![]() Author has written 2 stories for One Piece, and Victorious. Just some info bout me... - First things first... Anime & Manga = Love - I'm Female, but I'm also a tomboy, so no make-up, dresses etc. @_@'' - I like Pocky, Green tea & sweets in general - Sleeping is what I'm best at - Despite my friends saying that I have a big appetite (which I don't...*coughcough*) I'm pretty athletic - According to my friends and family I can't get through a day without accidentally hurting myself o.o'' - I'm short T_T - I dislike the dreaded homework (I mean who doesn't?) - I support Gay rights! B) - Im Bisexual ;) - I use ALOT of emoticons ._. :P T_T x) ...I'll stop now... Oh one more thing... I Love Yuri! yuri stories/manga/anime/pictures etc.. I love them all!! And so some of my fav parings are... Shizuru x Natsuki (MaiHime/Otome) Miku x Luka (Vocaloid) Krista x Ymir (Attack On Titan) Ty Lee x Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Lightning x Serah (Final Fantasy XIII) Applejack x Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Marceline x Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time) Nanoha x Fate (Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha) Akko x Mari (Girl Friends) Nagisa x Honoka (Pretty Cure/Max) Kanade x Hibiki (Suite Pretty Cure) Sora x Tsuki (Shitsurakuen) Yoruichi x Suì-Fēng (Bleach) Harribel x Nel (Bleach) Chikane x Himeko (Kannazuki no Miko) Nami x Robin (One Piece) Makoto x Miki (The IdolMaster) Asuka x Lili (Tekken) Sanya x Eila (Strike Witches) Mio x Ritsu (K-ON) Tokaku x Haru (Akuma no Riddle) Sakura x Ino (Naruto) Ellis x Nadie (El Cazador de la Bruja) Haruka x Michiru (SailorMoon) Tori x Jade (Victorious) Caroline x Max (2 Broke Girls) And so many more owO Anyways Peace! :D |