Chapter 5

"Geez. What a bother! Why do I need to go back here in school. I should be home now eating dinner! Waaah!", complained Tanaka Ryousuke loudly.

"Shut up Tanaka! I should be the one complaining! I SHOULD be already eating right this moment, but nooo... I'm accompanying your sorry ass here just because you left your school bag. How stupid can you get?!", Nishinoya Yu shouted back.

"Shut up! I was thinking about food earlier that's why it slipped my mind.", Tanaka sheepishly answered.

"Baka! Even if you're hungry, you shouldn't forget your school bag. Are you even a student?", asked Nishinoya, mockingly. "Well, good thing I am great guy and decided to come back here with you. You should be thanking me on your knees.", he continued.

"What are you saying?! Huh?!", asked Tanaka, planting his signature glare on his that left most people scared. "Do you wanna fight?", he challenged.

"Bring it on, Baldy!", answered Nishinoya.

The pair continued to argue until they reached the club room where Tanaka left his school bag.

"Huh? The lights are still on.", Tanaka observed as they stopped outside the door of the club room.

"Maybe Kageyama and Hinata are still inside. But it is sure late though.", Nishinoya replied. He raised his fist to knock on the door. "Oi! Hinata! Kageyama! Are you still inside?", shouted Nishinoya as knocked loudly on the door.

Kageyama was about to kiss Hinata when he heard some noise outside the club room. It felt like a cold bucket of water was poured on him. "Damn it! Damn it!", Kageyama thought. He silently debated whether or not to proceed. "I've waited for a long time to do this, I can't possibly back out now. Damn it!", but in the end common sense won. He didn't want to cause trouble for Hinata. Kageyama took a one last look at Hinata's face, abruptly stood up and walked towards the lockers leaving Hinata laying on the bench. It seemed like that was the hardest thing he has ever done in his life. He quickly grabbed his shirt as well as Hinata's from their lockers.

Hinata shut his eyes and nervously waited for Kageyama's kiss. His heart was beating so loud that he was afraid that Kageyama could hear it. "He's going to kiss me. He's going to kiss me. He's going to kiss me.", he repeated in his head. Suddenly, he felt Kageyama's weight on his body ease off. "Huh?", Hinata thought. He then heard Kageyama walk away. He opened his eyes and started to slowly sit up.

"Kageyama?", Hinata asked, confused. As he sat on the bench. He was still dazed about the things that just happened. Hinata became slowly aware that someone was knocking on the club room door and calling out their names.

Kageyama walked back towards Hinata and handed him his shirt. "Here, put this on.", Kageyama told him.

Hinata stared at Kageyama's outstretched hand. His mind is still trying to process everything that has happened.

"Oi! Kageyama, Hinata! Are you inside?!", shouted Nishinoya.

"Baka! Why do you keep on shouting? Let's just go inside.", Tanaka said to Nishinoya.

"Oh yeah. You're right. Wait a second, who are you calling stupid Baldy?", Nishinoya answered back.

"Oi, Hinata. Hurry up and put this shirt on or I will do it for you.", Kageyama said. He didn't want his senpais to see Hinata's body.

Hearing Nishinoya's voice again jolted Hinata back to reality. He quickly put on his shirt just as Nishinoya and Tanaka went inside the club room.

" Aha! I was right! I'm so smart. Maybe I should become a detective since my deductive abilities cannot be compared to anyone.", Nishinoya said putting his hand against his chin and striking up a thinking-like pose.

"Shut up! Says the person who gets straight zeroes during exams.", said Tanaka.

"That's a gift okay. A gift! It takes some serious skills to pull that off.", answered Nishinoya. "Besides, you're the one to talk Baldy. You are on the same page as me!"

"I'm way smarter than you. Plus much, much better looking.", Tanaka said smugly.

"Yeah. The only thing that could make your statement true is if receding hairlines became a fashion these days.", Nishinoya answered.

"Re-receding... Hairline... ", Tanaka spluttered.

"Haha.. That's right. Anyway, Oi Kageyama, Hinata what are two doing here? It's already late.", Nishinoya asked as he turned towards the two.

Hinata stiffened at Nishinoya's question. He remembered the things that he and Kageyama did and his face turned a bright shade of red.

"W-we, we... weren't do-doing... an-anything... wro~", Hinata stammered. The things he and Kageyama did flashed in his mind that he suddenly exploded.

Seeing that Hinata was so flustered that he couldn't even complete a single word without stammering Kageyama decided to save both of them. He stepped in front of Hinata who was still sitting on the bench to hide him from view. He was certain that the senpais will suspect something if they saw Hinata's tomato red face. "And I don't want them to see how cute Hinata's flushed face looks like.", he thought.

"Nishinoya-senpai, Tanaka-senpai Hinata was just helping me treat some bruises that I got from an accident this morning.", Kageyama answered. He delibrately used the honorific "senpai" so that he could distract the two of them. To be honest, he didn't really want to let anyone know that he got into an accident. But for Hinata's sake, he will do anything just to prevent him from getting hurt.

"You got into an accident Kageyama?!", Tanaka asked having from the recovered from the receding hairline comment.

"Uh, yeah. But don't worry, I didn't get terribly hurt. I just got a few bruises. But Hinata insisted to put some medicine on it even though I thought it wasn't a big deal and that's why we're still here.", Kageyama hastily explained. He really didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Are you sure you're alright Kageyama?", Nishinoya asked. "I could ask the captain to take it easy on you for a couple of days."

"No, you don't have to do that. I'm really fine.", Kageyama answered.

"Ok, if you say so. Well it's getting pretty late. We should get going now.", Nishinoya said. "Plus I'm really hungry now thanks to some idiot" as he looked accusingly at Tanaka.

"Shut up.", grumbled Tanaka as he went to his locker and pulled out his forgotten school bag. "Let's go."

The things that he and Kageyama did was still playing back in Hinata's mind like an endless loop. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he gets. "Waah! How can I ever face Kageyama again. I was pretty sure that I acted really weird earlier.", he thought. "Oh God, what will I do?"

"Hinata.", said Tanaka. "Oi, Hinata!"

"Hai!", Hinata immediately stiffened as he heard his name.

"Geez. You're acting really weird. Did something happen?", Tanaka asked.

"We-weird? I'm weird?! I'm definitely not weird. Why would you say I'm weird? I'm not weird. Not weird!", Hinata denied. His mind only caught one word in Tanaka's sentence. "Kageyama will think I'm weird.", he thought.

"Tanaka-senpai, Hinata's just hungry. You know how he acts when he hasn't eaten yet.", Kageyama intervened.

"Aah yeah. You're right. Well let's go.", Tanaka said.

Kageyama walked towards the lockers to get his own bag and Hinata decided to follow him. But Kageyama already beat him to it and just handed him his bag when he got their. "Here.", was all Kageyama said.

"Thanks.", Hinata said as his face started to heat up again. He didn't look at Kageyama when he said that.

The group trooped out of the club room after all the lights were turned off and the windows closed. The four of them were silent as they walked home. Kageyama and Hinata opted to walk and had their bikes to the their side. They appraoched the corner where Tanaka and Nishinoya's house lead to.

"Well good night you guys. Be careful okay?", Nishinoya said.

"Hai!", Kageyama and Hinata both answered.

"Well bye then. ", Tanaka said. As he and Nishinoya rounded the corner.

That left Kageyama and Hinata again. They continued to walk silently. Hinata was starting to get nervous again. " How am I going to act?", he thought. "Should I act normal? Or pretend that nothing happened? Or maybe it was just a joke on Kageyama's part.", for some unknown reason his heart clenched painfully at the thought.

"Hinata.", Kageyama said breaking the silence.

"Ye-yes?!", answered Hinata.

Kageyama stopped walking abruptly that Hinata didn't notice it until he was already a few meters ahead.

"Kageyama?", Hinata turned around to look back at Kageyama. He had his head bowed down and was standing so still that Hinata started to worry. Hinata walked back towards him. "Hey, are you alright?", he asked as he tried to peer up at Kageyama's face.

"Stop making fun of me.", Kageyama said, his head still bowed down.

"What?", asked Hinata confused.

"I said stop making fun of me. We're not done yet.", Kageyama said. His voice increasing as he said each word. He finally looked up and stared straight into Hinata's eyes. "You were the one who made me feel this way. You should take responsibilty!"

"Huh?", was the only thing Hinata could say. He was struck speechless at the look that Kageyama gave him. For some unknown reason his heart started beating so fast.

A loud crash echoed through the night as Kageyama's bike fell into the side of the road. Hinata couldn't react much less do anything when Kageyama suddenly grabbed his shoulders with both hands and pulled him towards his arms.

"Take responsibility", Kageyama said before he lowered his head and touched Hinata's lips with his.

Author's Note: ^_^

I'm back! ^_^ haha...I told you guys in the previous chapter that I could update soon, but this chapter took longer than I expected. Sorry for that.

Nishinoya and Tanaka finally had their debut. :D Did I ever mention that Yuu-kun is my favorite character in Haikyuu? Well next to Kageyama and Hinata that is. ^_^ Oh and don't misunderstand, I don't ship Tanaka and Yuu-kun haha... (sorry to all the fans that ship them though) I'm a Noya x Asahi fan all the way. ^_^ I mean seriously. How canon can they get? And oh, I have the two of them as my phone's wallpaper :3 Btw, I'm thinking of adding some Noya x Asahi mix in the sidelines :D

Anyhooo... Thanks once again for reading this story of mine! Comments, suggestions and even violent reactions will be greatly appreciated. I really want to know what you think about this chapter or this whole story for the matter. So please, please leave a comment. Once again, thank you! ^_^

Yours truly,

Masked Huntress

P.S. You can also reach me in: /masked_huntress

Feel free to ask me anything ^_^