![]() Author has written 7 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Homestuck. Yo, I'm Break, and I am a writer I have seven stories published so far and I love writing however because of highschool, I don't really have time anymore. But I am sort of hoping to change that. So, I am going to tell you a little about me: 1. I love the bands: The Paper Kites, Thirty Seconds To Mars, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At the Disco, Pierce the Veil, Hollywood Undead, Blessthefall, Axe Wound, A Day to Remember,Woodkid, Fallout Boy, Beartooth, Bullet for My Valentine, We came as Romans,Atreyu, Escape the Fate,Three Days Grace, Caprute the Crown, Memphis May Fire, Slipknot, Trapt, Soilwork, Breaking Benjamin, The Goo Goo Dolls, Florence and the Machine, Muse, Metric, Port Blue, Blue Foundation, Cider Sky, One Republic, Imagine Dragons, Falling in Reverse, Skillet, Linkin Park, and Paramore, Ect... 2. I adore Kpop. To the point where I make up scenarios in my head about meeting the members in the bands 24/7. (Hoseok, Taehyung, Suga, Jin, Leo, Hongbin, N, BamBam, Mark, Zelo, Baekhyun, and Ren are my biases) 3. My life is my fandoms. I don't need anything else. Who needs people when I have books and anime? 4. My favorite characters from, well, whatever are; Karkat Vantas [Homestuck] Nico Di Angelo [Percy Jackson] Eridan Ampora[Homestuck] Haruka Nanase [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club] Rin [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club] Dave Strider [Homestuck] Sollux Captor [Homestuck] Nepeta Leijon [Homestuck] ect... 5. I enjoy drawing, I usually draw my favorite characters from Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus (Viria and Minuiko are my idols!) Or something related to Homestuck (Paperseverywhere and Ikimaru also come to mind when I think of idols). 6. My favorite books are Tomorrow Girls, Percy Jackson, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Little White Lies, Girl Online, Hush Hush, Farewell to Manzanar, White Fang, Call of the Wild, and I am sure there will be more soon. And there are too many mangas to list so I will just narrow it down to Loveless, Daytime Shooting Star, Ten Count, Tokyo Ghoul, Alice in the Country Of:(Whatever), I am Here, Ao Haru Ride, Haikyuu, and Pandora Hearts. 7. My favorite colors are black,red and blue. 8. My favorite movies are The Avengers, Thor, Sherlock Holmes( 1,and 2) , Iron Man (1,2, and 3) Captain America (1 and 2), Push, Speak, Big Hero 6, Snow White and the Huntsman, Hungergames (1, 2, and 3), Ect. I would say the Percy Jackson movies but they blow! 9. Favorite TV shows, Dance Academy, Free! Eternal Summer (Iwatobi Swim Club), Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Avatar; The Last Airbender (and Legend of Korra of course), Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, and Soul Eater and many more animes but I am afraid there are way too many to list... Haha!! 10. I am very interested in Asia and plan to study Asian cultures and learn to speak Japanese and Korean. 11. I can never go a day without obsessing over Kpop, Anime or books because it is bad for my health if I don't •u•. 12. When I am older and have my own appartment/house or whatever, I want at least four cats (even though I am allergic) named Senpai, Karkat, Coffee, and Pocky. 13. I don't understand why people dis weaboos. We are just so cool. HAHA!!! 14. I honestly hate most people. Mostly where I live because it is such a small town and everyone is so freaking desperate to get a girlfriend or boyfriend. And then there is the whole 'I'm going to sag my pants because I think is look cool' shit which is just really freaking stupid because that whole 'trend' started in male prisons so that the other dude prisoners would know that the other dude prisoners were down to have sex in their cells. So if you sag your pants. Stop. You honestly don't look cool. 15. I try very hard to avoid drama and tend to not get involved with people. Though the people I do talk to I am very open with and love all of them. 16. My favorite YouTubers are currently: PDR, Mimei, Mohoto, Dylan Froscot, Jellybeannose, Rachel and Jun, Hajime, Octopimp, GameGrumps, Danisnotonfire, and AmazingPhil. 17. I play the saxophone, and I will be in marching band when the season comes. I am sort of nervous for band camp because I have been awaiting it for three years when my sister started it (I am actually friends with the people her age and two year above her because of marching band). 18. My favorite villain of all time has to be Loki, of Asgard. (Thor will never be as great as Loki in my mind.) 19. I just recently started Summer School, and I am hoping to make new friends in marching band when band camp starts. 20. I have emotional issues which usually lead to me going into 'Self-Destruct Mode' or as many people refer to it 'Suicidal'. I know that is sort of a personal thing to put on my profile but I feel that I should put it on here in case anyone else is going through the same thing. 21. I am allergic to stupidity and cats. 22. I am not very social or nice to people my age, unless I have known them for a while or we have similar interests. However, I am sort of trying to trust others a little more. 23. I hate it when people make themselves sound like they are so much smarter and better than everyone else even though they are still people and not the almighty god or goddess they see themselves as. Also when they use false niceness to manipulate people to hate someone or just are so sickeningly fucking sweet and everyone can tell that they aren't. But go right the fuck along with it anyways. 24. I hate when girls basically have zero respect for themselves and go up to some guy, be a slut to get them to like them, then cry when they break up with the dude, then come crawling back cause nobody likes them. 25. I love cold weather and the rain because the sun and warmth makes me sweat and gives me sunburns because I am so freaking pale. 26. I wish all the time that I could be Asian. Haha!! Now that may sound weird and you may think that I am betraying my race or whatever the hell, but I am honestly just so fascinated with them because they are absolutely gorgeous. 27. My godly parent would most likely be Hades or Artemis (If that were possible). 28. I think I would be most exceptional in the house of Slytherin. 29. I say 'Gods' a lot. Because I love PJO and Greek myth. I am and atheist. In a way. I don't have anything against anyone's beliefs and its not that I don't think they could never have happened but 30. My parents think that I am being influenced by people I know, when it isn't true... Most of the time, but I am one hundred percent; Me. 31. My favorite TV shows are: Pretty Little Liars, The Legend of Korra, Avatar; The Last Air Bender, Marvel's Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D, The Voice, Master Chef, Once Upon A Time (Baelfire Mmmmhh :3 ) Ect. 32. My OTP's Dirkjake, Thalico, HaRin (Free!) Beckalena...?(Selena and Bekendorf) Jasper, Davekat, Stridercest (More of an extremely ironic and punny BROtp but I love their cute skinship stories too) Solangelo, SoulxDeaththeKid and Pepsicola. But enough about me, go and gets to reading fanfiction and wasting your time on the internet! JUSTICE!! Haha! UwU (I found this thanks to The Son Of Hades123) Percy Jackson oath: I promise to remember Percy, whenever I'm at sea. I promise to remember Annabeth, whenever a spider comes after me. I promise to remember nature, for Grover's sake of course. I promise to remember Luke, when my heart fills with remorse. I promise to remember Chiron, whenever I see a sign that says 'free pony ride'. I promise to remember Tyson, whenever a friend says they'll stick by my side. I promise to remember Thalia, whenever a friend is scared of heights. I promise to remember Clarisse, whenever I see someone that gives me a fright. I promise to remember Bianca, whenever I see a sister scold her younger brother. I promise to remember Nico, whenever I see someone who doesn't get along with others. I promise to remember Zoe, whenever I watch the stars. I promise to remember Rachel, whenever I see a limo pass my car. Yes I promise to love PJO, wherever I may go. So that all may see my obsession, because I know what the PJO lovers know. If you yell at people who think PJO is stupid copy this to your profile If you're obsessed with PJO like me, copy this into your profile! NORMAL PEOPLE: rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast PJO FANS:will tell Zeus to make it rain NORMAL PEOPLE: say OMG! PJO FANS: say OH MY GODS! NORMAL PEOPLE: go to a psychiatrist to tell their feelings PJO FANS:won't go to one because they will take away their awesome demigod powers NORMAL PEOPLE: say shut up or i'll tell on you! PJO FANS: say shut up or my godly parent will vaporize you! NORMAL PEOPLE: think that PJO fans are stupid PJO FANS: know that normal people are stupid NORMAL PEOPLE: when being chased and yell HELP ME SOMEBODY! PJO FANS: when being chased use their awesome demigod powers NORMAL PEOPLE: get nervous/scared during thunderstorms PJO FANS: yell at Zeus to calm down NORMAL PEOPLE: would choose somewhere sunny to go for vacation PJO FANS: would try and find Camp Half Blood NORMAL PEOPLE: don't have this on their profile PJO FANS: MUST have this on their profile! :3 (Update of account shiteu or whatever) March 20th, 2016 Holy shit! Okay I haven't been on here in forever! Haha! But people are actually still looking at my shit writings. So to all of you who are still reading, thank you so much, I'm sorry my old works are shit and that I haven't don anything else. But if you guys are still reading, and you're still interested and you're into kpop, check out my Wattpad [Insert I'll do later because I forget my own account name, I've switched it so many times~ Haha!] I started writing on here in like 2013 or 14. (Could've even been 12 but... I dunno haha!) and I thought nobody would read my shit, and they didn't. But some of you guys who still read on this old ass sight look at my stuff. Haha!A really really good friend and I used to sit on Facebook and just think about writing theories and crap and at the time I didn't take her criticism the right way which led to a ton of crap going down. But I'm glad she did because I'm a hell of a lot better at writing now because of her. If any of you guys are reading this go check her out. Her stories are a hella brilliant, even now. User: [Whenyouweremine46] (holy shit she kept this picture she took of a couple at one of the football games we went to when we were in like sixth grade) AH~~~!!! This site brings back memories! I cry~! |