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Author has written 45 stories for Pokémon, Harvest Moon, Hunger Games, Divergent Trilogy, and Warm Bodies, Isaac Marion. Dear Fanfiction readers and writers, I haven't updated a story since...gosh, I can't remember! Halloween, maybe? :o I am very sorry for the massive year and a half of hardly any updates, oops. :L To be honest, I feel that as I've gotten older, I've become less and less interested in continuing my fanfictions at all... I will try at times to write or maybe add a new chapter to a story that everyone has been yelling at me to finish for God-knows how many months... :L But as for me, as AshandMistyLove, rejoining fanfiction and updating as I used to when I was 'properly into' Poke'mon, and other things... Well I have a sad feeling that no matter how long I tell myself, "I might update or finish so and so this holiday" I will always end up putting it off to talk to those close to me, or the fact I have so many exams takes over instead. So I'm sorry to say as I've gotten older, my drive to write my fanfictions has almost entirely, well...gone? I see the era of when I wrote all these stories when so many people read over and got into (if you managed to understand my confusing work :P ) them and I don't really think I am capable of writing anything and sticking to it anymore. So I'm sad to say, I've outgrown Poke'mon as I've got older, and I really doubt I am going to be updating or writing new material if at all anymore. I want to thank everyone who read, or reviewed or helped me out on a story :) You've helped me all so so much, and thank you for that. I really enjoyed getting all those reviews and comments, bad or good. So thank you, and continue to write and develop your skills in writing and who knows? I might update when I feel like it ;) Thanks very much! :D From, -AAML :) I also have a second account now which is dedicated to other fics apart from POKe'MON if you're interested. I am also -http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/4039831/DarkestPowersSorceress Thanks! Here's the link to my Deviant art page, I hope you like it peeps! http:/// I am starting a new thing, It's called songs of the month, where I'll name, which really is what it 'says on the tin' so its what I suggest you listen to at the moment. 1. Chocolate- The 1975 2. I Knew You Were Trouble- Jamestown Story's version. 3. Radioactive- Imagine Dragons 4. On Top of The World- Imagine Dragons 5. Here's to Never Growing Up- Avril Lavigne Hey everyone! Thanks for taking time to read my profile! COOKIES ALL AROUND XD Firstly, I have a few stories that need to be finished yet. ahahaha, a few? really? But I do not believe in never finishing a story on the final sentence, so, even if it kills me, everything will be finished. As you know, I always have new ideas, and can't wait any amount of time to begin writing them! Haha, I have quite the imagination, which kinda makes it hard to sleep at night, ahah, stupid horror movies and books... XD My latest soon-to-be-written fics: I am going to aim to start up Toil N' Trouble this Halloween again! But I haven't been getting reviews, read it, I'm very proud of it. Ehe... Also, my longest fic, The Meeting for Futures: Act II: The Darkest Hour (yes, I re-named it. ahah) And My World chapter 2, and that's about all so far! Thanks for checking out this page! I am thinking about a sorta Hunger Games/Poke'mon anime peeps fic with Ash, Brock, misty etc. I'm not sure yet though , tell me what you think.:) About Moi: Call me AAML, Everyone does :) Youtube: No1Umbreonfan2000 - http://www.youtube.com/user/No1Umbreonfan2000?feature=mhee B-DAY: 3RD OCTOBER! Country: Not in USA, I'm actually in the UK, I just don't know how to change it yet.. ehehe... XD Gender: FEMALE. DUH? About me: I am fiery, and find it kind of hard to talk to boys cos I got bullied once. I'm kind of quiet but loud... If you know what I mean... I am definately in love with love, a big romantic, a secret lover of PKMN, sort of. I cry in sad songs, spend hours with a friend playing Harvest Moon expertly. We do the voices too. Babara is ALWAYS farmer. Doing Finn's voice gives me a sore throat... (DAMNIT! NAMI GO IN THAT BAR! WE NEED THE HEART SCENE!) (C'MON CHASE! TAKE US ON A DATE AND COMPARE THE MOON TO DUMPLINGS!) Ehehehe... XD I am funny, well, I seem to think so, I am a real tomboy, believe me. Sarcasm is my first language. XD I am an EXCELLENT secret stower... That means I KEEP 'em PEOPLE! I write songs when the urge hits me, usually when I feel I need to let out my feelings... I am veeeeery loyal, ahaha, XD And I am trying to learn the guitar and piano, I'm an 'OK' singer. I envy childhood friends when they fall in love. WHY CAN'T I HAVE A CHILDHOOD DUDE FRIEND I CAN FALL IN LOVE WITH???!!! Plus, I say 'like' waaaaay to much!!!! Oh, and I love my boy very much :) Fave Things: WARM BODIES. Insurgent, DIVERGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PS. FOUR!/TOBIAS!!!!!) Day from Legend- Marie Lu book, The Hunger Games. PEETA MELLARK- JOSH HUTCHERSON= FIT! = MINE BITCHES! :P NICHOLAS HOULT *.* WARM BODIES!!!! Delirium- Lauren Oliver, Warrior Cats- Erin Hunter, Uglies, Pretties, Specials- Scott Westerfield. Maze Runner trilogy- James Dashner, Pure, Julianna Baggott, Legend- Marie Lu, Prodigy (sequel) Matched- Ally Condie, and sequel Crossed & Reached. The Summoning- Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong, Darkness Rising series- Kelley Armstrong. CHERUB series, Blood Red Road- Moira Young and sequel-Dustlands, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, MockingJay- Suzanne Collins, Finnick Odair :) Varjak Paw- S.F Said, Wild at Heart, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, (Who doesn't love Chandler's lame jokes?) (JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Tree of Tranquility, and Animal Parade. Cats and kittens, OWLS. Big cats, wolves, Sims, Chocolate, Pizza, ICE CREAM! JOSH HUTCHERSON. SAM CLAFIN. Adam Young, Avril Lavigne, Animals, Writing songs, reading fanfics, REVIEWS! Compliments, who doesn't? Fan-art, drawing, My friends, my pets, family, writing stories, poetry writing, imagining... Pretending a tennis ball is a POKe'BALL... XD Pokemon White, Heartgold, Silver (GameBoy), Poke'shipping, Checking my email for reviews, Contestshipping, Wishfulshipping, Oldrival, Ikari, Penguin, (I am warming to it.) Songfics that ROCK. Dreams that are amazing and I can make into a story... Horror films and books, Hollister, the colour blue, My 3DS, my plush Pikachu... :) Pretty Little Liars- TV SERIES. TV- THE WALKING DEAD- AMC. Films- Bolt, Eight Below, Ponyo, Arrietty, POKe'MON 2000, SUCK ON THAT ADVANCE, PEARL AND NEGAI! (Joking!) Bridget Jones, Wild Child, Legend of the Guardians: The Guardians of Ga'hoole, The Blair Witch Project, Tangled, How to Train your Dragon, Easy A, Finding Nemo, (Dory's whale speaking! LOL XD) WARM BODIES, Lilo & Stitch. Happy Feet, The Hunger Games, Divergent (not yet out), Legend, (not yet out). Fave PKMN Characters: 1. Misty/Ash, (ADORABLE. If Misty doesn't end up with Ash, I CALL DIBS on Ashy-Boy!) 2. Gary- AWESOME. He would be pretty hot if he were real... If Misty doesn't end up with Ash, I'd like her and Gary to get together! 3. Paul- He's serious, dude. 4. Leaf, May, Max and Drew. -AWESOME! 5. Meowth, Pikachu, Cilan and Brock 6. Tracey, Iris, Dawn, Kenny Fave PKMN: Umbreon, Pikachu, Axew, Piplup, Oschawott, Starmie, Staryu, Corsola, Goldeen, Horsea, Absol, Kingdra, Poliwag, Eevee, Togepi, Togetic, Totodile, Shinx, Luxray, Rufflet, Braviary, Dewott, Growlithe, Arcanine, Vulpix, Ninetales, Snivy, etc etc... Fave songs and singers. Sky Sailing - Brielle, Blue and Red, etc. Owl City, HOT AIR BALLOON!!!!!!!!!!! Sunburn, Fireflies, All About Us (He is We feat.) Take to the sky, ALLIGATOR SKY, Deer in the Headlights, Honey and the Bee, Sunburn, Dreams Don't Turn to Dust, Angels, Plant Life, Cave In, Fireflies, and all other songs he's written! His 2012 songs as well, Gold, Take it all Away, Shooting Star, Dementia, Garden Party, Here's Hope, and Home of The Blues, and I Hope You Think of Me! Good time- feat Carly Rae Jepsen, Dreams and Distasters, Speed Of Love, Embers, Silhouette, I'm Coming After You etc etc. Simple Plan - Summer Paradise -FAVE SONG ATM :P Carly Rae Jepsen- Call Me Maybe and Good Time, This Kiss, Tonight I'm getting over you. Avril Lavigne: Here's to never growing up, Anything but ordinary, What the Hell, Smile, Slipped Away, I'm With You, Why, Daydream, Push, Darlin'... Taylor Swift: I'd Lie, Enchanted, Long Live, Fearless, Fifteen, You Belong With Me, and all of the others! Eyes Open, Safe & Sound, We are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Starlight etc. Coldplay, all. Especially the scientist, clocks, paradise, every teardrop is a waterfall and yellow. PARADISE! CHARLIE BROWN! MYLO XYLOTO! HURTS LIKE HEAVEN! Katy Perry- T.G.I.F, E.T, The One That Got Away, If You Can Afford Me, Part of Me, Wide Awake and all others! Goldfinger- Stalker- reminds me of Ash and Misty! Colbie Calliat- Falling for You. Skye Sweetnam- Tangled up in Me Snow Patrol- ALL! Mumford and Sons Christina Perri-Jar of hearts, A Thousand Years Ed Sheeran- COLD COFFEE, FIREFLY, DRUNK. UNI, SMALL BUMP. ETC. ETC. Lego House, LITTLE BIRD. A-Team and all. ALL HIS SONGS. LOVE U ED. What a lege' over here!!!! Bruno Mars Lady Gaga Kesha Evanesence Howie Day - Collide. Jason Mraz- I won't give up, I'm yours etc. Frankie Cocozza, The Click Five- Just the Girl, Kidnap my Heart etc. SAYINGS AND STUFF THAT IS TOO AWESOME TO BE IGNORED!!! :D Be sure to check out the Darkest hour's advert on youtube when it comes up! Here's the Meeting for Futures' one. That Snorlax you just called fat? Yeah, it’s eating rare candies by the dozen for you to accept it. That Gastly you just called ugly? It’s been trying to learn a new move to replace its Mean Look. That Slowpoke you just tripped? He has a learning disability that makes him legally retarded. See that Hitmonchan with the scars? He fought in Vietnam for your freedom today. Put this on your profile if your against Poke'Bullying... READ THE BEST FANFICTION EVER KNOWN OR CREATED BY MAN: EEVEEBETH FEJVU'S AMAZING AND ABSOLUTELY SOUL WRENCHING "A CAVERN OF A MILLION COLORS". YOU'RE MISSING OUT BIG TIME IF YOU DON'T READ IT. If Peeta had red hair- He'd be a ginger bread man :P If you're a true, old-fashioned Poke'Shipper who has been since you first laid eyes on Ash and Misty and you are still proud to be a poke'shipper many years after, add your name to the list and paste to your profile! - AshandMistyLove:), Drew: I am NOT gay! May: then stop flicking your fringe, or Harley will get you! MUAHAHAHA! LOLxD "You look… GREAT!" Ash replied giving her a thumbs up like someone's gay little brother might… (no Offence MAX! LOL) (LOL XD moment from Oblivia's new heroes!) My fave parts from the Poke'mon Movies and episodes: 1. Misty has gotten the boys lost again, and Ash and her have an argument... (Abra and the psychic showdown) Ash : “So Misty. You said this was the way to Saffron City. Huh, Misty? I knew we shouldn't have listened to you. Now, we'll never get out of here!” Misty: “As if. Your sense of direction is so bad; you couldn't find yourself if you looked in a mirror.” Ash" You break mirrors!" Shippings I support: -POKe'Shipping! - Hence my penname! (Facepalms) Ash and Misty. -Contestshipping! -Roses? Duh! - Drew and May. -Ikarishipping/Penguinshipping/Cavaliershipping/Twinleafshipping - Cavalier is GaryxDawn, and Twinleaf, I think is DawnxBarry... - Egoshipping- I tried to read a fanfic, but I just couldn't do it! My Pokeshipping loyalty got in the way! I found myself hating Gary! Nooo! Gary is awesome, as is Misty and Ash. But Misty and Gary? I could write a fic I guess... I still like this one ;P -Oldrivalshipping- My fave ship for Gary, him and Leaf are so cute. -Ketchupshipping- Is that the name? PikachuxKetchup! -Questshipping- Jimmy and Marina are just MEANT. TO. BE. - Breedershipping- Brock and Suzie. Krazyshipping- Pikachu and Meowth. Kawaiishipping- Piakchu and Togepi. Handymanshipping- Tracey and Daisy (Misty's sister). Wishfulshipping- Cilan and Iris! Waterflowershipping- I used to like this, but I've kinda gone off of it now... Morpheusshipping- Liked this once upon a time. But not any more. Umbreon and Espeon. Glaceon and Leafeon. Vaporeon and Jolteon. Flareon and Eevee. Other Shippings not POKe'MON related- The ones in bold are my favourtie ones :) . Fireheart x Sandstorm - Warrior Cats. . OakheartxBluestar- Warrior Cats. . Chandler x Monica - Friends. . Ross x Rachel- Friends. . Joey x Phoebe- Friends. . Joey x Chandler! (as friends but they're so cute ahaha) . Damen x Ever (Immortals) . Ever x Jude (Immortals) LOVE. JUDE. . Christina X Will (awww... :'( Divergent.) . FOUR/TOBIAS X TRIS/BEATRICE (I LOVE FOUR! UH, TOBIAS!) Divergent. . Littlefoot x Cera (Land Before Time) . Petrie x Ducky (naaawww. LBT) . Fatani x Liv (WILD AT HEART) . Caroline X Dupe. (WAH) . Rosie x Max (getting divorced tho! nooo!) . Nami x Jack (HARVEST MOON A WONDERFUL LIFE) . Muffy X Rock (HM: AWL) . Marlin x Celia (HM: AWL) . Jack x Celia (HM:AWL) . Molly x Chase (HM: ANIMAL PARADE) . Molly x Luke (HM: AP) . Molly x Gill (HM: AP) . Day x June (Legend) . Ketty x Nico (The Medusa Project) . Ed x Dylan (The Medusa Project) . Katniss x Peeta (Hunger Games) . Katniss x Gale (Hunger Games) . Annie x Finnick (Hunger Games) . Haymitch x Effie (Hunger Games) . Derek Souza x Chloe Saunders = FAVE NON-POKEMON COUPLE EVER!!!!! (Darkest Powers trilogy) . SPOLIERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Tori x Simon (if we hadn't found out later on that they weren't related... o.O) (DP trilogy) . Cal and Morgan (Sweep) . Jack x Saba (Blood Red Road, Rebel Heart) . Pressia x Bradwell (Pure) . Partridge x Lyda (Pure) . Maya x Rafe (Darkness Rising trilogy) . Serena x Daniel (Darkness Rising Trilogy) . Ky x Cassia (Matched, Crossed and Reached) . David x Tally (Uglies, Pretties, Specials.) . Tally x Zayn (Uglies, Pretties, Specials.) . Tally x Peris (at first) (Uglies, Pretties, Specials.) . Oliver x Ann (Breathe- Ghost Story) . Lena x Alex (Delirium) . Laurie x Rick (The Walking Dead) . Daryl x Carol (The Walking Dead) . Glen x Maggie (The Walking Dead) The Wonderful List of Stereotypes I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic. Label your own sterotypes! This is where imagination begins, and reality ends... If you've had time to read this profile, you'll have time to leave a review! Don't forget your reviewing pen! XD -AAML:) |
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