Wow this is the very first publish on !!! but any ways I've been hearing a lot of FlippyXFlaky stories so I thought I should make a unique one( no flames cant say I warned you) anyways THIS STORY IS RATED M FOR LANGUAGE ,NUDITY EXPRESIONS ,VIOLENCE, AND THE ROMANE THAT GOES ON.


It was a warm summer day, flippy was under his favorite tree in the park feeding the birds and watching the sky . Then he spotted flaky, a red porcupine who was very timid he had always been friends with her but he never realy wanted to tell her the real way he feels about her. Flippy always feared that his evil side might try to kill her if she comes near. Flaky was in the park as well watching everybody sitting together, playing together and of course kissing. Flaky has always been told that she was a tomboy ,she's ugly and she'll never have a boyfriend.

Flaky finally decided to get up and go socialize, she went down to the lake and saw petunia and nutty sitting together and watching the sun go down "hey mind if I join? " "Yes we do!!' they said but little did flaky know she doesn't know what that meant so she sat down next to them. 'ughhhhh what I meant was that I don't fucking want you here you're ugly and annoying what a damn combination' petunia said 'so go away and leave me and my girlfriend alone!!' Nutty added. Feeling like she had no choice but to leave she left she starting walking and saw giggles and the mime wait a minute wasn't giggles going out with cuddles and before that disco bear what a slut!! She's probably cheating for I know but what do I care she never liked me anyways from the first day I fucking came here!! (that was said in her mind well at least some of it) Little did the porcupine know was that her thoughts weren't in her head after she had said disco bear in her mind she completely blurted out every other word. 'What?!!' giggles said 'umm….umm I..I didn't mean to .." Flaky stammered. 'Okay I'll stop you right there bitch at least I get some dick and what do you get…. Oh that's right nothing!!' giggles shouted . 'you know you dumb bitch I should kill you right now bitch !! hold her down disco bear!' Disco bear snapped out of his day dream and held her down. Loud screams of pain erupted she was stabbed repeatedly in the hands and stomach, making her death even more painful. A louder scream erupted, it woke up flippy who fell a sleep a short time after he saw her ( I'll leave that up to your imagination on what he was dreaming about) When a louder scream went through his ears he had a flashback back when he was a war veteran. His teeth turned sharp his eyes turned a neon green color he pulled out is bowie knife and ran to the scene but somehow they didn't hear. He snuck up behind Disco Bear and stabbed him in the back he collapsed with a thud. Giggles saw the horrible sight and started to run, and out of nowhere evil flippy dropped from a tree and let giggles run into the knife. Her neck was messed up, flippy cut open her stoach and ripped out her small intestines he hung it all over the tree and put her body near.( Evil Flippy: now it's time to have some real fun with the porcupine bitch! He he he..) Evil flippy ran to the descolent parts of the park where her body laid, Alright it's time you to play with the real flippy!

Evil flippy pinned her down and started to kiss flaky's throat, he started going lower and lower…. Hey stop! What are you doing to her! Flippy said.(evil flippy ) oh please I'm doing what you could never do for two years! I knew you were too pussy to do this I'm doing you a huge favor! Flaky screamed as loud as she could making the real flippy take control. Flippy got off of flaky and helped her up he took her to the hospital so she could recover.

Sorry the chapter was so long I got carried away please review, no flames please

More chapters and updates will be in soon.




Flippy was in the hospital sitting next to flaky's bed . Flippy, his head in his hands couldn't believe how screwed up that was.(flippy) how the hell could I do that to flaky, to them!! (evil flippy) oh stop your damn complaining they deserved it and that bitch was trying to get close to you!(flippy)no she isn't! (evil flippy) whatever, but you're a solider your supposed to be ruthless we don't have any time for this affections you speak of!!(flippy) really!? Affections I wasn't the one who was trying to rape her now wasn't I?

(evil flippy)really but I am you and you are me and we share the same body! (flippy) you know what go somewhere okay I can never have you around without killing somebody!! Every time we are around somebody you kill them this is the reason why I can never get a girlfriend!!


Lumpy, a dimwitted blue moose was driving, driving towards the hospital. As usual he was driving and doing something at the same time, however that 'something' was drinking hot coffee. Lumpy hit a bump and the coffee burned his legs, Lumpy shrieked as the coffee burned his legs he lost control and smashed his car into the street post.

Back in the hospital while flippy was sleeping, he heard a loud crash. (evil flippy) alright time to come out and play for a while he he he... Flippy's teeth turned sharp his eyes neon green. He jumped up and grabbed sniffles he choked and gagged him then let him go, he saw five assorted needles on the counter he took them and threw them at sniffles, as the anteater tried to run he was pinned the wall, (his back was on the wall) sniffles screamed in pain and tried to free his hands but it was no use the needles were jammed in the wall as well. Evil flippy came and pulled out his bowie knife he carved his initials deep into sniffles and then ripped his small intestines out and used it as a tail, except he pinned the tail on the anteater (ha ha ).Then evil flippy directed his attention to the sleeping porcupine he ran towards her and ripped off the life support, he ran out the hospital he got into his jeep and sped off. Twenty minutes later he was back at his house. He went to the tool shed and got four hand cuffs and duct tape and ran to his bedroom. He laid her on the bed, put the duct tape on her mouth and chained her to the bed. Too bad for flaky that she was still unconscious.(flippy) what are you going to do with her huh!!? (evil flippy) some thing you were too pussy to do to her in the first place!!) All flippy could do was to cower in fear and hope nothing bad happens. Flaking was beginning to wake up only to find all her clothes off and evil flippy on top of her with his clothes off. She screamed 'get off of me aaaahhhhhh!!' But it was no use. 'Don't worry this will only hurt a lot!!' Evil flippy taunted . He unmercifully took up a lot of sharp objects, acids, and more and put them on the nightstand he took up a knife and jumped on top of her. Evil flippy ran the knife gently down her body until it 'hit the union'. Flaky screamed even more struggling to break free. 'Oh don't worry you'll enjoy this more that I will!' Evil flippy said in a sarcastic sweet voice. He began to gently scrape the knife on the walls of her pussy, flaky's screams soon turned into moans, ooh's, and ahh's. "Aw see your starting to like this" evil flippy said in her ears. "No I don't! I don't like this" Evil flippy set the two out of four handcuffs free. Evil flippy sat flaky up and bit down on her ear he put one hand around her waist while kissing her neck. He put his other hand down towards her midsection and started to rub her pussy, then he started to finger her. Flaky, now coming out of her pleasures realized what evil flippy was doing. She noticed both hands were free she looked at the night stand and saw the acids she grabbed it and threw on evils flippy's face. "Aaahh!! You dumb bitch" he grunted with pain. Soon flippy saw this as an opportunity to take control . Soon enough flippy was back in control. He screamed with pain only to find that his face was burning flaky freed herself and took flippy to the hospital.
