The Darkest Hour-
Chapter 5- A Sticky Situation!
Hey peeps! It was my birthday on 3rd October! Haha, the PKMN from last time was... Giratina! intense battle scenes in this chappy! Here's the next chapter! I'm sorry I haven't updated for months. Stick on some of this while reading the bit with the honey. .com/watch?v=UJdVAFza1E8 and this also .com/watch?v=65BH7bNq9Hs&feature=related.
.com/watch?v=48S_q42YQkw&feature=related for the battle scene!
Rest In Peace my amazing Grandma, I love you with all my heart and much, much more... Xxx
After an eventful day, it was finally time for the Castelia Gym Battle. So now, there he stood. His russet eyes wandered the perimeter of the grand building, taking in the modern, almost neon design it held with determination. Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder, and the two friends glanced at one another, Pikachu nodded.
"Whoa! That is one big gym!" Dawn exclaimed, her eyes sparkled as they looked at the spectacle.
"Not as big as your mouth..." Paul grumbled as they began entering in...
Celebi hid inside Misty's bag, it's baby blue eyes surveying the grand building with interest... The entire gym was a forresty green and autumn yellow. Axew and Piplup were playing chase, and just as Axew caught up to Piplup, the penguin ran at a wall, or so it thought. The blue bird's feet and tail waggled as it attempted to free itself from the wall of sticky yellowness it was stuck in. Axew halted and licked the substance. His eyes lit up and he began trying to eat the walls of the gym with vigour.
"Piplup! Are you okay?" Dawn cried, running over to the water type and gasping as Piplup wailed.
"These walls, they're made of simple honey!" Cilan marvelled, watching Axew lick every part of the walls.
"Honey?" Dawn pondered loudly, sticking her finger in the yellow stuff and popping it in her mouth. "Yum!" she cried.
"Axew! Stop that!" Iris scolded, running after her bipedal dragon to stop it. But she instead, slipped on a puddle of honey, and ended up diving headfirst into a wall of honey, only her backside and feet visible as she struggled."Help me!" She shouted, attempting to free herself but to no avail.
Ash ran over to the purple haired girl and pulled at her feet. But she was stuck.
"Hey guys! Help me out here!" Ash yelled, catching everyone's attention.
Misty came over and wrapped her arms around Ash's waist. Then Brock and Cilan joined in.
"Paul! Dawn! Get your butts over here and help us free Iris!" Ash cried, watching Dawn blush and run over, but just as she was about to catch us, she tripped in a puddle of honey, and crashed head first into Ash, Misty, Brock, Iris and Cilan. Ash got to his feet and wiped honey from his face in disgust. They all got up and yanked.
Paul somberly walked over and, unsure on where to put his hands on Dawn, he decided to place them lightly on her shoulders. "My waist you idiot! Otherwise Iris will never come free!" Dawn hissed, grasping Paul's hands and wrapping them around her waist.
Paul blushed slightly, but put his best determined scowl and pulled. Next to them, Axew, Azurill, Pansage and Pikachu yanked on Piplup's feet. Bulbasaur and Buizel burst from Iris's pockets and grasped onto Pikachu to help. Snivy, Tepig and Oschawott joined in... Celebi sighed and flew over to the POKe'MON, and pulled as well. All of a sudden, Iris broke free, and the humans all flew into eachother in a giant heap.
Misty and Dawn screamed out as they all flew through the air... A few seconds later, they were all sprawled across the floor. As they all lay sprawled out, Piplup too broke free, adding the POKe'MON to the heap of trainers and so on.
"Honey..." Ash muttered, his entire face coated in the sticky and sweet food.
Misty made a wretching noise and tried to wipe it from her eyes. Cilan sucked it from his fingers and sighed. Brock began unapplying it from his arms like a thick suncream. Iris, who was covered from head to toe, spluttered as honey flew from her mouth. Paul couldn't move as Dawn lay on top of him. He was lying in a puddle of the stuff.
"My HAIR!" Dawn screamed leaping off of Paul and trying to yank the honey from her indigo, well, honeyed hair.
Piplup coughed up a chunk of honeycomb and watched as his friends removed the substance from their scales and coats.
The only place it was visible on Pikachu was the tips of his ears, his tail, the stripes on his back, which were now blended in, and his cheeks had turned yellow. Azurill looked like a plump Pichu, Axew licked the honey from his paws greedily, Pansage was coated in it, Bulbasaur spluttered and wiped the substance from his eyes with his now-yellow vines, Buizel blinked as his life-tube stuck to his neck and Snivy, Oschawott and Tepig were lying on their backs in a puddle, making honey-angels with their paws.
Celebi found it hard to stay airbourne as the sticky stuff caught and stuck her wings together. She floated back down to the ground and sat in a pile of rustic leaves.
As everyone got up, Ash helping Misty, Paul ran over to the holes that Iris and Piplup had created. He peeped through them, and gasped.
"I think you have to walk through these honey walls to get to the Gym leader!" He shouted, peering through the gaps.
"What? That's ridiculous..." Iris let go of Cilan and he fell back over. She ran over to Paul and shoved him out of the way.
"But true!" Ash cried as he looked through the small gap Dawn's Piplup had made.
"Kid." Iris remarked as she shook her head. Ash glared. "Return Bulbasaur and Buizel!" Iris called, watching the creatures which belonged to Ash go into the balls.
Ash had given Iris his POKe'MON to train after he had defeated N with them a few months back. She'd recieved Buizel, Bulbasaur and Swellow with happiness and the three had made close friends with her Emolga, Axew and Excadrill already. Cilan grumbled as a honey-covered Pansage leapt onto his shoulders. The monkey immediately smothered Cilan in honey.
Brock grabbed his bags, and ran over to Celebi, "You okay there?" He asked the flying grass type.
Celebi sighed,"I'll be fine." She then glanced at the trouble going on behind her.
As Misty tried to pull Ash back onto his feet, she slipped in a pile of honey and the two went toppling over again. As they tried again, Celebi caught them when they began to fall. Ash and Misty gasped in awe as Celebi's psychic powers allowed them to fly through the air as freely as a pidgeot. Unfortunately for everyone else, the two floating teens found their flying moment a rather romantic one. Celebi had to keep her eyes covered as Misty and Ash continued to kiss passionately in the air.
After they'd been let back down and POKe'MON had been returned, apart from Piplup, Axew, Pikachu, Azurill and Celebi, they all trooped over to a wall of honey.
Iris's cocoa eyes narrowed, "Let's figure out a way to get through this thing!" She announced as she began to put a foot through the wall of honeycomb. Cilan shook his head and tutted. This made Iris angry. She turned around suddenly, her face grumpy. "What's up with you?" She asked.
Cilan waved a finger in Iris's face mockingly, "There is more than one wall of honey, we must find out which one is the correct one. I suggest, a carefully constructed plan." He said.
This made Iris tick considerably, but Ash thought she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it. The tanned girl took her foot back from the wall, and crossed her arms. Cilan raised an eyebrow at her.
"Well?" Paul butted in, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.
Everbody looked at Cilan. It seemed they all thought he had a good idea...
Brock suddenly saved Cilan from awkwardness, "Why don't we split up and all take different routes?" he suggested.
Paul rolled his eyes, "And now we shall take another hour to choose pairs." He grumbled.
Brock chuckled and shook his head, this confused Paul, but he didn't show it, he's made of stone. Remember it.
"Ash, go with Misty. Cilan and Iris, Paul and Dawn. Sorted!" Brock exclaimed happily.
Dawn and Paul looked at each other, "Noooo!" Dawn screamed, her eyes pleading. Paul rolled his eyes again at Dawn's childish response.
Cilan gulped slightly at Iris as she raised an eyebrow evilly at the green haired conossieur.
"Wait! Who will you go with Brock?" Misty asked as Azurill hopped into her arms again.
Brock grinned, "Pikachu." He said.
Ash's eyes immediately bulged from his head, "WHAT? But I need Pikachu!" He wailed as the mouse scampered up Brock's arm and rested on the tanned teen's shoulder. The rodent stuck his little pink tongue out at Ash playfully. Ash sighed and grinned back at Pikachu.
Celebi flew through the air and floated beside Brock's head and Pikachu. She indidcated who she was going with.
"Right, Cilan and Iris, you take the right wall. Paul, Dawn, the left one." Dawn beckoned for Piplup to follow after them as they walked through the wall of honey. Iris and Axew disappeared as then did Cilan behind a wall of stickiness. "Ash and Misty, you go middle, Celebi, Pikachu and I will explore all around." He explained.
Misty nodded, and dragged Ash away from a puddle of honey he was drinking from in disgust. Pikachu sweatdropped at his master's antics. Ash wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smoothed his unruly raven hair back, but as soon as his hand had come to his side, it poked up in all sorts of wierd angles. He shook his head.
He glanced up at Misty, his girlfriend in excitement. It had been months since the last adventure the two had been able to share alone. That was when they got lost in the woods after Team Rocket freed them from Paul's box, when he worked for Team Plasma.
"Ash, Ash!" Misty shook her boyfriend impatiently until he seemed to register her hastiness.
Ash's russet hued eyes glanced at the scene before them. There was a strangely dressed man in front of them. He gave Ash a competitive look and smirked.
"Battle me, let us see if you are worth Burgh's valuable time..." The man said, retracting a POKe'BALL from his pocket.
"Worth his time? Well I oughta..." Misty growled, but was silenced as the man's POKe'MON landed in front of them.
It was a grey POKe'MON. With strange patterns all over and two antenna on top of it's head. A sea of spikes protruded form it's body. It was curled into a spiral shape, like an amanyte. It glared at Misty and Ash with yellow eyes. Ash's POKe'DEX burst into life.
Whirlipede- It is a bug type protected by a hard shell, it spins its body like a wheel and crashes furiously into its enemies.
Misty immediately began to squeal with fright, she stepped behind Ash as the bug hissed.
Ash smiled in determination.
"Go! Tepig!" He yelled.
The orange pig squealed as it landed on the battlefield amongst the ground of brown leaves. The opponent's eyes challenge was about to begin.
"Whirlipede! Begin with a Rollout!" The man cried as his bug rolled up and began rolling towards Tepig.
Ash grinned, "Tepig! Dodge!" He yelled.
Tepig grunted and leapt into the air just as Whirlipede went to crash into him. The bug kept on going until it hit the wall.
The trainer glared.
Tepig landed on his feet with a small thud and grunted.
"Tepig! Flame Charge!" Ash cried.
Tepig squealed and began sprinting towards Whirlipede at an incredible speed. As it ran, fire began to envelop the pig. It smashed head first into Whirlipede, sending the creature flying backwards.
Whirlipede got back up, and glared angrily. Ash looked on in confusion, " That Flame Charge should have finished it off!" He pondered in dissapointment.
"ASH! Watch out!" Misty yelled, snapping Ash from is daydream as Tepig flew through the air. Tepig landed with a thud. Bruises began to form on it's body. It grunted at the bug type.
"Whirlipede! Finish this!" The guy hollered.
Whirlipede rolled at a fast speed towards the half-standing Tepig, using it's move, Steamroller.
Ash looked on it horror.
"Ash! Call out something!" Misty yelled, shaking her boyfriend.
Ash shook his head, "Uh, right." He turned to Tepig, " Tepig! Smog!"
Tepig got slowly to it's feet and opened it's mouth. A purple fog was cast all around. Whirlipede stopped in the center, unsure of where it's target was. The opponent coughed.
Ash smiled,
"Take Down!"
Tepig flew through the mist and headbutted the weakened Whirlipede, sending it flying backwards into it's trainers arms.
Whirlipede's eyes swirled.
"Yes! We win!" Ash hollered.
"Now, let's find Burgh." Misty said as Ash returned Tepig.
"Right." Ash nodded as they carried on.
Thing's were going to get tougher.
To be Continued...
You'll have to wait to see what happens next time! I won't leave it as long, I promise! Thanks to all who reviewed so far!
Here is today's POKe'POEM!
Extreme speed is my ultimate goal,
I'll race my way into heart's and souls,
with my mighty paws I shall run this world,
my tail is furry yet curled,
And with my fiery attacks,
I'll scorch even the sun,
I won't give up until I'm done,
I'm loyal till the very death,
I would never abandon my friend nevertheless,
I'll put up a fight,
For what is right,
My pre-evolved self,
Helps in the Police shelf,
See if you know what I am,
Catch me if you can!
A fire stone unlocks the sacred key,
To my strength and destiny!
But the question still remains,
What POKe'MON am I?