Maka listened as Soul and Tsubaki sang Wake Me Up Inside by Evanescence featuring Linkin Park. She smiled at her two friends who seemed to be having a good time. She heard Black*Star and sighed quietly as an intense sense of guilt swept over her. She really did not deserve him, he was so good and she was so...wrong. She had to tell him, but she knew how he would react. That was one of the things that was keeping her from telling him. Because she had to tell someone, she just had to. She was going to go crazy if she didn't, she couldn't handle going out in the field, she couldn't resonate, her soul was completely chaotic. The only time she felt at all at peace was when she was with Black*Star. she felt her breath quicken suddenly and she quickly excused herself to run outside.

"Come on Maka, get a hold of yourself! Your friends are depending on you to know that you are fine!" She yelled at herself with her eyes closed and hand close to her chest.

"Such a sad thing to see, a young girl, giving herself a pep talk." The man was strange, he had oddly colored yellow eyes, black hair and he wore a nice suit. He looked more like a businessman than someone to be hassling teenagers in alleyways. He slammed her against the wall and began to whisper in her ear. "Giriko sends his regards and says he misses that sweet cunt of yours." At this Maka froze up completely.

So Now I Know His Name...She thought, but suddenly the man was ripped away, her eyes widened as she watched the muscles ripple in Black*Star's arm, it didn't take much though, after that he ran away and Star rushed immediately to her side.

"Maka what were you doing!? Why didn't you kick that guy's ass?" He saw the look on her face and backtracked. "Maka are you okay? Did that man hurt you?" His eyes frantically searched hers. But for Maka and her already sensitive mental state, this whole even was just too much. She collapsed into his chest and began sobbing loudly. His arms wrapped around her and his heart broke for his friend who had been through so many things. But something had finally broken Maka Albarn and he dreaded to find otu what it was. "Let's get you home." He whispered as they walked back. He texted Tsubaki to let her know what was going on. Maka needed his help now.

AT home he had coaxed Maka to take bath. Soul had texted, telling BlackStar that although he was worried he was going to Tsubaki's, to see if his meister would tell her oldest friend what was wrong with her. For the most part the ninja agreed and he was was honest with himself, the scythe's presence was unwanted. Maka later emerged in her pajamas with her blonde hair all the way down. She took a seat next to him on the couch.

"So what's Soul-"

"Soul is with Tsubaki. But I think that it is time for us to talk Maka. About what exactly is going on with you. and don't insult my intelligence by saying that nothing is wrong, because we both know that there is a secret that you've been keeping. I'm not going to tell anyone, but we need to try and get you better before the next mission." Black*Star said as he took her hands and watched her tear up.

"Black*Star, I want to tell you, but I'm afraid."

"Of what? Is someone threatening you?" He asked, he would kill whoever it was.

"Yes and No. But I'm afraid that when I tell you this, that you will become very, very cross with me." Maka said as she looked away and bit her lip.

"No matter what you tell me, Maka, I won't be upset with you." He reassured her.

"Alright then." She took a deep breath to prepare herself. "The other nigh-I ran to the store on my own. I got trapped in an alleyway and..." She had to stop she was crying so hard now.

"Maka, what happened?" He hated to cause her such pain. He placed his hands on her cheeks and forced her to look at him. "What did they do to you?"

"I was raped Black*Star." Her voice was so hoarse and broken. "A man raped me."

Black*Star was stunned, he couldn't move or react, her sentence echoing in his head, and finally everything made sense.

A/N: I am so sorry my lovelies. The sad fact of the matter is that both my computers are messed and and i'm trying to figure out how to fix them, i'm borrowing a friends laptop to do this. I love you all so much and all the reviews you've given me. I've been handwriting out chapters. I have classes starting the 22nd of this month as well but i'm only taking two classes so i should be able to maintain updates. I hope this is okay and that you guys enjoy the chapters. If you follow me over on blackveilbridesfanfiction . net, my name is Sing and Celebrate Your Life, I am currently writing a chapter for When Darkness is All You see. it's nearly done and quite long so far. If you wish to receive updates and see all the writing ive done and my stories of all kinds i'd like to direct you to my tumblr xxxmistressoravexxx . tumblr . com; I will see you next time, please read and review!
