Disclaimer: My Little Pony solely belongs to Lauren Faust. I am nothing more than a humble fanfiction writer.

I do, however, own the plots that I manage to cook up otherwise that is not found Lauren Faust's My Little Pony Universe. There may/may not be references, but I assume that fans can distinguish which is a part of Faust's universe and what has been added in.

Also, the phrase, "iridescent curtains" came from my friend, Madeline. ^-^

Author's Notes: Please let me know what you think. Any and all thoughts and critiques are welcome but I do not appreciate flamers. I would like to think that we all live in a civilized society in which we all can be courteous to one another.

Update: 10OCT2018 - I've been gong through and making minor edits. The story hasn't changed. I'm just making sure it flow correctly. Enjoy!

Pairing: Discord/Princess Celestia

Word Count: 848 words

Updated Word Count: 1070 words on 10OCT2018

Princess Celestia settled down tiredly on her large, circular bed. She enjoyed the sound of curtains fluttering around her. Truth be told, it was a rare treat; however, the light amethyst glimmer she was so fond of didn't soothe her poor, restless, and worried soul. Discord had returned despite her battle with him. Chaos, himself. The thought made her shudder.

She should not have sent Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinky Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity to go after him to seek the Elements of Harmony.

"Honestly, lovely, you shouldn't be so down on yourself. It's only me. I'm out, I'm ready to party, woo you, and then I'll have all of Equestria in all its chaotic, glorious disharmony."

The unexpected sound of his voice jarred her from her revery. The mare raised her head and bolted to her feet. For a moment, she looked around wildly until she realized where his voice was coming from. She stared past the curtains. The tall, lanky chimera rested against the wall almost lazily. His oddly shaped pupils stared at his chicken-feet claws intently, as though inspecting them for any sort of imperfection. It didn't matter, of course - for what was chaos but imperfection art its finest?

She knew better.

"You again." She spat. Beneath the venom in her tone was exhaustion. She didn't care. He was here, in her own chambers no less. If she'd known he would make it a habit to sneak into her chambers, she would have put a stop to it after the first time.

The first time was something she cared not to remember.

Or so she told herself.

Oh how she wished the stories she kept telling herself were true.

She almost took a deep breath to whinny for the guards only to be tsked. Discord's tail twitched and a slow, sly smirk and that one goddamned tooth glinted. She should have knocked both of them out. Now he just looked so damn silly.

And roguish.

Celestia shoved the thought of her mind, restless pawing at bed. She was ready to leap off the bed and shove him into the wall. What was he doing here?

"Yes, yes, I know you're about to ask me about your lovely little pony brats, but they're enjoying that lovely little labyrinth I created. I must say, I would have thought you would have burned the lovely winding shrubbery down to the ground after our few escapades there. Oh, I remember when you would –"

Celestia picked up one of the small purple velvet pillow and flung it in his direction. The sheer canopy rattled and fell to the ground while the pillow soared; she aimed directly for Discord's face. Rather than meeting its mark, she watched it fall to the ground in a pile of ashes. Damn it.

Damn him.

That had been her favorite pillow too.

...At least she knew where she could get a new one.

"What have you done to them." She growled, baring her teeth. She wanted to charge at him; the desire burned viciously though her veins, but she knew how that would end. It was always the same. Her muscles tensed as she waited, ready to defend herself. She felt a faint wave of relief that came with the knowledge that her little sister was fast asleep - for now. She only hoped Twilight Sparkle and her friends would succeed. Her stomach rolled in fear and concern while she kept her gaze strictly on Discrod's still-smiling face.

"Oh, nothing yet. Seperated. You know me. I just love to play divide and conquer." He smirked as he lazily floated about the room. He reached towards one of her favorite paintings and zapped it, turning the images into odd, upside down, inside-out, chaotic wrongness that she resented him for. What happened to him?

No, she knew what had happened to him, and she blamed no one but him.

"You know," Discord continued, "My offer is still open. I would just love to have you by my side when I make Equestria in my wonderfully glorious, chaotic image. You'll have fun, dar~ling. I'll make sure of it. All day and all night."

The lascivious wink made bile rise to her throat and her face flush.

"I would rather read a badly-written-clopfic than spend the rest of my life with you." She scoffed, shaking her mane viciously. Her light, sparkling rainbow colored hair fell over the other side of her neck and she ground her teeth together. "The only reason why I can't fight you the way I once did was because of that…that…that…"

"Feeling you have for me? Still?" he winked before he poofed into a small cloud of gray smoke for a fraction of a second. At that next moment, he wrapped himself around her and shoved her to the ground, noses barely poking from each other. Celestia whinnied from the sudden flash of pain before she tried to force the chimera off her. He held on tight and wiped trace of amusement clean from his face.

"Don't worry love. When I'm done with those lovely little brats, we're going to spend a very, very long getting reacquainted. Now, toodaloo!"

Immediately the sudden dark energy that seemed to fill her chambers shrank down to nothing. Discord eased himself off her, but not before lazily licking the side of her face, and biting down on her ear. Celestia yelped and kicked him, only to miss as he leapt three feet back.

"I will give you all the love and attention you want later, but for now….I have a few happy little ponies to take care of. Try not to be too worried. I won't make their lives miserable. By much." He winked and vanished just as quickly as he came, leaving a baffled, disgruntled, angry, and shame-filled Celestia unceremoniously on the ground.