will you be my wife?" The crowd went "awww" "flippy that's so sweet but I don't think I'm ready for marriage as yet can we just be girlfriend and boyfriend?" flaky said. "sure" flippy agreed. They looked at each other there was a long romantic stare between them suddenly flippy jumped to flaky and kissed her for a good minute. (evil flippy) what!? This can't be happening! That dandruff covered porcupine ruined my plans no worries I have something bigger to plan he, he, he. Evil's voice faded in flippy's head.

Every one walked out the church Flippy and flaky were walking hand in hand together, they went to lake and enjoyed the sunset, forgiven finally.