A/N: I know, I should be finishing Father Figures. My compy's broken, so I can't do anything but make new fics- but we like new fics, right? And I like Big Time Rush, so it's even.

This is for Halo- SisAngel- my best friend whose birthday happened to be two days ago! Happy birthday PS!

Disclaimer: Dude, if I owned BTR, it'd be on USA with Psych, not Nickalodeon. Speaking of which, I don't own Psych, either. SIGH.

"Good moooooorning, Los Angeles!" Shawn exclaimed, throwing his hands out into the air. "Feel that morning breeze brushing through your hair, Gus?"

Gus just gave him a droll stare, not bothering to point out that he was bald and therefore didn't have any hair. "Shawn, get down from there before you fall off."

Shawn scoffed at him but leapt back from the railing anyways. He was too hyped up on life—and caffeine—to be bothered by his best friend's flippant attitude. "Come on, Gus," he needled slightly. "You can't say you aren't glad to be out of little old Santa Barbara."

"Little old Santa Barbara," Gus echoed wistfully. "Where there aren't any crazy paparazzi falling you around or murderers out to get you."

"Live a little!" Shawn threw his arm around Gus' shoulders. "Come on, dude. The girls. The celebrities. The girls."

"Aren't you involved with Juliet?"

"Dude, I'm not talking about me." Shawn pulled the sunglasses low on the bridge of his nose so he could peer over the top of them. "Have you noticed that every girl you get involved in is a crazy homicidal—"

"Alicia was not homicidal!"

"No, but she was a little buddy-buddy with the ax she brought along for her date," Shawn countered.

Gus slapped down the newspaper he'd been reading in exasperation. "We already explained to you that her father was a lumberjack."

"And that totally gives the girl a reason to hide a hatchet in her purse." Shawn sighed dramatically. "But this is all irreverent to the point. You need a girl—preferably a sane one."

"It's irrelevant, Shawn," Gus sighed.

"That's what I've been saying!" Patting his buddy on the shoulder, Shawn jumped up. "Come on, the ferry's almost to the dock. Hurry up so you can take off those patches, they look ridiculous."

Gus lifted his hand to his neck where his trust anti-seasickness patches lay, shooting a glare at Shawn. But his friend paid no attention to his annoyance, knowing full well that Gus secretly liked that he'd wriggled a vacation break out of Chief Vick for the Psych team. After the crazy cases they'd had, it was great to finally get a break from mystery and mayhem. And Gus knew that Shawn was feeling put out after Juliet went back to Florida for a family emergency—especially when she'd asked him not to come.

Yeah, he decided. They definitely needed this.

The ferry docked and Shawn eagerly pulled Gus off of the boat back to the Blueberry. "Come on," he complained as Gus took his time getting the keys out. "Dude, don't be the molasses-talking teacher at a lecture in the library. We're going sightseeing!"

"We went sightseeing," Gus pointed out as he carefully pulled out of the parking lot.

"Not that kind." Shawn stared excitedly out of the window. "Oh! That was totally just Angelina Jolie crossing the street back there!"

"Angelina Jolie lives in Paris," Gus scoffed.

Shawn turned to stare at him. "What are you, her stalker?"

"It's common knowledge!" Gus defended himself. "Why does it matter?"

"Because we're celebrity sightseeing," Shawn stressed. "This is Hollywood, isn't it? There should be celebrities!"

The words were barely out of his mouth when a boy in a hockey helmet slammed into the hood of the Blueberry.

Shawn let out an unmanly shriek as the kid rolled off the hood and swayed on his feet, looking dazed but relatively intact. He was Latino and looked to be about sixteen or seventeen.

Gus rolled the window down and stuck his head out of the window. "Kid! You should really watch where you're going!"

"No!" the kid yelled—well, wailed. "We gotta stop the… the…" He stumbled back a step and almost fell on his rear when three other teenage boys came running into the street, grabbing his arms and steadying him. Gus frowned, recognizing their faces.

Shawn gasped. "Dude! It's Big Time Rush!"
