Reviews for Have a Nice Day!
LuckyJill chapter 20 . 6/3
Fantastic. One of the few Tomiones I actually believed could happen. The leap Tom has to make from evil and ruthless to love and trust is usually too great. And Hermione’s willingness and ability to overlook all the evil in his soul and the horrible things he has done and can do - it is something I never believe because it is so against grain on who she is.

But neither one of them loses who they are here. They actually grow, they don’t just fall in love and remain the same, only with a blind spot to the problem that is the other. Stories can become a bit tired when those blind spots lead again and again to mistaken trust which acts as the engine that provides the ongoing conflict. I mean, there are a number of other Tomiones that I have enjoyed immensely. But this was the most satisfying.

Very impressive. I wish I had half the well applied creativity and ability you do speechwriter.
Lisamalvina chapter 20 . 5/20
Wow, I really enjoyed that! Thank you so much for writing a really interesting story!
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 20 . 3/27
Lol if you added children in the epilogue I would be concerned. Tom is definitely not the fatherly type
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 17 . 3/27
He really does genuinely love her. Even with his temper and messed up ideals he cares enough to Write her a poem.
That's so sweet!
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 12 . 3/26
His password is his birthday?!
Hermione, sis you could have iguessed that/i.
Guest chapter 19 . 3/25
I LOVED this. Spoiler alert: the amnesia thing was about to seriously piss me off but then you saved it. I find it hard to believe that Tom would not react badly to the situation when Hermione reveals IT, but I’ll let it slide because the story needed to end.
AK chapter 20 . 3/16
That was simply magical! Thank you.
Gueneviere chapter 20 . 2/22
This. Was. Excellent.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/15
I really hate Hermione in this story.
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 19 . 11/20/2019
Loved the story, loved tom more
Eaze chapter 19 . 9/29/2019
This is honestly the best story i’ve ever read.
Giselle22 chapter 9 . 4/19/2019
Hahaha this is soooo awesome, hilarious. Omg you are incredibly talented
zyali chapter 20 . 4/4/2019
Be warned, this review contains SPOILERS and may not even add much to the wonderfully eloquent reviews that have already been posted. Here it is. You've been warned. This story took me for a damn RIDE. I laughed, way more than I was expecting. All of the references to the og series were clever and unexpected and so delightful. I got a kick out of the house elves / illegal immigrants analogy, as well as the horcruxes / offshore accounts.

The characterizations of Tom and Hermione gave me everything I wanted. There are very few fanfics that get Tom's character and motivations correct on the "evil psychotic emotionless murdering robot" to "instantly redeemed with the power of love" scale. This Tom was really well balanced, in part due to the economic slant of this fic, with the financial version of immortality - through a corporation. I could understand why he'd use drugs AKA dark magic, though the first mention of them threw me for a loop, there aren't many fics that deal with this, though of course I think this is brilliant. I would also like to point out something another review mentioned, which is that Tom actually sounds like a guy. I've read a lot of fics where the main guy sounds like a women writing a guy (because that's probably the case). Tom here stands on HIS own. This is huge, because in my Tomione I can accept many versions of Hermione, but I cannot accept a second-rate, unimaginative, hyper-sexualized, or one-dimensional, Tom. It's about power and its manifestations. Economic power, in this case.

I loved that both Hermione and Tom were manipulating each other, and that manipulation tended to backfire and get mixed in with real feelings. I've read some fics where the manipulation gets so convoluted that I've had to re-read chapters to get a glimpse of the truth, but I could actually follow along with this fic BECAUSE of inner dialog about their feelings. If I have to say something negative, both characters didn't really read as "teenagers" since they were so damn brilliant and perceptive, but that is something I can accept in fanfiction, and especially with these two brilliant characters. I Live For It.

As I got closer and closer to the end, I had no idea how the story would wrap up, and was growing anxious with the dwindling chapter count. I was excited to reach chapter 19, almost done with the story, when I got to the amnesia plot line. I closed my computer. I walked away. I nearly threw my tea mug at the wall just to try to feel alive again. After investing hours of my life reading this, I was ready to quit so close to the end because of how much I hate this. But SPOILERS AGAIN it turned out OK. Thank you.

Didn't really need the epilogue, but glad it was there!

One of my favorite Tomiones. I'm done with time turners.
zyali chapter 6 . 4/3/2019
Oh my god, house elves are illegal immigrants? That is freakin' brilliant. And obviously Tom knows chinese - I swooned imagining that. This is so, so, soooo good and gets better with every single damn chapter.
irisperson415 chapter 19 . 4/2/2019
what an amazing and beautiful journey it’s been to read this! totally binged it in six hours. Thank you!
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