Hello everyone! This is my very first story so go easy on me with the hate-mail and reviews.

Author: Light4494 (call me Joey)

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Action/Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own and never will own Pokemon. (Unless I get my super secret agency to force Satoshi Taijiri to… um, never mind that)

Notes: "This is speech" (obvious); This are thoughts; 'These is Pokemon speech' ; I also made up most last names.

Main Characters and Ages: Ash Ketchum 16; Misty Waterflower 16; Brock Slate 18; Dawn Evans 11; May Williams 13; Tracey Sketcher 17; Jessie Taylors 28; James Richards 29; Delia Ketchum 38; Professor Oak 59; Gary Oak 17; Ritchie Sparks 16; Casey Buzz 15; Drew Styles 15; Wes Reggans 16; Rui Aurora 15

Power of One

Prologue: The Road to Mystery

------------------------------------------------Saffron City Train Station--------------------------------------------------

"Alright! I get to see everyone again!"

An over-excited, raven-haired trainer with a yellow mouse on his shoulder hurredly pushed his way through the crowds in the train station.

"Um, see who again?" Dawn asked as she caught up to him.

"My old friends! Misty, my best friend, other than Pikachu. Ritchie, one of my rivals…"

"Why would be excited to see your rival?" Dawn interrupted Ash.

"Well, Ritchie is one of my friendly rivals… Anyways, as I was saying… Ritchie, one of my rivals from Johto. And May, one of my other friends. I missed them!" Ash continued. I especially miss Misty...

Brock caught up "Hey guys, I got the tickets!"

"Hey Brock, who's Misty?" Dawn asked. Ash had a dreamy look when he said her name.

"Ash's girlfriend... She was with him for the first three years of his journey... But he's in denial that he loves her... Ack!" Ash who listened in on their conversation, had punched Brock on his head… hard.

"That's not true! She's just a friend…" He shouted at his near-unconscious, squinty-eyed friend. Only if we were more than friends...

'Ugh, Ash just won't accept the truth, but its better not to say anything if I don't wanna end up like Brock here…' Pikachu quietly said as he stared at the 3-inch lump forming on Brock's head.

Dawn was the first to recover from the event that just occurred. She noticed the train they have been waiting for arrive at the station.

"Hey guys, the train is here." She told her male companions. They quickly got on and the train headed off towards Viridian City.

On the train, Brock winced. "Jeez, Ash, that punch hurt twice as much as Misty's… Have you been working out or something?" Brock said as he gingerly massaged his lump (not that lump, perverts).

Ash was silent. He was staring at his gloved hands ever since they found seats on the train. Weird, I didn't even punch that hard. Weird things like this has been happening all week, Ash thought. It was just like that time Team Rocket showed up outside Saffron City.


---------------------------------------------------Outskirts of Saffron City------------------------------------------------

"Pikachu!" Ash yelled as he runs after a hot-air balloon oddly shaped like a Meowth's head. The balloon was over 40ft. off the ground and was slowly gaining speed.

'Ash!' Pikachu sadly yelled back. Team Rocket has just captured Pikachu and was now escaping with Ash and the gang at their heels.

"Give it up twerp! Pikachu will be ours from now on!" The red-haired woman sneered.

"Dat's right! We gonna give 'im to da boss!" A talking Meowth shouted, waving a container in the air.

"And we will finally get our promotions!" The blue-haired man smirked, tapping on the container that held Pikachu.

"I. Won't. Give. UP!!!" Ash yelled in between breaths. His irises turned blue at this moment. This shocked Team Rocket... Meowth then accidentally dropped the container with Pikachu.

"Argh! Meowth! You dropped the container!" Jessie shouted as she punches Meowth on the head.

"It ain't my fault da twayp got a sudden eye color change which shocked me whiskas off!" Meowth shouted back. The scratch-cat Pokemon then shouldered a Grabber-Gun. He squeezed the trigger only for the mechanical hand to extend, close around the container, and crush it, freeing the yellow mouse.

"Umm… Guys, the gas tank is having a problem…" James said meekly.


The gas tank blew up making the annoying trio fly off into space.

"We're blasting off again!"

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted as his eyes revert back to its original color of a russet brown. He jumped and caught the electric rodent. Ash then looked down to prepare for landing to find himself… about 20ft. off the ground! Waahh! How'd I jump this high!? He thought.

As he descended, Ash looked at his little friend. Pikachu was scared to death. It was squeezing its eyes shut and was in a fetal position in Ash's arms. Its alright Pikachu I got ya now, thought Ash.

Dawn and Brock, barely catching, up saw Ash high in the air and they raced to try and catch him. They were too late and see Ash about to crash into the ground. Then suddenly Ash landed on his feet safely, producing a dust cloud and a mini-shockwave, but safely.

As Ash's companions catch up with him, they start bombarding him with questions.

"Ash, how'd you jump that high!?"

"That was amazing, what happened!?"

"Is Pikachu okay?"

"Guys, lets just forget this happened and let's just go to the train station, okay?" Ash asked, changing the subject.

"Umm, okay…" Dawn and Brock said in unison.

End Flashback

---------------------------------------------------Train to Viridian City----------------------------------------------------

"I can't wait to see them!" Ash said. Especially Misty…

"We know, Ash, we know..." Brock yawned before falling asleep.

"Hey Ash, wake us up when we get there...", Dawn said before she fell asleep.

Ash then played with Pikachu for a while. Then his mind wandered back to the mysterious events that happened. What happened? I jumped really high in the air when I was after Team Rocket, I barely punched Brock and gave him a huge lump twice the size of the once Misty gives him. Hmmm... Better not think about it for now... Just sleep...

Ash then fell asleep himself.

Woohoo! Prologue done!

Review please!!!