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![]() Author has written 14 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, and Frankenstein. As my profile was last edited YEARS ago, I think it's time for a revamp! Call me Neko! I love writing (obviously) and will openly admit to being terrible with updated. I refuse to abandon my stories though, and even if a year or two comes between chapters the next chapter will come! I love reading, drawing, anime and manga, music ranging from metal to j-pop, and sleeping. Being a senior in high school (graduating year 2016) I doubt I'll have time for any of the above. I might throw a few short stories up on my profile so feel free to peek at any of those! The occasional fanfiction will pop up inspired by whatever I'm reading in school. The best inspiration I have to write for you guys is reviews! REVIEW THINGS! And please check out my one-shots too! Reviews on those will lead to MORE one-shots! (and procrastination on updating old sotries buuuut that would have happened anyway sooo...) Shoot me a message any time! So here's a story I wrote, not a fanfic, but I tried my best :D Ghost of a Smile Jillian silently followed her best friend through the bustling halls. Screaming, laughing, and cursing, teens flocked to their lockers. The quiet brunette ducked around the groups of students, Jill diligently keeping pace. Whispers followed Emma wherever she passed, a cloak of hushed gossip trailing after them. The ball rang, piercing through any conversation. People streamed into classrooms, echoed promises to meet later silenced by the slamming of doors. Emma slipped into the classroom quietly with Jill at her side. She took her seat in the back of the room, binders clutched to her chest as she sat down. Behind her, Jillian took a long-empty desk as her own. She watched with sad eyes as the girl next to Emma eased her desk away. As the professor made his rounds, checking homework assignments, Emma was the only one not frantically shuffling papers. He finally came around to Emma’s desk, brow furrowed in annoyance and pen tapping his clipboard. “Do I even need to ask, Miss Watson?” He huffed, drawing out her last name in disdain. She said nothing, hunching forward and letting her dark hair spill over her face. The older man gave a sigh of exasperation. “You can’t keep using this as an excuse. That night wasn’t the end of your life, but if you keep this up Watson, you won’t have any life to go to.” Emma recoiled as if he had physically smacked her. Jillian felt a surge of protective rage, and as the teacher moved onto the next row of desks, Jill saw Emma dig her nails into the palms of her hands. Eyes locked onto Emma before hurriedly glancing away as she moved through the cafeteria. Jill wished nothing more than to shield Emma from those accusatory stares. The brunette strode between the tables without a word, clinging to her bag like a shield. Finally, the duo reached the courtyard. It was a small stretch of grass dotted with benches and shrubbery, one large oak tree dominating the center. The cool March air whipped Emma’s hair around her face, and she closed her eyes and dropped her books. She seemed to release a breath she hadn’t known she was holding, her shoulders relaxing. A ghost of a smile flickered across Jill’s face; this place was always theirs, and it seemed that nothing would change that fact. Emma slumped against the tree, bag forgotten in a pile of damp leaves. Jillian felt a pang of regret that only in the privacy of her memories could Emma let down her walls. Pulling out her iPod, Emma flicked through her playlist until she found the song se was looking for. They sat like that for a while, Emma with her ear buds in and Jillian just watching her. After a time, she sighed, grabbing her bag and brushing of the leaves clinging to it. Once more, that harshness returned to Emma’s shoulders as she stepped back into the school. Emma hesitated in front of the bus. The stairs seemed to loom in front of her, the glass doors the gaping maw to this terrible monster. An annoyed grumble jerked Emma out of her reverie, and she stepped aside to let a disgruntled teen climb in. Jillian shot him a glare as he passed. Taking a deep breath, Emma boarded the bus. She winced as she was bombarded by the noise, and the two hurried to an empty seat. Fumbling for her iPod, Emma shoved her headphones o. For the rest of the ride her hands clutched at her bag and her breathing came in short gasps. When the bus pulled to her stop, she flung herself out the doors and hurried to her house. Trembling hands unlocked the front door, and Jillian followed Emma inside. The house was dark and empty, an unsettling quiet smothering Emma’s home. School work forgotten on a muddy welcome mat, the brunette stumbled towards the bathroom. Shaking hands dug through drawers until she found what she was looking for. Dull metal glinted against the palm of her hand, which was quickly stained with red. Emma’s face was blank, a single tear trailing down her cheek. “I’m so sorry Jill…” She whispered hoarsely. “So sorry…” Jillian watched sadly, unable to intervene. She crouched by the prone body of her best friend, her hand brushing against Emma’s cheek. Regret filled her; regret for climbing in that car, regret for drinking that beer, regret for going to that party. Regret for making Emma drive when she was so obviously drunk, for distracting her when the car breezed by that red light. Most of all though, Jillian felt regret for reducing her bright and brilliant friend to this, and for cutting her own life short with her choices. Her arms wrapped around her best friend, though she knew Emma couldn’t feel it. “I forgive you,” Jillian whispered. “It’s not your fault.” Emma seemed to relax at this, as if she heard Jill. The crimson stained blade slipped from her fingers and fell to the tiles with a faint clink. Emma leaned back, head resting on the wall and tears staining her face. “Jill, I miss you.” A ghost of a smile flickered across Jillian’s face as she faded away. “I miss you too, Emma.” She whispered. “I miss you too.” I noticed something funny today. When Ed and Al are in the train station, I believe it was arriving at Rush Valley for the 1st time, Sig and Izumi walk right past them! Heh. Go Figure. I used to have an account, but I lost the password and email to it T.T The only stories on there sucked so I will repost them longer with more detail. Just because I hate having to repost stuff, here's a list of things that will apply to all of my fanfics in each category: Fullmetal Alchemist All of my stories for FMA will be slightly AU unless specified. Hughes will be alive, Alphonse (most likely) will have his body, Ling will (probably) not be fused with Greed, Lan Fan will (probably) have her arm, Havoc will not be incapacitated, Roy's rank (may) be higher than Colonel, but no major changes. I will specify if any of these do not stand though. And if it's rated T, Ed's mouth is most certainly taking part. Planned FMA stories
AU, Alphonse has contracted a deadly disease, and only has a year to live. He is sick of living half a life though, and decides that instead of desprately searching for a nonexistent cure he will live each day to its fullest. Snow White and the Seven Homunculi
Harry Potter I have a deep love of Severus Snape so any stories I have in the Harry Potter universe will paint him in his beautiful, bittersweet, tragic light. I also love mentor!Snape so be prepared for a bit of that. Maybe a bit of Drarry? Who knows! Warrior Cats
Darker than BLACK