Reviews for What goes up
Maubeerbluffin chapter 21 . 8/2
I'm starting to think you should have maybe given another thought to turning this new part into a sequel instead :D
Maubeerbluffin chapter 19 . 8/2
I kinda like this whole debate, it's something that I find myself thinking about for a story I'm working on myself...
Maubeerbluffin chapter 18 . 8/2
what? people didn't catch the speed dial? i thought it was rather obvious. I didn’t even question it. to me it eas obvious that the rest of the family would show up, I just didn't know if they'd have enough time
Maubeerbluffin chapter 17 . 8/2
Hold up. The previous chapters weren't proofread? Damn! You're good!
Maubeerbluffin chapter 15 . 8/2
This one's fun :D I laughed a lot
Maubeerbluffin chapter 14 . 8/2
Ohh I'm so excited!
Maubeerbluffin chapter 13 . 8/2
okay, i don't really understand why Edward had to show up to briefly ruin the action if it didn't have the purpose of breaking them up for now. it would have been understandable and a good tool if you wanted to introduce another issue that they'd have to deal with then. bjt just interrupting them for no apparent reason seems weird to me.

but otherwise a really good chapter
Maubeerbluffin chapter 12 . 8/2
soo... Bella got over her kill fast.
that kinda buggs me but with everything else in this story moving a bit faster, I guess it makes sense
Maubeerbluffin chapter 11 . 8/2
ooh. i really like this chapter!
Maubeerbluffin chapter 9 . 8/2
well, isn't that just great!
You're really keeping the suspens-train going aren't ya?
Maubeerbluffin chapter 8 . 8/2
oh shit. i knew the second that there was talk of a school dance that this wasn't going to end well. but I didn't expect this D:
Maubeerbluffin chapter 2 . 8/1
yup. we're speed-running this, I see :D
Maubeerbluffin chapter 1 . 8/1
shit. you move fast.
K1ngDom chapter 44 . 5/8
Beautiful story
Qisthzy chapter 4 . 12/18/2019
Can someone just teach Bella how to use her gift tho... I can’t with her so weak and useless
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