
OMG guys I finally got around to starting another story!!

I know it's been like months, but school has been keeping me so busy. And well, other times I did have a lot of spare time, but whatever, I was lazy. The point is, that NOW, i am bringing you another creation! One that I have had for a very long time, and I'm not really sure where exactly I'm going with it. I haven't planned it out so well, so reviews are greatly appreciated as always.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out some things about my writing that some people have also mentioned to me. A lot of times my paragraphs are like way too short and seem really rushed. So if you get that feeling while reading this, my bad, lol. I'm working on that, I'm trying to edit more, but I just like publishing stuff as soon as I get it done. Just bear with me.

I really hope you guys like this one, it's like my baby :) Ok that's just weird.

On with the story! (masterpiece??? lol..no :D)

UPDATE!:Regarding the new characters, I didn't really put in a discription of them, you can use your imagination for that. Although, i might make a note of their appearance later on. Also, on a more imporatant note, I wanted to mention something i forgot before: Bianca, if you caught that, is NOT the girl from the 5th Pokemon movie. So no, there is no,' i'm secretly latias' thing going on. Kay? Kay. :)

Oh and also the characters are all obviously older. Because it would be really sick for some random 'man' to be checking out Misty if she was only like 12.

A Little Friendly Competition

"I'm ready," she called from the staircase.

Ash looked up anxiously to see Misty dressed in a strapless blue dress with hair like dancing flames falling down her shoulders and a smile that would put the Mona Lisa to shame.

Satisfied with her friend's reaction, she slowly took a step forward, her right hand resting on the railing in a graceful manner as she walked.

"You look beautiful," Ash said, surprised at his choice of words, especially after he could've sworn he had lost his voice for a moment there.

Misty shot him a surprised look, and Ash cringed, afraid of her response, but she merely beamed back at him until they were face-to-face.

"I…" he started, but was cut off when Misty gingerly placed her finger on his lips.

His heart was pounding, fighting to escape from his chest.

"I know," she said. "I love you too."

Slowly they both leaned forward, eyes fluttering shut and hands caressing each other's faces when ---

The door burst open and sunlight poured through uninvitingly.

"Rise and Shine!" yelled a cheery Misty as she eagerly snatched the covers away from her unsuspecting victim.

"Uhh…too early," Ash groaned as he instinctively shut his eyes as tight as possible while reaching out for his blankets.

"No, no, no, Ashy-boy. It's time to get up!"

Ash wrestled with her for the blankets in what became something of a tug-of-war game until Misty successfully pulled them off.

"Come on Ash. New town, new places! Let's go!"

Ash, however, had resorted to fetal position for warmth and only gave a small grunt as a response to his friend's nagging.

"You promised yesterday we'd all get up early. Everyone else is already downstairs."

Hugging a pillow, Ash lazily waved his arm at her to go away.

Misty sighed, glaring.

"Fine, I'll give you 10 minutes, but only ten minutes...and you know I'll be counting," she said threateningly.

The door closed gently, followed by a sigh of relief from Ash.

He had been having a good dream, a really good dream, but he couldn't remember what it was about. All he knew was that something wonderful would've happened if Misty hadn't barged in.

Some best friend she is, he thought. And what was she talking about anyway, "New places…early… ten minutes?"

The words floated around his head until finally, they clicked.

"Oh, man! What time is it?"

He threw himself on the nightstand, gasping in disbelief when he saw the time. He then jumped out of bed so fast that the clock tilted over and fell on the ground face-up, reading: 9:45 a.m.

Stripping off his clothes and stepping in the shower, he squeezed half the shampoo bottle in his hair and rubbed the soap over his body in all of five seconds. Not even bother to rinse the lather, he got out and got dressed.

Finally pulling his black t-shirt over his head, he glanced at the mirror left and right, nodding in approval of his appearance. Now all that was left was his hair. He paused for a minute, wondering what to do with it. After a moment, he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and ran a hand through his messy black hair and walked out the door to catch up with his friends.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" May whined.

She was sitting in the green booth, picking at her breakfast that had gone cold 30 minutes ago. Sitting next to her, Dawn was occupying herself by staring at her reflection in a small mirror.

"Not long," Misty replied.

At this, Dawn sighed loudly, for Misty had been giving the same answer all morning.

Max, who had been attempting to drag Brock away from the hotel receptionist, overheard the short conversation and shot a nasty look at his sister and her best friend.

"Way to be patient guys," he said.

"What was that Max?" questioned an angry May.

Max sweat-dropped, mentally kicking himself for not thinking before opening his big mouth.

"Uh, I said, I'm so glad I have such a loving and forgiving sister?"

May glared suspiciously at her brother. "That's what I thought."

"Ok I'm ready!" Ash yelled as he leaped over the last four steps of the staircase.

Landing roughly on his feet, he stumbled forward, crashing into Misty.

"Final—oof" she said, knocking over the coffee table she had been standing next to.

The couple sitting at the table jumped in surprise as their coffees tipped over and spilled.

On the floor, Ash and Misty rubbed their aching heads. Ash gave Misty and apologetic look while snarled viciously at him, seconds away from ripping his head off.

The man at the table scoffed angrily as if demanding an apology.

"Oh um, I'm really sorry about this," Misty said bashfully, noticing the steaming coffee had spilled over him.

The man looked down, words forming in his mouth until he caught sight of Misty and was rendered speechless.

"Uh, that's alright actually. It was just an accident, don't worry about it," he said.

Misty gave him a small smile of thanks.

Then, the man extended his hand out to her.

She took it gratefully.

"My name is Kayden, by the way," he said.

He held on to her hand longer than necessary before pulling her up to her feet.

"My name is Misty," she said, once she was standing.

"And I'm Ash," Ash said, butting in between the two a little too aggressively.

Kayden smiled slyly at him.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Misty….and Ash. But my friend Bianca and I are kind of in a hurry. So uh, hopefully we'll see you around," he said, emphasizing the 'you'towards Misty.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too," Misty said.

Ash remained quiet, his arms crossing over his chest with impatience.

Misty smiled forcefully and nudged him in the side.

"Right, nice to uh, meet you…sorry about the coffee," he muttered.

Kayden nodded and gave Misty once last look before placing his hand on Bianca's shoulder to lead them out the door.


Ok i'm going to try to make this as quick as possible because i REALLY need to go to bed.

but you guys need to REVIEW.

or i'll eat you,

actually no lol.

if you just like favorite, that's awesome and all, but i mean, if you favorite it, that must mean you like it. And i would love to hear that feedback.

Because it would definetly motivate me to right faster and get things...better. Right.


love yaaaaaaaaa

~AComplimentInDisguise (ACID!)