"You know, the point of putting on a movie is so one can watchit," Gogo blatantly stated as the soft lips of her girlfriend pressed against her cheek once more. Eyes flickering over to the blonde woman, the only response she received was a small, falsely innocent smile. Honey had been at this for at least the past five minutes, pressing kiss after kiss against her cheek, her jaw, and pretty much any other piece of exposed skin she could reach. That wasn't to say Gogo wasn't enjoy them, but they had put the movie on for a reason.

Honey had always been a rather affectionate person regardless of who it was or how much she actually knew them. Of course, such a trait fit right in with her bubbly, loving nature. Regardless, it was a trait that seemed to have doubled since the two of them had gotten together. Small hugs or lingering touches had been quickly traded out with long moments of cuddling and small, subtle kisses. It had taken some time for Gogo to become accustomed to such kind, loving gestures and, frankly, she still was trying to get used to it all. But, what else was to be expected from the tough, over-confident woman?

Sighing softly as she turned her gaze back to the flashing screen before them, Gogo had hardly a moment's peace before she felt another brush glide over her neck. Only this time it lingered on her flesh far longer than any of the other ones that it had followed. "Honey..," she weakly began to protest, dragging in a long, deep breath as her girlfriend refused to pull back, only following the muscles of her neck.

"…Oh, fuck it."

With nothing more but that simple growl, Gogo finally turned to the woman that seemed so insistent to capture her attention, dipping her head down to meet her lips. She could feel the smile that played across Honey's lips as she all but surrendered to her loving gestures. Well, so much for movie night…