Title: A Darker Shade of Blue
Chapter 1 – Enemy in the Shadows
Summary: SQL to Blood/Blue Jamie goes undercover with a notorious crime family while Frank tries to find out who's the real blue Templar. But as Jamie goes deeper what does Danny discover & can he help his brother out in time or will Frank lose them both?
Disclaimer: I own nothing from Blue Bloods.
A/N: Alright the sequel to Blood is Thicker than Blue is here! Okay so I am gonna tie in last season's Templar theme b/c I don't think it ended with Sonny and tie in Jamie's undercover story from this season. Much like last I am writing before I know much about the new storyline but will try to tie in any relevant eppy's or eppy info that comes up before/after a posting update the rest of course is mine. Of course it'll be Jamie centric (B/C I LOVE HIM) lol but much like my last story will really focus on the Jamie/Danny dynamic which in my humble opinion we don't see enough of on the show.
And yes I wasn't supposed to start any new multi-chapter stories until I finished off a few others (no worries to my other fandoms I NEVER leave a story unfinished) but blame Alice for being super charged already for this new season and having so many new ideas already in her mind! *gah* (so hope that's okay with everyone)..Oh and since I don't want to write Jamie's new partner just yet, we're gonna go with Renzulli as his partner until I get a feeling for the new girl and then – well we'll see lol
Okay so won't say much more but hope you all like this and thanks in advance.
~Ending from season premiere 2.01 Mercy~
"That bar you were workin' was padlocked by the state this morning."
"That's a good thing," Jamie answers with a nod."
"And the guy you took to the hospital has been callin' around trying to find you."
"He was? How did you know that?"
"OCCB has a tap on his phones," Frank answers in truth.
"Okay…what's goin' on here?" Jamie asks his father with some disbelief.
"His father and uncle are captain's in the Cappezari crime family."
"He's a wiseguy?"
"He's records clean but nobody's thinks that tells the whole story."
"Whoa," Jamie utters in shock, his brain trying to digest all the new and shocking information his father is supplying him about his 'supposed' two bit drug pusher.
"OCCB has tried to get inside the Cappezari crime family for a coupla years but no luck. My guess…when the time's right, they'll come to you."
"With your blessing?" Jamie queries in haste.
"Son, I think you can do anything you set your mind to. So as your PC…sure. But as your father…" Frank's voice dies out into a heavy sigh as Jamie just offers a small nod of understanding.
They finish up their fishing outing, not talking about the subject again as Jamie knows the pain his father would experience if he was to be called to go into one of the city's most violent and notorious crime families without anyone else to watch his back. But if he was honest it wasn't an assignment he would readily cop to either, however, now what could he do? He had made friends with one of their members, saved his life and now that member wanted to seek him out and thank him. Possibly more? Now he was worried. What would happen if he was to see that same guy when he was on duty? His cover would be blown for sure. But then that would save him from having to go undercover. Maybe that would be better?
Jamie heads into the kitchen, looking at a picture of him and Danny taken last week at a baseball game and smiles. After his abduction and torment by Sonny and all the stuff with the Blue Templar, the two of them had drawn closer than he had ever expected, something for which he was grateful.
Before Joe had passed, Jamie always wondered if his brother viewed him as an irritation, his youngest sibling just trying to appease their father by taking up the family business. But after Joe died and especially recently, he's felt that Danny has not only respected him but has become the source that he can now turn to to talk and get guidance instead of always going to their father and making it seem like he made the wrong choice or was scared. Course even around Danny, he was still a bit wary about that – he wanted to make his brother proud, of that he was sure.
The following morning, Jamie heads into the precinct and spies Danny at his desk and heads over to him.
"Hey kid back on the beat today?" Danny asks with a small smile as Jamie sits down before him. But when he notices Jamie's smile turn to an uneasy frown, he leans forward in concern. "What's goin' on?"
"Can I um…ask so if I see this guy you know from the bar…"
"On the job, whadda ya do?" Danny finishes his sentence, garnering a nod from his brother. "You act like it's no big deal."
"Danny dad said he is…" Jamie leans closer, his expression tenser than Danny had seen in a while.
"What? Jamie what's up?"
"Mornin' Danny, Jamie," Jackie greets, forcing Jamie to pull back and offer Danny's partner a tight lipped smile.
"It's nothing," Jamie offers Danny a fake smile. "Well I gotta run. So um…talk to you later?"
Danny watches Jamie turn and head out of the room and then looks at Jackie with a frown.
"Somethin' I said?"
"I'll be right back," Danny tells her as he goes in search of his brother. Surely the thing at the bar didn't have him that shaken? Or did it? Did something else happen that he didn't know about? What did their father say? Danny rounds the corner and spies Jamie pulling off his jacket and sees only two other officers within ear shot.
"Come here," Danny gently takes Jamie by the arm and leads him to a quieter corner. "Now talk."
Jamie looks at Danny with arches brows and slightly smirks, Danny's commanding expression instantly softening. "What's up? What happened? What did dad say?"
"That guy…he um works for the Cappezari crime family."
Danny steps back and looks at Jamie in shock. "Pardon?"
"Yeah I know…" Jamie slightly huffs. "Kinda unnerving. I mean Danny what if I am called to go um…you know undercover with them. A bar assignment with some two bit drug pusher is a bit different than a mob wiseguy."
"So he's associated with the mob…it's gonna be okay. In any event this guy was some small dealer lookin' to make a name with them, gets too happy with his own product and now wants to thank you before they kick his ass. He'd probably offer you a free score and then say so long."
"And if um…it wasn't that?"
"Then you have a gun for a reason," Danny counters.
"And what if OCCB asks me to…you know go undercover with the organization, using this guy as my in?"
"Well if that…"
"Danny I can't do it," Jamie insists. "I know these guys are hard core and what they did to the last cop that was busted a year go inside one of their houses."
"First off you are freakin' for nothin'. Chances are this guy will just let it go and move on to the next stooge. You'll probably see him in a bust or somethin' and then there will be nothing to worry about," Danny mentions hopefully; his mind racing with fear that his little brother would be called to go into one of the city's worst crime organizations.
"And if not?"
"Then we'll both freak out together before we make a plan."
"I always got your back," Danny gives Jamie a nod of reassurance.
"Come on…go to roll call, get your day started and then just go from there. By the end of the day you'll have other things to worry about."
"And dad?"
"What about dad?" Danny asks with a frown.
"He's going after the real Templar right? Think there will be any fallout over that?"
"You worry too much, you know that right?"
"Yeah that's what you always tell me," Jamie teases.
"Well maybe I'd stop if you actually listened," Danny teases back. "But on that note…just watch your back as well, we still don't know who Sonny was workin' with inside or at the top."
Danny notices Jamie give him a look that instantly tugs at his fatherly heartstrings. After Sonny had kidnapped him, he was more aware of just vulnerable his little brother was and since then, certain looks or words from his brother force him to want to be a bit more overprotective. Jamie going undercover with the Cappezari organization was giving him heart palpitations for sure; all he could do right now, much he was sure his father already had, was say a prayer it never comes to that.
"What?" Jamie's turn to asks his brother about his strained expression.
"Danny it's nothing."
"Come on kid you can tell me," Danny insists.
"Well what if I do something wrong to um…you know blow the cover off this case or…"
"He'll probably see you on the beat, make some snide remark about you being a cop and then never give you the time of day again and that'll be it. Case closed."
"And if he doesn't?"
"Going in circles. I know you're worried and it's the luck of the Irish," Danny smirks, "that this guy turned out to be more than just some average loser. So get changed, go do your beat with…Renzulli back?"
"Yeah he was just subbing," Jamie replies in truth.
"Okay go and get the day started and forget about it," Danny pats Jamie on the back. "Sonny's gone and dad's taking care of the rest. We'll deal with the rest later. I gotta run too," Danny smiles before he turns and heads out of the locker room, leaving Jamie to ponder his thoughts as he changes into hi uniform.
I guess he's right Jamie's mind ponders in error. With Sonny gone and dad looking into the Blue Templar maybe I can just forget about that.
So pushing aside the now defunct undercover assignment and heading for roll call, Jamie doesn't see the set of narrowed eyes watching him disappear around the corner before they disappear into another office of their own.
"Think he suspects a thing?"
"You mean Jamie. Nah…big brother might though as we move forward."
"And what do we do about that?"
"Leave it to me…when the time is right, we'll take care of both Reagan's at once."
"You said that last time and instead I had to take out Sonny before he could pay us!"
"Sonny was a liability to us and had to be taken care of. He couldn't control his disdain toward the Reagan's and so had to pay the price. Can you wait on my timeframe to ensure that when the house of Reagan falls, all the cards will lie down at once?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not if you want your money and by extension your life."
"And this undercover assignment? Aren't you worried about what the boss will say?"
"Worried? Jamie going undercover for the Cappezari crime family is the best thing that could have happened for us…worst thing for him. I couldn't have planned it better if I planned it myself…oh wait…I did plan it myself," the second man leans back in his leather chair looking up at the traitorous detective with a small evil chuckle.
"I am going to enjoy toying with the youngest Reagan until I take his life. Now we have work to do."
"And his brother?"
"When the time is right, he's yours."
"So you miss me?" Renzulli teases as he and Jamie head for their squad car.
"Yeah actually I did. Atwater he's…"
"A wet noodle?" Renzulli chuckles. "Yeah he is that. There's a reason why, despite a few years under his belt he hasn't made Detective yet. You…you have too much of your brother in you to ever do that."
"Joe?" Jamie asks with a bright smile.
"Danny," Renzulli quickly corrects.
"You don't see it?"
"But we're so…so different," Jamie slightly shakes his head.
"Maybe in something's, but if you look enough, you'll see the similarities. Trust me it's a good thing."
"Thanks," Jamie replies with a warm smile. He had been compared to Joe before but Joe was still a beat cop when Jamie knew him, Danny was always older and seemed more out of reach. A cop that other cops talked about in a good light and wanted to be like, holding him in respect and high regard. To be even considered in the same category for a few things was a honor that Jamie was now basking in. Really? He tells himself that Danny would probably laugh at what Renzulli said, so tell himself that he'll keep it to himself and just try to do the best he can now to make sure he lives up to that standard.
The rest of the day is pretty much routine for them, arresting two drunk and disorderly's and then keeping the witnesses at bay for a call that violent crimes was working. Finally Jamie changes into his regular clothes to go home and heads outside.
But forgetting that he still needs a few things, decides to swing by the grocery store and then the liquor store to get some beer and then head home to just relax in front of the TV and call it a day. He heads back outside with all his things stuffed into his arms and heads for Joe's newly fixed car. Thanks to Sonny, it had to be repaired, costing him more money that he wanted to put toward his outstanding student loans.
Jamie stops and puts the groceries into the trunk. But when he closes the lid he looks up and notices a car in front of him with a man in the front seat just watching, parked facing him in the parking lot. Jamie starts to squint to get a better look at who's watching him, when suddenly the high beams are flashed and Jamie quickly looks away, cursing the driver who instantly puts the car in reverse and speeds toward one of the exits, dashing around the corner so fast, Jamie's head was too busy spinning to get an ideal fix on the license or even make of the older model sedan.
"Damn it," he gently curses as he blinks to get the small spots to disappear so that he can drive home unhindered. But not really thinking too much about the driver, other than a rude customer, Jamie gets into his car and then heads for home, not realizing that a deadly game had just started – one with his very life as the ultimate prize.
A/N: Alright I don't want to say too much about where this story is going so hope you are liking it so far and please review and let me know your thoughts and thanks in advance! Lots of peril, tension, angst and brotherly goodness to come!