Author has written 34 stories for Poltergeist: the Legacy, Sons Of Thunder, Adventure Inc., LXG, Supernatural, 24, Twilight, Torchwood, Losers, and Big Time Rush. I've decided it's time to re-do my profile page...again. Just a bit about me: As of this year I will have been married for 10 years, have a 9 year old daughter (who just came out) and a 3 year old son, and will this year turn 36 years old (and I don't look a thing like a 30 something, more like a 20 something...that can be as much a curse as blessing). Hoping that this year I will be able to do more writing, perhaps even clear out some of the WIPS I have going. Also have plans to begin scripting a graphic novel. I don't promise much in the writing department, as I have had some major personal issues and crisis' come up over the summer. My dad died in August. It was slightly expected and yet, still a complete shock. He was 65. Since then, my own health has taken turns that I'm having checked out. Depression. It was male alinement of the spine and depression. I am also in college (again). I do have plans to finish the WIPs I have up, but that will take a while. I have a new story that will be up sometime after November. It's going to be my NaNoWriMo book. I do love to get reviews, so please leave some if you enjoyed the story signed reviews will be responded to...eventually I do have a few stories I've written that I feel are too adult for this site. They are kept at my LiveJournal... which is only available for those over the age of 18 (you do not have to have an LJ account, but I do prefer that if you are under 17, you stay away). Thus far the only story I've done that to is a fiction series for Supernatural called Father's Son. The warnings that I put on this series is Adult rating for graphic rape scenes, language and violence. Here's the basic description: John leaves a minorly wounded Dean in a small town with his 17 year old brother, Sam, to go on a solo hunt. While John is gone, the boys are kidnapped. To be nice and not give away the entire story, bad things happen. Have also added a Twilight fiction that was edited down for this site, but the full version is on my LJ. Very Important: I've seen a lot of stories posted as one large paragraph. Please for the love of English break it up! Each character gets their own paragraph when speaking. It's difficult for the brain to decide what's going on when it's all one huge block of text. It's perfectly fine to have large paragraphs, but it's not so easy to read pages of text that should be separated into smaller, easier to digest chunks. Think of it like this, would you attempt to stuff an entire T bone steak in your mouth at once? Probably not. Well that should apply to writing. So think of breaking your text into smaller bite size pieces as slicing through that steak to make it easier to eat. Not saying that stories written all in one paragraphs are bad, but am saying that formatting needs to be worked on and used to make it that much better. A few notes on grammar: Than= (comparison)usually in reference to something better; example- That orange is larger than that orange. or Rather than go to the cafe around the corner she went to the one across the street. Then=(time) usually in reference to time, past present kind of thing, also used in short lists; Example: I went to the post office then I went to the bank. Drag= to pull in a direction. The correct past tense of this word is dragged NOT drug or drugged; can also mean that something or someone is making things go slowly Drug= something you give to someone, for example illicit drugs, cold medicines, pain killers. If someone has been given drugs then they have been drugged. There= placement of a person, place or thing; The store is over there. They're= contraction of They Are. Their= plural possessive; That's my car, their car is over there. Hear= what you use your ears to do. Here= location based. i.e. Here is my wallet. Your= possessive. i.e. Is that yours? You're= Contraction. Combination of the words you and are. i.e. You're a complete nerd! Its= possessive. The noun its referring to is possessive of something. It's= contraction. Combination of it is. Its normally not possessive. Were= past tense of was. i.e. We were going to the museum next or we were just headed to dinner. We're= contraction of we are. The apostrophe is important. Without it we're reads were (see above). One last note, if anyone has an issue with something I've written please feel free to email or PM me about it. Enjoy the fiction! |
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