Inspired by the song by Imagine Dragons, Demons. Hope you like it.

~ Thalia

I woke up, facing the ceiling, on the floor. I had the dream again. I got up, vexatious as expected. My back was aching, and my lip was open vein. Oh how I despised Tuesday. For most Tuesday is bad because school is still going, and we have homework… But Tuesday is the worst day for me because that is when I get beat up even more so than I did the day before. I was once normal. I wasn't called a freak, when I actually had a few friends.

I went into my bathroom, and brushed my short, choppy, black hair, applied some mascara and liquid eyeliner. I stared at my electric blue eyes in the mirror. 'You look like a monster as always' I thought to myself. 'Get downstairs before you are late for being early!' I got dressed in a long sleeve black shirt I got from Brandy Melville. I walked out of my bedroom, went down the stairs into the kitchen and made myself breakfast. I grabbed my keys, making sure to ignore my mother when she said,

" Goodbye, try not to get beaten up too badly, I have a meeting with one of my co-workers, they are coming over for dinner." I really couldn't care less. What she does is, have a 'co-worker' over gets him drunk, and then they have sex in her office, or her room. And I end up, cleaning. I didn't even have to have abilities to know that. Gods why does she have to be such a slut? How did my mother turn into this? She wasn't always like this. I think it is because she and my father got a divorce when I was seven. Oh and in case you haven't caught on I am kind of... Well, special. I have abilities that make me chemically and physically more advanced. I can hear insanely good and turn invisible, even more so than I already am. I walked towards my car, and saw that we had someone moving in across the street. Maybe they have a daughter. Maybe, I might have more than one friend. I started to open my car door, and stared over in my new neighbor's direction. I saw a boy.

He had black hair, and brown eyes and he wore just about all black. He caught my gaze, and just stood there. He slowly closed his door, and another guy got out from the passenger's seat. He followed from who I assumed to be his friend or roommate's gaze to me. He had sea green eyes and he wore a green shirt, black and white converse and blue jeans. Death boy whispered,

"She's cute!" Little boy Blue smirked and started laughing. I blushed. I knew he couldn't be moving in alone with just another guy, he was too young, probably about my age. Then I saw an older woman, probably in her forties, carrying something from their car. It appeared to be a guitar case. I stared at the boy once more, before getting fully in my car and driving away. And before I had bolted for the school, I could have sworn I saw the faintest smile come across his face, as if he was saying hello. I pushed the thought aside and drove slower when I came near the school. I parked at the back of the lot. I took out my book, and began reading. I read for about fifteen minutes until I was jolted from the fantasy of the sweet world that was opposite of mine.

I looked over to see what was going on hoping that it wasn't another one of the girls who hit me yesterday. It wasn't. It was the boys who I am now, sort of, neighbors with. They got out of the car and The Walking Dead got out of his car, grinning. He looked through my window and began to walk towards the entrance of the school.

I opened my door, and locked it. Making my way closer and closer the never-ending dark pit of Tarturous, which is my school. I walked through the doors, and felt and arm swing around my shoulder. The only other human I choose to have an actual conversation with, other than myself. He looked over at me, and smiled his white smile. I smirked. " Hey, Hal!" I sighed, and rolled my eyes. Will he ever stop calling me that? My name is Thalia Grace. He gave me that nickname when we met, for I had barely said it above a whisper. Leo Valdez. Soon after he showed up his friend 'Piper' linked her arm in his, ruffled his curly hair good-naturedly and told him that they had a pop quiz and they had to study. Leo gave me an apologetic look and said,

"Sorry Hal, I gotta go. I'll meet you at lunch." And with that he and Piper skipped down the hallway ignoring the threats from teachers.

"Hey, neighbor." I jumped as I felt an arm slide around my shoulder.

"So what classes do ya have?" It was the green-eyed boy.

"Why would you care, or want to know?" I spat.

"Ohoo, feisty." He smiled. "You and my cousin are a lot alike."

"Yeah, I saw. And for his information I am not cute. I could slit his throat for saying that and make it look like an accident." I snarled. Why wouldn't he leave me alone? I looked over at him, his arm dropped from my shoulder.

"How did you hear that? We must have been what? Eighteen feet away?" He said in awe.

'Shit' I thought to myself.

"I have really good hearing." I smirked to myself.

"Hm, I see. So what's your name? I heard that dude call you Hal?"

"That's not my name! And don't ever refer to me as that!" I snap at him again.

"Geez, no need to get all touchy. I just wanted to know your name" He smiled.

"Thalia." I said as quietly as I could.

"Ah, little Grace finally shows herself again." I heard another voice speak up. I cringed at my mother's last name.

"Don't you dare call me that you little shit!" I growled. Luke Castellan.

"Make me, Grace." Luke challenged as he gripped my wrist up to the point to when I could feel it bruising.

"Hey what's your deal? She doesn't want to be called that!" I heard the green-eyed boy yell.

"Oh, and who are you?" Luke narrowed his eyes and dropped his hand from my wrist. I rubbed the sensitive skin and cringed. "Thalia's little boyfriend? Never thought I'd see the day. But he does suit you, you both will never fit in, and are ugly as hell. Maybe I can take her off your hands make her worth something." He smacked my ass and I squeaked and sent a murderous glare towards him.

"I am about to kick your ass if you don't stop toying with her!" He spat.

"Ooh, well then I will just be on my way." Luke sneered in triumph. The green-eyed boy was ready to charge at him but I held him back. His eyebrows arched, "He was a jerk, he deserves to get his ass whooped!"

"I know." I whispered. I pulled my sleeves down, noticing they were starting to ride up.

"I didn't quite catch your name." I said.

"Percy Jackson at your serves" He bowed.

"Percy honestly. Are you pulling that hole regal acquaintance thing?" Said another voice.

"Why no my good sir." He smirked.

"New school same old Percy." It was Death boy. He held out his hand to me, "Hey, I'm Nico di Angelo." He spoke. I took his hand hesitantly. They were cold and soft. He grinned.

"So Thalia, what are your classes?" Nico asked.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"I overheard you tell my cousin." He said. "Oh an I understand we are neighbors." He beamed. He had an almost blinding white smile. It didn't quite go with his gothic appearance, but it was gorgeous and made my heart melt.

"Um…" I handed him my list, and him and Percy pulled theirs out in unison. They straightened their invisible ties and pushed their invisible glasses on their nose.

"Hm, looks like we have just about every class together." Nico smiled.

"Aw man!" Percy whined "I have History at a different period than you guys."

I laughed at both their actions. They went silent and I covered my mouth with my hands. I turned invisible. I couldn't really help myself. I got scared of what they thought of me now. I let my barriers down for one second and laughed, I was supposed to not let anyone in I was suppose to hate everybody because eventually they let me down, or hurt me. Gods damn it now they know. I looked at them. They were starring down at me in awe. I moved behind Nico and ran a finger down his spine.

"Ah" He jumped. I made myself reappear.

"What just happened?" Percy gulped.

"How did you-" Nico was about to ask but I cut him off by grabbing both of their shirt collars and pulling them into the janitor's closet.

"You can't tell anyone! Got it?" I snarled ferociously. I could feel my eyes start to water, like storm clouds.

"We promise." They said. A tear slid down my face. Nico's face went from completely shocked to concerned.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked softly.

"No" I said as quietly as I could. I thought he was going to laugh or something like all the others do, but instead he rapped his arms around me. I felt warmth. Comfort. And even though it was hard, I asked him, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He pulled away blushing.

"Well if you two are done, we need to get to class." Percy spoke up. He was smirking.

"Ok. But you cannot tell anyone, of what I can do. I can't have myself looking anymore of a freak than I already am. I get beat up more than I can handle already." I said. 'Shit' I thought to myself. I shouldn't have said that much. 'Shit. Shit. Shit!'

"What do you mean?" They asked in unison.

"Nothing." I muttered. "Lets get to class." I pushed a strand of my hair out of my face. Nico and Percy appeared on either side of me and we walked to our first class.

Hey mortals, I hope you like this new story! I have out a part of my very being into it, like a horcrux! Well, I will be updating with new chapters soon! Soon my preciousnesses! Soon! Haha... That wasn't creepy... *Walks out of room awkwardly*