Chapter 1

There are mainly two things that can set off Kageyama Tobio's mood depending on the situation at hand. The first one is volleyball. At the age of five, Kageyama has already determined that volleyball will become his life. From the very first time he held a volleyball, he knew that his life will never be the same again. He did everything he can to know how to play the game. He read magazines, books, watched volleyball tournaments on tv. He even recorded every single game he has watched and would rewatch it anytime that he can. Basically, he knows everything there is to know about volleyball.

At the age of six, Kageyama finally got to watch his very first volleyball tournament. And to top it off, it was the high school regional championships! His father specifically took the day off from work just to bring him to the match. He understood how important volleyball is to Kageyama. Plus, it would make a great birthday present he thought.

Kageyama was so excited when he found out that he would get to watch the regional championships. It was there on that regional championship, on his birthday, that he decided that he wanted to become a setter. Not just any setter, but the Best Setter there is. Combined with his hard work which included practicing volleyball everyday and his overflowing natural talent, he became known as the king of the court when he was in middle school.

Kageyama slightly shook his head to clear his thoughts. He didn't want to remember what happened in middle school and what kind of person he was then. "I'm in high school now and a member of the Karasuno volleyball team" , he said to himself " And, and I've changed. I know that I'm not the same person I was back then. And it's all thanks to that person."

Which leads us to the second thing that can really affect Kageyama's mood. And that is Hinata Shouyou. And right now, Kageyama's mood is fastly approaching maximum breaking point as he watched Hinata talking to Kozume Kenma and Tetsurou Kuro of the Nekoma volleyball team.

Hinata felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he stiffened. He nervously turned around to see Kageyama glaring at him from the other end of the gymnasium. "Crap! What did I do now? Did I do something to piss him off again? Urrgghh! Think, Hinata! Think!", Hinata silently scolded himself.

"Shouyou-kun, are you all right? You seem pretty tense all of a sudden.", asked Kenma. Observant as always.

"No! I'm alright!", Hinata lied, waving his hands in front of him.

"Are you sure?" Kenma asked, not quite convinced.

"Yep, yep! Definitely! Hehe... " Hinata nervously laughed.

Kuro who has been quiet all through out the exchange glanced behind Hinata to find Kageyama staring intently at them. " Hmmm... This is quite interesting. Maybe I should have some little fun. Serves you right Kageyama for being so obvious" Kuro thought and slowly grinned.

"Oi, Hinata. Are you really sure you're okay?" Kuro asked. He then placed his right arm around Hinata's shoulder and tugged him close. "You might have a fever. Let me check." He then placed his own forehead against Hinata's.

"Tetsurou-san! Honestly, I'm fine! I don't have a fever or anything!" Hinata frantically protested.

"Is Hinata alright Kuro-kun?" Kenma asked.

"Wait a second. I'm still checking Kenma." Replied Kuro looking serious. But deep inside he was laughing loudly. "This is so much fun!" He thought.

Kageyama's POV

Kageyama wanted to hide the fact that he was watching Hinata. "Seriously. Why does he look that happy when talking to Kenma? He is all smiley and stuff. Tch. It really pisses me off!" Kageyama was unaware, however, that he was unconciously glaring at the group or more specifically, at Hinata .

"How long are they going to talk to each other? Aren't they going home yet? Tch. They should be going home already!" He continued thinking. "Go away already! Wait a second. Why does Hinata seem flustered all of a sudden? What the hell?! He's blushing!" Thought Kageyama angrily. He then saw Tetsurou-san put his arms around Hinata and pull him.

Kageyama finally snapped. "This is way too much already!" He angrily thought and went off to intervene.