The Heat Of Passion.

Sheldon couldn't concentrate. Not only was it the hottest day in Pasadena for years, but Caltech's Air Conditioning system had chosen today, of all days, to go on the blink.

The clock creeping toward midday, Sheldon had had enough. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he put his jacket over his arm and left his office, heading for Amy's lab, from where he planned to go home.

Knock, knock, knock, "Amy".

Knock, knock, knock, "Amy".

Knock, knock, knock, "Amy".

Opening the door, Amy was about to make a comment about his triple knocking habit, until she decided she hadn't got the energy for a debate.

Noticing he was carrying his bag and jacket, she announced "Great minds".

Removing and binning her surgical gloves, she grabbed her shoulder bag, then stepped out of the lab, shutting the door behind her.

Two miles down the road the relief was palpable, as the Aircon in Amy's car began to cool them.

"Date night sleepover, yes or no?" she asked.

Sheldon pondered the question. It went without saying, that sleepovers were highly enjoyable, but sharing a bed in this heat?

"Yes" he finally announced, "it's just a pity neither of our apartments has Aircon".

"Proposal" Amy said.

"I'm listening" Sheldon replied.

"I know the sleepover is supposed to be at your apartment this week, but my water bed will be cooler, so I suggest we switch the sleepover to my place".

With a grin, Sheldon asked "All in favor?", raising his index finger as he said it.

Taking her left hand from the steering wheel, much to Sheldon's displeasure, Amy briefly raised her index finger.

"Carried, unanimously" Sheldon announced, with a grin.

Opening the front door of her apartment, she gestured for Sheldon to enter first.

The instant he entered the apartment, Sheldon almost fainted from the heat, so, without waiting for Amy to ask, he took it upon himself to open all the windows.

"Thank you" Amy announced, "tea, or something cold?"

Opening the fridge, Sheldon retrieved two bottles of water, handing one to Amy.

"If you will excuse me for a few minutes" Amy said, between taking large gulps of chilled water, I'm going to take a shower. There's ice cream in the freezer, if you would like some". Glancing back, as she left the room, she grinned "but make sure you leave some for me".

Turning on the shower, she cranked the temperature dial to about half normal, stripped, throwing her sweat soaked clothing into the bathroom laundry hamper, then climbed into the shower.

Taking the sponge, she held it under the shower spray, then, applying shower gel, she washed herself gently, so as to remove the perspiration, without overexerting herself.

Once she had washed and rinsed herself, she nudged the temperature setting slowly downward, until it was as cold as she could bear, then stood under it, feeling the heat leak from her body.

Finally, feeling clean and cool, Amy turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around her waist, and made her way quickly from the bathroom to her bedroom, hoping Sheldon wouldn't catch her half naked, halfway between the two.

Sheldon spooned out the ice cream into two bowls then licked the remaining ice cream off the spoon, making a mental note that the bowl containing the used spoon was his.

Opening the fridge, he poured two glasses of ice cold milk, then added a large spoonful of Strawberry Quick powder to each one.

As he prepared the Strawberry Quick, Amy entered, dressed in what appeared to be a pair of white shorts and an unpadded yellow bra, Sheldon's jaw dropping the moment he saw her. For several seconds, his eyes roamed across her bare middle, then he announced "Amy, you're almost naked".

"Hardly" Amy replied with a smile, "this is the bikini top I wear at the beach. If it's modest enough for the beach, I'm sure it's modest enough, for wearing in front of my boyfriend".

Picking up a spoon, she scooped a large dollop of ice cream, from one of the bowls, into her mouth.

Sheldon flinched, "Amy, I just licked that spoon".

Shrugging, Amy gave the spoon another lick, then replied "Sheldon, I kiss you on the mouth. If I'm going to catch anything from you, it won't be from a spoon".

"Anyway" she continued, "the shower's free, if you would like to use it?"

"Thanks" he replied, "I'll be quick, and no eating my ice cream, while I'm gone".

Ten minutes later, Sheldon returned, dressed in a pair of shorts and a melting Rubik Cube T-Shirt, which he considered appropriate, given the temperature.

Settling on the couch next to Amy, he began spooning his half melted ice cream into his mouth.

"Oops" Amy announced, using her finger to sweep a stray drop of ice cream from his chin, holding it up to show him, "you're dribbling".

Instinctively, Sheldon licked it from her fingertip.

Amy waited for Sheldon to realize what he had just done, and go racing to the bathroom for the mouthwash.

When, after a few seconds, he was still calmly seated, Amy liberally coated her finger in her melting ice cream, and held it out, pointing it toward him.

Covering her finger with his mouth, he slowly drew his lips along the full length of it, licking the ice cream from her finger.

With a salacious grin, Amy scooped up half a spoonful of melting ice cream and, coquettishly announcing "oops, I've spilt it", she dribbled it onto her chest, just under her chin.

Even Sheldon didn't need it spelling out, what she was expecting of him.

Leaning in, he ran his tongue up the middle of her chest, Amy inhaling at the touch of his tongue, heading toward the running, melted ice cream.

For a moment, he tasted hot, salty skin, then sweet ice cream.

The ice cream swallowed, he continued upward, again tasting salty skin, until his tongue reached Amy's neck, then he moved to her mouth, tasting ice cream and Strawberry Quick on her lips.

As they kissed, he let his fingertips graze her bare stomach, feeling her shiver under his touch, then he placed his hand flat, stroking her stomach.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he apologized, his breath shortening, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to know what your skin felt like.

"And what does it feel like?" Amy asked, her breath also shortening.

Sheldon thought for a moment. "Hot, firm, smooth" he began, then swallowing, he went on "and amazing".

Suddenly feeling warm again, Amy seductively asked "Do you want to try that again?"

Nodding, Sheldon put his hand on her stomach, then gently stroked her flesh.

Gaining confidence, Sheldon asked "would you please lay down on your back?"

Amy was about to ask why, but changed her mind. Maybe it was the hot weather, or the excitement of Sheldon's touch, but she was feeling reckless, and decided to just go with it. Truth be told, whatever he had in mind, she was sure she would be OK with it, besides, Sheldon wasn't exactly adventurous, where intimacy was concerned.

Laying flat, she raised her head and watched as Sheldon knelt on the floor beside the couch, then he dabbed the remains of his ice cream, in little spots, onto her stomach.

She briefly felt Sheldon's breath on her skin, then his tongue touched her flesh, licking the dabs of ice cream from her, as she inhaled sharply.

Licking up the last of the ice cream, he began to kiss her belly, delicately at first, then gradually firmer, his mouth wandering from spot to spot, Amy gritting her teeth against the onslaught of sensations.

On and on he kissed, across her stomach, then downward, stopping as his lips grazed the hem of her shorts, then back up her stomach, as far as the lower hem of her bikini top, Amy feeling every single kiss and graze, tiny jolts shooting through her body, wherever Sheldon's lips touched, but she refused to call out stop, reveling in the exquisite torture Sheldon's lips were imparting on her hot flesh.

Finally, Sheldon raised his head, a huge grin on his face. "Oh wow" he said, "you taste incredible, just amazing".

Hesitating, he asked "Please would you do it to me".

"Are you sure?" she asked, "that was pretty intense".

"Please" he begged, "I've just got to know what it feels like".

"OK" Amy replied, "but you must tell me when it gets too much. Now take your T-Shirt off".

Amy hadn't seen Sheldon take an item of clothing off so fast, since he was trying to master humor. In seconds, he was naked from the waist up, laying on his back on the couch.

Bending over him, she pressed her lips to his skin, feeling the heat Sheldon had described of her own body, then she kissed his flesh, tasting the saltiness, Sheldon shivering under her mouth, his back arching from the cushions.

Lifting her head, she asked "too much?"

"No" he gasped, his eyes clamped shut "please keep going".

Kissing onward, she kept an ear cocked to his breathing, which was becoming shorter, faster and more stifled by the second.

Although she knew there was little or no danger, Sheldon being physically fit, and she could easily deal with it, if he hyperventilated, she kept listening for Sheldon calling stop, yet to her amazement, the call never came. All she could hear was a low moan, while Sheldon squirmed under her.

The seconds passed into a minute or more, yet Sheldon remained silent, his body wriggling under her touch, until Amy finally had to break contact, to recover her own breathing.

"You didn't call stop?" she asked, a look of puzzlement on her face.

"I didn't want to" he replied, "or maybe I did, and I didn't".

Sitting up, he asked "Does that make sense?"

"Kind of" she replied, "it's sort of like something is too enjoyable to stand, or to stop".

Thinking back to what he had just experienced, Sheldon said "it's sort of like the Medusans. Too ugly to bear, or too beautiful to bear".

Seeing the confused look on Amy's face, he explained "Star Trek the original series, Is there in truth no beauty".

Giving him, what she hoped looked like an understanding smile, Amy asked "salad for dinner?"

"Yes please" he replied, "I couldn't eat anything hot".


"The shower's all yours" Amy announced, "I'll see you in bed".

Hearing the shower running, as she passed the bathroom door, Amy entered the bedroom, shed her bathrobe, and slipped into bed, under the single cotton sheet she'd put on the bed. Even with just a sheet on, and the window wide open, it was still very hot.

About ten minutes later, she heard the shower turn off, then Sheldon entered, wearing shorts and a T-Shirt.

"You were quite a while in there" she announced.

"Mostly just standing under the cold water" he replied, "trying to cool down".

Looking at her outline under the sheet, Sheldon asked "are you wearing anything at all?"

"My bikini" she replied, "why?"

"Oh, no reason" he replied, trying to sound nonchalant. Loathe as he was to admit it, he quite liked the idea of all that bare skin close to him.

Slipping in next to her, he purposefully, but he hoped it appeared to be accidentally, let his leg brush against hers, feeling the soft smoothness of her skin against his.

They turned to one another, to exchange their regular goodnight sleepover kiss, but instead of breaking after the regulation five seconds, Sheldon continued with the kiss.

For a second, Amy considered breaking the kiss, but instead, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him tighter to her, her hot skin pressing against him, an electric tingle running from every point of skin to skin contact.

Finally releasing him, she moved back to put some distance between them, but then Sheldon's hand reached out and stroked her stomach.

"I'm sorry" he said, "I just can't stop myself touching your stomach".

"No need to apologize" she assured him, "I find it quite enjoyable. Please continue".

Reassured by Amy's request, he put his hand back on her stomach, gently stroking it, as though feeling every pore.

Feeling emboldened, he asked "how about legs?"

"Anywhere you like" she assured him, her breath shortening.

His hand moving round behind her, he stroked the small of her back, feeling her spine, his breathing shortening to match Amy's, then he moved his hand downward to her thigh, to tease and feel the beautifully smooth skin.

Coming round the front again, his hand slipped back onto her stomach, to stroke and caress, then his hand finally came to rest on her side, in the soft area between her hip and her ribcage

They lay there for several minutes, bodies close together, Sheldon's hand resting on her side, then he apologized, "I'm sorry Amy, but I'm getting too warm".

"I understand" she assured him. Rolling away from each other, they lay side by side, on their backs, arms on top of the sheet, a foot or so of space between them.

Flicking off the bedside lamp , Amy whispered "Goodnight Sheldon".

"Goodnight" he whispered back, then, closing his eyes, he relaxed, waiting for sleep to overtake him.

Eventually, some minutes later, he heard Amy's breathing become slower and deeper, indicating she was asleep.

Matching his breathing to hers, he lay still, clearing his mind of thoughts, until he too drifted into sleep.


"Far too warm" Sheldon muttered, fighting to breath in cool air.

Forcing his eyes open, he found he was spooning Amy, his arm over her body, his palm resting on her stomach. Evidently, there was something about her stomach, that even his unconscious mind found fascinating.

Moving to separate himself from Amy's back, he discovered he was sticking to her, due to the heat. Ordinarily, he'd run screaming to the shower, to wash away perspiration, particularly someone else's, yet he somehow felt OK with Amy's hot sticky back against his chest.

Nevertheless, comfortable as he felt, cuddling up to Amy, he was still way too warm, and needed to shower.

Sliding gently from the bed, so as not to wake Amy, he headed for the shower, stopping briefly to ring Caltech.

His shower completed, he dressed in a fresh T-Shirt and shorts, then lay on the bed, on top of the sheet, next to Amy, leaning over to kiss her on the lips.

Stretching, Amy opened her eyes, looking into his, then she murmured "kiss me again".

Sheldon hesitated, then, closing her eyes again, Amy moaned "anywhere, anywhere at all".

Deciding the six hundred and eighty odd miles to Salt Lake City, was too far to travel for a kiss, he drew the sheet off her, to briefly stare at her perfect bikini clad body, then he swooped his head down, to kiss her stomach, then he kissed her again, and again, his mouth ranging freely over her whole stomach, the salty taste of her flesh driving him on.

As his mouth moved upward, he made a split second decision, his lips sweeping beyond the lower hem of her bikini top, then he plunged his mouth into her cleavage, to gently kiss the upper curve of her left breast.

Amy's body went rigid, then she gasped "God yes".

Sheldon didn't make a conscious decision, for what he did next. Acting more on instinct, he slipped his fingers over the hem of her bikini top and pulled the cup to one side, instantly capturing her nipple in his mouth, tasting the rough texture with his tongue, the bud hardening in his mouth.

Amy almost came right there and then. She'd never had a man's mouth on her nipples, and the sensation was mind blowing.

Feeling Amy stiffen, Sheldon sucked hard on her nipple, and Amy's body was on fire, every nerve as tight as a guitar string, her loins twisting into a tight mass of tensions.

Sheldon kept on sucking, varying the suction from gentle to hard, Amy's body writhing in response to the sucking, then she arched her back completely off the bed, holding her breath, before flopping back onto the bed.

Sheldon sat there in wide eyed disbelief, staring down at Amy.

"Amy" he asked, "what just happened?"

"You just made me come Sheldon" she gasped, "I've never come like that in my whole life".

"But I didn't touch you down there" he replied, a confused look on his face.

Amy's breathing slowing, she assured him "you don't always have to touch me down there, to make me come. Nipples can be enough sometimes".

A smug grin crossing his face, he asked "so that was good, was it?"

"More than good" she replied, "it was amazing".

Glancing at the bedside clock, Amy cursed "crap, we're going to go late".

"It's OK, you can relax" Sheldon reassured her, "I've already rung Caltech and the Aircon is still off, so nobody's going in".

"Amy" he asked, his voice dropping, a nervous cadence to it, "I don't feel like going home today. Could I stay with you?"

"Of course you can stay" she assured with a smile. Keeping her voice casual, she asked "do you want to stay tonight as well?"

"If that would be OK?" he replied, the cadence slipping from his voice.

"Sheldon" she confirmed, "you know you are welcome to stay anytime, now lie down and kiss me again".

They lay on top of the bed for a long while, until the rising heat became unbearable, then Amy excused herself for a shower, while Sheldon busied himself with preparing breakfast.

Serving up two bowls of cereal, with cold milk straight from the refrigerator, alongside glasses of chilled orange juice, Sheldon heard Amy enter the room behind him.

"Breakfast is ready" he announced, turning, then he froze, his mouth dropping open.

Amy was wearing a tiny red bikini, and literally nothing else. Every curve and crease of her body was clearly visible, or outlined through the tightly stretched material.

Sheldon tried to avert his gaze, but his mind wouldn't let him, and he stared for a good ten seconds, before finally muttering "Amy, you look incredible". Pausing, he added "but you won't be wearing that in public, will you?"

"I'm tempted" she teased, "but no. I have a cotton skirt and a T-Shirt for that".


They spent most of the day, wandering aimlessly around Glendale Lake, savoring the cool breeze blowing off the water, sheltering under trees, exchanging pleasantries with the campers, and giving a friendly nod to the anglers braving the heat.

Guzzling down a mouthful of chilled soda, while sitting under a tree, Sheldon sighed. "Wouldn't it be wonderful" he mused out loud, "if we never had to work again, and could spend every day visiting places like this?"

"It would" Amy replied dreamily, "but until one of us wins the State Lottery", grinning, she reminded him "which neither of us play, by the way, we'll have to keep working".

"Unless we invent something" he replied with a grin.

"Huh" Amy mused, "maybe. Got anything in mind?"

"Air conditioned clothing?" he suggested, wiping sweat from his brow.

With a grin, Amy replied "I think NASA may have beaten you to it, by about fifty years".

"There's always a time machine" Sheldon offered, "but where would we get a Delorean, or plutonium for that matter?"

"You and your Back To The Future" she playfully chided him, patting him on the arm.

"Hey" he said, "you got the right film".

"I pay attention to your movies" she said. Dropping her voice, she finished "sometimes".

The afternoon heating up, they sought refuge in Amy's car, with the Aircon on full, as Amy drove them back to her apartment.

Stripping off her T-Shirt, she undid and dropped her cotton skirt, bending to pick it up, only to feel Sheldon's hands instantly land on her bottom, to squeeze her buttocks.

"Woah" she announced, jerking upright and turning to look at him, "getting a bit handsy aren't we? You know what happened to a certain TSA agent who tried that".

"Excuse me" Sheldon responded, with fake indignation, "but didn't you say, and I quote 'Anywhere you like' ?"

Moving up close to Sheldon, Amy replied "you and your eidetic memory", then she took his hands and held them behind her, pressing them to her bottom.

With a grin, she said "If you are going to feel me up, you can at least look me in the face, while you are doing it".

"Oh, I'll do more than that" he assured her, then his mouth was on hers, his tongue slipping past her lips, to stroke her tongue.


Laying in bed, Sheldon heard the shower turn off, then, a few minutes later, Amy came in, dressed in her yellow bikini, Sheldon sighing slightly, at how much more it covered, than the red one she'd been wearing earlier.

As Amy snuggled into bed alongside him, Sheldon hooked his finger onto the bikini top, between her cleavage.

"Do you, erm, really need this?" he asked, tugging at it.

"No" she confirmed, sounding calmer than she felt, "I can take it all off if you like, but, fairs fair, you've got to do the same".

Sheldon hesitated, trying to decide if he could bring himself to strip naked in front of Amy.

Finally, deciding he couldn't, he replied "OK, top only", pulling his T-Shirt over his head as he spoke.

"Coward" she teased, reaching behind her back, to unclip the clasp, and shed the bikini top.

Sheldon sat there, eyes wide, his mouth suddenly dry.

"Still want to stroke my stomach?" she asked, licking her lips.

"Not at the moment" he replied, in a distracted voice, "I've got more interesting research to conduct".

"Such as?" Amy asked.

"Such as, seeing if I can get the same results, as this morning's experiment".


Around 2am, there was a huge flash of lightening, followed by a ground shaking roll of thunder, then the skies opened, and the rain poured down, the temperature plummeting in response.

The temperature dropping into the mid forties, Amy shivered under the single cotton sheet.

Snuggling up to him, she murmured "Sheldon, I'm cold".

Putting his arm around her, Sheldon pulled her close, sharing his bodily warmth with her, and that was how they awoke, face to face, pressed close together, naked from the waist up.

Looking him in the eyes, Amy asked "do you want to put your top back on?"

Realizing he felt comfortable with the way he was, her replied "no, I'm fine. Do you?"

Snuggling in close, Amy inhaled slowly, then let it out. "No, I'm OK".

Feeling his hand cup her left breast, Amy smiled. "I think we've cured your fascination with my stomach".

"Don't bet on it" he replied, "I do have two hands".

As his hands worked their magic, he whispered "how about we make sleepovers Thursdays and Fridays?"

"Yes please" Amy replied.

"Oh, and one more thing" he said, a salacious grin creeping onto his face, "bring that little red bikini with you".