I don't own Pokémon.
It's in a world with no Pokémon (AU). Sorry if characters seem OOC, which they are, but I can imagine Dawn being a fan girl, and May to be level headed. She is an older sister. Ash can be a womanizer too. XD
So this is based on "Cherry Juice" by Haruka Fukushima. XD Get it? Peach, cherry, juice, and soda? Haaaaaaaaaa. But peach soda tastes very good. :D
Peach Soda
A Taurus, born on May 22th. Well known with people at school, especially the girls, and is in the cooking club. I wonder if he likes anyone. That's Ash. He's fifteen years old, and my younger brother.
Well, not exactly blood related. His mom adopted me when I was little. My parents had died and my sisters didn't have enough time to take care of me. They are famous models. Nobody knows I'm their sister though. Even if I told them, they wouldn't believe it. I don't look like any of them. But anyway, I remember when I met him. We didn't get along at all.
"Today, we're brothers and sisters!" a young redhead smiled brightly to a small Ash. "I'm Misty Waterflower. I hope we get along, Ash!" She put out her hand in hopes for a civil handshake.
"Shut up, Ugly!" Ash responded, but was quickly punched by Misty.
"Who're you calling Ugly, Stinky?" the girl yelled back. That was a start of a long journey they were going to have together.
"OWWW!" Ash cried out. Something heavy fell on him when he was sleeping. Wait, not something, someone. "Hey!" Misty's eyes opened and her vision cleared. The first thing she saw was Ash's smiling face and his bare chest.
"Morning Misty," Ash greeted, as if it didn't matter if she was laying on him.
"You-you pervy jerk!" Misty slapped him. "Wh-Why do you sleep naked anyway?" Ash didn't look very amused. His cheek hurt.
"You know, this is my side. Yours is over there," Ash pointed dryly. "Plus, I'm totally wearing boxers." He stood up to show her his underwear. Misty immediately closed her eyes.
"This is why I hate sharing a room with you!" the redhead shrieked.
"I'm sorry. Until I heal, I hope I won't be a burden," Professor Oak said during the morning.
"Oh, nonsense. It's a pleasure having you here. Just be careful about your hip," Delia replied, being her usual, perky self.
"I'm sorry, Misty. Because of me, you have to share a room with Ash," Professor Oak apologized again.
"Don't worry about. Just take care of yourself!" Misty smiled, buttering her toast.
She had her uniform for school on- a collared, long sleeved shirt with a striped tie and a matching striped skirt. The colors were black and red. Misty had black shoes on, and her hair was tied in a signature, lopsided ponytail.
Ash had his hair as ruffled as ever with black pants and a white unbuttoned shirt. His inside shirt was also white. That was the boy's uniform.
"Aw, that's so nice of you," the old researcher complimented.
"Kiss up," Ash muttered, grabbing the piece of bread with his mouth. Misty wasn't going down without a fight though. She bit into the slice and tried snatching it back.
"Hey! What are you trying to do? That's mine!" Misty said. Her mouth was still in the breakfast, tugging it.
"They have such a great sibling relationship. Don't you think so, Delia?" Professor Oak laughed.
"Yup. I was worried when the adoption papers were finished and they couldn't get along. Now, you wouldn't have guessed they aren't real siblings. Except for the fact they look different," the women answered.
That's right. It was five years ago. Me, born on May 19th, ended up as Ash's older sister by just three days.
"Whoa! You're sharing a room with Ash?" Dawn yelled out.
"About time for you too," May said coolly.
"What do you mean 'about time'? Huh, May?" Misty pressed.
"Well, when your younger brother, who isn't blood related, is the most popular guy at school, then things can happen. Get it?" May explained.
"But I like someone else. You know that too!"
"Hmm, I guess."
"Argh! I'm so jealous! Sharing a room with the hotty, Ash!" Dawn squealed.
"Well, why don'tcha come over some time, huh baby?" Ash came from behind and hugged the girl from behind. Dawn quickly snuggled up to Ash's chest while other girls complained.
"I wanna come too!" "You just can't invite her!" female classmates screamed out.
"Uh, sorry. I'll invite you all for some cake after school, so please forgive me!" Ash winked at them.
"WE FORGIVE YOU!" they all chorused.
"Idiot," two voices commented, Misty being one of them. She turned to find the other. It was Drew - with his dreamy eyes, smooth hair, and all.
"Oh, hey Misty," Drew said. My luck is beginning to start! Misty thought.
"H-hello," the redhead stuttered.
"We've got swimming practice tomorrow."
"Ha, I just hope I won't be late again."
"I bet Ash would wake you up." He walked away with Ash from the confused girl.
Why would he say that? Misty held her head down in sadness.
"He must've overheard us talking," May said.
"Don't sweat it!" Dawn smiled cheerfully, unaware of the real problem.
"Drew is the one for me!" Misty yelled out to nobody. "Awww…" She took a step into the bath tub.
"What should I do? I'm pretty sure Drew got the wrong idea," The redhead frowned. Drew is Ash's best friend. Ever since I joined the swimming team I had a big crush on him. I want to tell him I like him before we go to high school though.
Suddenly, Misty felt woozy. She stumbled to get out. "I stayed in too long," she berated herself.
As she put one foot out, the door opened, and Ash took a step into the bathroom with only a towel on his shoulder. Shock was clearly written in both their faces when their eyes met. It was quiet for a few moments as the two processed what was happening. Then it clicked into Misty's mind. Her face turned bright red, and it matched her hair. She quickly covered herself as much as possible and punched the frozen boy out of the bathroom.
"You're the worst! Pervert!" Misty used the door to shield Ash's sight.
"Hey! How was I supposed to-"Ash started, but was hit by a shampoo bottle that was inside the shower.
"JUST GET OUT!" Misty fumed and shut the door. That jerk!
"Argh, that hurt. Can't she give me a freaking break once and awhile?" Ash sighed, putting on his shirt and boxers back on. As he was walking, he stepped on the curtain that separated the room. It broke off the hangers as he twisted and fell onto Misty's bed.
"Aw, crap. She's gonna kill me for sure," Ash looked at his situation. He noticed something in his sibling's pillowcase. "What do you have here?" The boy took it out and examined it. It was a picture. "Me?" Ash whispered to himself, but he saw the rest of the photo. "And Drew." The three of them were smiling to the camera (well except Drew), with Misty in the middle. Ash turned to lie on his back, stared at the paper, and sighed.
"Here's Misty's lunch. Can you give it to her?" Delia instructed.
"Again? What a pain," Ash complained.
"Move along dear, or you'll be late," Delia continued to speak as if her son never said anything.
Misty was taking a break after a practice swim with Drew under the shade of a tree. He had swimming trunks on and a white shirt. The girl had her hair tied back into a regular pony tail and had a bathing suit on with shorts.
"Yay! " Misty smiled, glad to drink something other than pool water.
"Looking good, Misty," Drew complimented. "You'll do well in the next meet."
"Really." He leaned in and softly kissed Misty. "You know, ever since you joined the swimming team, I've always liked you, Misty," Drew said, pulling away.
"Uh… I like you too," Misty replied shyly, looking down.
They didn't realize they were being watched. Ash, holding Misty's lunch, was shocked to hear the words, but stayed quiet nonetheless. He couldn't stop them. It was her own life, not his. Right?
"Hey! Wake up, Misty! Stop purring! It's grossing us out!" Dawn's voice could be heard.
"Huh? Oh. Morning?" Misty yawned.
"Um, it's actually the end of school. What happened? Something to do with Drew?" May asked.
"Tell us!" Dawn pestered. "Did you ki-ki-ki-"
"Kill my goldfish?" Misty finished for her, covering Dawn's mouth with her hand.
"You sure it wasn't a dream?" May questioned further.
"Very sure!"
It's not a dream. It's not.
"ASSSSH! You going to the club? What are you making today?" a girl asked.
"Chiffon cake," Ash answered.
"I'M TOTALLY COMING!" a group of fan girls screamed out.
"Ash," Drew got his friend's attention.
"Yeah? You want to come too?" he flirted lightly.
"I… I kissed your big sister." There was a small moment of silence, but was broken fast.
"You player!"
"Huh? You aren't mad?"
"Now why would I be? She's just my sister. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, bye. I'm heading this way."
Ash was walking to the cooking club. The shelf next to him rattled and a couple of books fell onto his head, making him trip.
"Today, we're brothers and sisters! I'm Misty Waterflower. I hope we get along!"
"Shut up," Ash said quietly, rubbing the part where the books made impact.
"Hey! I'm out. It's your turn," Misty told Ash, drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing shorts and a tank top.
"I'm okay," Ash mumbled. A magazine was opened and placed on his head.
"Oh! I wanna read that," Misty took the book and hopped onto the bed next to Ash.
"H-hey! This is my space," Ash said, getting flustered.
"You need to go to the bath, so go," Misty ordered.
"Aw, shut up." After building up the courage, Ash broke the silence.
"H-hey, Misty? You kiss Drew, right?" When he didn't get a reply, the boy turned towards Misty. She was sound asleep.
I kissed your big sister.
Looking at her lips, he went closer and closed his eyes, but he pulled back just before they met. Instead, he touched Misty's lips with his fingertips and faced the other way.
"HURRY UP, ASH! We're going to be late!" Misty yelled.
"It's your fault for oversleeping!"
"Oh, there you guys are," Drew noticed.
"G-good morning," the girl managed to stutter out.
"Misty! Over here!" Dawn and May called. Misty got down from Ash's bike and ran towards her friends.
"Drew. I'm not mad. You know, about you and Misty, but this will make us even!" Ash grabbed Drew's collar.
"Huh?" May looked back towards the two boys. Ash was kissing Drew!
"WHAAAAAAAA?" Dawn and Misty both exclaimed.
"So it's that type of story," May commented, completely unfazed by the scene before her.
TADAAAAAA! I copied a lot of the dialogue so I'm a bit sad how it's soooo much like the original. *Sigh* I'll branch out soon, I hope. On the up side, I wrote it faster than I thought. I know, know. They're REALLY OCC, so I'm sorry, but you can imagine them acting like that! Well, I can. SORRY. It'll be better, I hope again. Please tell me what you think. Oh yeah, and they're in their last year of junior high or something (at age fifteen, they are in their last year and will enter high school next year). AND I'm wondering about the genre again. Haaa, sorry.