Author has written 9 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Hey. Not really. I just have a tendency to get carried away. I'm done now. Annnnyway...I love to write, but never have the time anymore. I had this avid fear of writing fic of the fan variety because I was terrified that I would get OOC somehow and then get flamed to the point where I would confuse my bedroom for the pits of Hell. Not that I'm saying, "Don't flame me" or anything. Flame away. I would rather have honesty than someone kissing my ass. That gets annoying sometimes. However, if you would like to honestly kiss my ass, I'm not going to stop you. To be perfectly honest myself, I don't think I would have even set foot here if it hadn't been for a couple of my friends (those knowing who they are, since they send me fics 24/7). I'm kind of glad they did, since I've been extremely effin busy lately and I just like to chill out and not have to deal with extreme stupidity. I find that here too, but in more ignorable forms. But to the point. A few things you should/might like to know about me: 1. I'm friendly. I'm approachable. I like messages. Wanna be friends? Great. Just make sure it's for the right reasons (support, conversation, exchange of ideas, etc...) and not just because you want me to read your stuff and comment. I pay attention and I know when I'm being used. -holds up "Not Stupid" sign- 2. I do read people's fics and I do review. I'm 100 percent honest and I never give empty praise. You have to earn it with me. I figure that's the only way to be respectable. Anyone can flatter people, but few people can actually mean what they say. I even give distinct, direct, and detailed comments. Only once or twice have I been so blown away that I can't find one single thing that I like more than anything else. During those rare moments, I simply drool and babble a few incoherent phrases. 3. I am a facebook addict. If you want to add me there, message me here and I shall receive you gladly. :D 4. I like jello. Just thought you should know. And instant noodles are a lifesaver. Now I'm hungry. Damnitall. 5. I do yaoi. Just a warning. I'm farthest from homophobic than I've ever been, also due to same friends as previously mentioned, and I know find that I don't really care what people say. So if you don't like it, don't read it. Seriously, going around looking to irritate people about things like that is like starting a match in an arsenal full of gunpowder kegs. Don't be an idiot, okay? Everyone can have their opinions, but try not to be a total prick about it. We can all voice our opinions like adults without being disrespectful. I'm sounding like a grade school teacher. Time to move on. 6. I love love love love love anime. I am also selective as hell about it, because watching yet another Gundam series gets old after a while (that being said, I freaking LOVE Gundam...) Once I get started on something I really like, however, I'm pretty much devoted until the end, stupid move or no stupid move (like the ending of the original FMA series? Stupid move! It's almost like they made the movie just to atone for their idiocy). So far, I've delved into and finished, or have come close to finishing (so far as the series progresses): Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood) , Trinity Blood, Bleach, Inuyasha (which I'm honestly liking less all the time), Naruto (which I've completely given up on), Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Mobile Fighter G Gundam (you shut up, you know you liked it...), Vampire Knight, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Death Note, Loveless, Maria Holic, Skip Beat!, Dance in the Vampire Bund, and Strawberry Panic, as well as a couple other more obscure anime that your average weeboo knows nothing about. Oh, and I hate Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and One Piece. Don't try to sell them to me, because I just cannot stand them. 7. I love me some manga. My heart broke when FMA came to an end, as that has been my first and most important fandom. I waited an entire month to read the last chapter because I was mired in the denial stage of grieving. The Death Note manga was fantastic, as was Trinity Blood (oh WHY didn't they follow through in the anime, those bastards!), and I've read a few in the Legal Drug series. If there is an anime on THAT, you must let me know. I'm addicted. Also, I have a hardcore addiction to Skip Beat! I love the fact that every time I type about it, I sound overly excited because of that stupid exclamation mark at the end. I am also reading up on a few new manga I shall not comment on until I've read enough to say I firmly like them. 8. I also love Final Fantasy VII. I watched Last Order and it made me cry. I was disappointed with Advent Children, though I still love it. It was partially redeemed when Complete came out, but I can't really comment on too much of it, because Kadaj still freaks me out, Reno is a closet case, Tifa fighting in a mini skirt is ridiculous, Yuffie annoys the f-- out of me, Vincent sounds like Clint Eastwood (Nikki! YES, I went there...), Cloud owns, and Zack never should have died. I rest my case. 9. I'm prone to writing just about anything. My collection of stories might not seem to fit together, but that is me. On the other hand, I still refuse to write a House fic. I loooove the show, like the fics, can't write one of my own. I'm just too chicken. The character is brilliant, enough so that I made my username after it, but I just can't. He is brilliant, I am not. End of story. That being said, I am contemplating writing on some NCIS...even though that could ruin me. I have all seven seasons that are out so far and I can tell you that I have each episode memorized to the point where my characterization would be spot on. This is a sad, sad thing. 10. Music=Life. It's one of the few staples of my life. I can't live without it. I thrive on it. It is the source of much of my inspiration. It is like my writing: extremely eclectic. From J-rock to techno, to acoustic...only thing I don't listen to is rap and country. Makes me cranky. It seems like people list pairs on here, so I should probably do that too, hmm? Mmmkay... FFVII FMA --oh, and on a side note, you will never, NEVAR catch me reading and liking any Ed/Envy. NEVARRRR. Edvy is wroooong. I can make a list of why it would never work, but that would just be me being a bi--well, y'know. Trinity Blood Vampire Knight Skip Beat! Strawberry Panic And now I've run out of things to think about. Gawd. I'll update when my brain comes back. Thanks! |