"Seto, Seto get up!"

The frog-looking lad groaned as he turned over to face his cat-eyed brother. Kano was abnormally excited and it must have been important it if he was ruining Seto's post-work nap. Though the look in Kano's eyes spelled something juicy was going on, and from the lack of a certain green-haired girl he'd say it had something to do with Kido's love life. Sitting up and at attention, Kano grinned and winked before cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Oh, Kido~! Could you come here for a second?"

The door to Kido's room opened and shut, her footsteps echoing as she walked down the hall. Looking at them, she raised an eyebrow as if saying "what is it this time"? And Kano grinned wider.

"I have got a status report for you. Apparently, there is a new person with eyepowers and it is an idol!"

Seto's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"An idol, which one?!"

"Kisaragi Momo-chan!"

Kido's eyes widened a bit before she rolled them and shrugged.

"So what?"

Seto and Kano shared a look before grinning at Kido almost as if they were two peas in a pod. Kido was such a dork. They both knew that she was attracted to women so what was the need to hide it? Oh wait, perhaps she was trying to play it off cool in front of them.

"But Kido, aren't you excited that we'll be living with an idol? A female idol?"

Kido gave him a glare before walking back down the hall.

"You're both idiots."

Once the door closed to her room though, they heard a thump and grinned in unison. Oh, this would be so much fun. Then Mary, sweet sweet little Mary stared at her male friends in confusion before looking at her book. Is this the yuri they were often talking about?

Though once Momo Kisaragi stood in front of Tsubomi Kido with an outstretched hand and a cutesy smile, Kano and Seto were cracking up as Kido stared dumbfounded. She was adorable. From her hair to her eyes to her clothing and even her voice, everything was perfect. She tried not to freak out on the inside, tucking her hands in her pockets and looking the other way with a blank expression trying to hide her blush by tucking her face into her hoodie. Kano then decided to step up and "relieve" his sister from her agony.

"You know, Momo-chan, if you are going to stay with us while you try to figure out your powers you're going to need a room. We don't have enough beds and there is simply no way that you can stay with the boys, why don't you stay with Kido?"

Seto noticed Kano's plan and Kido's shaking form that was oblivious to Momo. Then he shrugged, why not join it.

"I agree, Momo, it would be nice to share some type with a fellow girl. Don't you think?"

Momo brightened up and nodded. Kido's hands slowly raised from her pockets, and made menacing cracking noises. Seto and Kano had just signed their wills. That is when Momo turned to Kido with the brightest of smiles.

"That sounds good, don't you think? Like a sleepover!"

Kido's heart could have melted in her chest and she slowly nodded. Momo went on to get her things in Kido's room, and Kido watched as she leaved. Though the moment she turned the corner, Kido was beating the living crap out of Seto and Kano. Once Momo entered the room again, Seto and Kano were piles of mush being taken care of by Mary while Kido was sitting on the couch on her iPod. Weeks passed and Kido was getting to know Momo more and more. She knew what her favorite foods are, her dreams, her fears, what kind of manga she read. The more she learned about her, the more she fell but Kano and Seto were a constant pain in the ass.