![]() Author has written 5 stories for Big Bang Theory, and Harry Potter. Dear Readers, This is an open letter to all but aimed specifically at one. Verbal abuse is never an acceptable behavior especially in a review. My last three reviews for my story The Driving Divergence from one 2ndCityN8tive were especially unacceptable. This is what they wrote: LOL! What a f* delusional Shenny c* you are! AS IF any of this would ever happen! More sad Shenny b*s* because they you don't have canon. Oh my God! It gets more delusional! LOL! So glad canon makes you burn! Wow that is awful and unbelievable. Truly a delusional s* filled story by a Leonard bashing Shenny. F* you, a*. Note: Check out the reviews if you want to see the un-bleeped version. I'm a grown woman and I can take constructive criticism because I know that it will help me grow as a person which will reflect in my writing. Flame reviews roll off my back because 1) everyone is entitled to their anonymous, delete-able opinion and 2) I know that at its core the reviewers haven't quite learned how enriching a different perspective can be. This "person's" review was upsetting for more than a few reasons but in this letter I’ll just stick to the really important ones. First of all, 2ndCityN8tive, you don't know me. Which is pretty sad because everyone who does thinks I'm pretty awesome. My friends say that my non-judgmental attitude is refreshing, especially when doling out advice. Here's my advice to you: Stop being a coward. At first, I thought it was very bold of you to insult me while still using your penname and, I'll admit, that for a few seconds there I admired that about you. Most people review anonymously when they write unflattering remarks. I noticed that the PM option on your account isn't activated. 2ndCityN8tive, you can't imagine my utter disappointment when I realized I could not reply to your review. And to think I was going to thank you for being brave enough to post your true thoughts and reactions and then ask you to tone down the bad language in a public review. It must have been really hard for you to read all THREE chapters of my story and post your wonderful comments on each one. You’ll never get all that time back and that's just really too bad. Second, I noticed a few interesting things about your account. Aside from the PM option being turned off, I saw that you only had the date you joined and your penname on your profile. There was no “about me” description. No favorite stories. No favorite authors and, more importantly, no stories that you’ve written. What does that say about you and people like you? I’d be glad to tell you… It says that you’re a bully who won’t amount to very much because you’re too busy tearing others down. I’m absolutely certain that if you used half the energy and hateful passion that it took to write those nasty, negative remarks and put them into something beautiful and positive you could affect change in this difficult-as-it-is world...for the better. But you didn’t do that, did you? You were extremely mean and rude to a person whom you’ve never met—who has never harmed or insulted you—because you did not agree with their interpretation of how fictional characters from a TV show would, could, might behave under ridiculous, fictitious circumstances that we’d likely never see on the show. In case you’ve entirely missed the point, it’s called fan FICTION for a reason. If I wanted to keep to canon, I would just watch the show. Lastly, 2ndCityN8tive, I want to thank you. Thank You!!!! I’ll admit when I read your reviews this morning I was very angry. I had typed up this really vicious, verbally eviscerating letter that I was going to post for the world to see because I didn’t have faith that this website would do anything about your behavior other than look into the matter and disable your account when I reported the abuse. Half way through, though, I realized that what I was doing was wrong. If fighting fire with fire creates more fire, then fighting hate with hate creates more hate. I don’t want to create MORE hate. I want to create for the good of others. I want to create positivity. I want to open minds to new, interesting possibilities. I want to comfort the hurt and up-build the downtrodden. Not just because it’s the right thing to do but also because it will lift me in the process. Thank you, 2ndCityN8tive, for helping me remember the person I want to be and for giving me the renewed drive to encourage others who are doing something new to keep at it. Thank YOU for giving me the fuel to fight bullies both online and face-to-face. Thank YOU for giving me the encouragement I needed to take my writing to the next level and make a profession of it. When, not if, when I become a sought after novelist. I will frame your disgusting words, as tangible proof that negativity can be made into something very beautiful and rewarding, and hang it up in my office. When I cash my first million-dollar check, I will be thinking of you and laughing all the way to the bank. After all, your rudeness was what spurred that success. 2ndCityN8tive, I want you know that I don’t hate you. But I do feel pity for you and in a lot of ways that’s worse than hate. I hope that you succeed in finding that one thing that fills you with true happiness. When you do, I want you to take that happiness and be kinder to others. Maybe then you’ll understand where I’m coming from. Live Long AND Prosper, QueenSpicy |