I'm back! Sorry about how damn long its taken me to update this story, I forgot about it and consequently stopped writing it but I'm back now so I'll get on with it.

The shinx tribe crowded round the tyranitar and formed an oval to stop it from escaping. Thunderpaw urged the tribe to make the oval tighter by stepping forward a few steps, but most of the tribe were too scared to edge any closer for the tyranitar looked like a monster out of hell due to its huge size a scary appearance.

Thunderpaw, noticing the tribe wasn't going to move forward, tried a new strategy encouraging the tribe to focus all their thunder waves into one big attack, paralyzing the tyranitar so that they could run away.

The oval of luxio's began to glow yellow with electric energy, then in one great flash they all struck the tyranitar at once with their thunder waves but they all took a step back in surprise when it just seemed to shrug the combined attack off like it was nothing.

The tyranitar let out a blood curdling roar which made many members of the shinx tribe take a few fearful steps back. They watched as the tyranitar slammed one of its claws into the ground, triggering the move earthquake.

The earth shook violently, throwing sand and members of the shinx tribe into the air. The oval broke and the tribe scattered, leaving many of the confused shinx pups vulnerable and out in the open.

"Get the pups and get the hell away from here!" Thunderpaw shouted.

Thunderpaw and the remaining luxio's that weren't scrambled picked up a pup each and fled from the scene. Thunderpaw tried desperately to rally the tribe together but the members seemed to have adopted an "every man for himself," attitude and were running off in all directions. The remaining members that hadn't ran were Thunderpaw, Thundertail, Zaptail, Voltfang, Flashstar and the pups.

"What do we do, everyone else is gone!" Zaptail said, looking scared.

"We have to stay together and protect the pups." Thunderpaw said, trying to keep his cool.

"Can't we just run?" Thundertail asked, watching as the tyranitar edged slowly closer.

"With the pups in our mouths we won't be able to run fast enough." Thunderpaw said. "We have to try and beat this tyranitar, otherwise were going to die."

"By our selves, are you out of your mind?" Zaptail shouted.

"You got a better idea?" Voltfang asked as he herded the pups together.

The tyranitar let out a roar and Thundertail cringed in fear, but when he noticed that Flashstar was standing next to him, ready to fight, he suddenly regained his bravery and pushed himself into his combat stance.

Thunderpaw, Thundertail, Zaptail and Flashstar stood in a line to keep the tyranitar away from Voltfang and the pups.

Thunderpaw took a step forward and as he did a yellow electrical glow began to form itself around him. The others glowed in unison and also stepped forward, waiting for the tyranitar to make its move.

It attempted to slam Zaptail with its tail but she was too quick for it and dogged the attack, then she quickly swung back round and bit deep into the tail causing a roar of anger from the Tyranitar.

"Too slow big guy." Zaptail snickered sarcastically, but the smirk was wiped from his face when a rock tomb began to collapse on top of him. "Shit!" He shouted.

Flashstar blasted the rocks away from Zaptail with a thunderbolt, and then was narrowly missed by an iron tail.

"You like iron tail?" Zaptail roared. "Well try this one!" And with that he threw himself at the tyranitar and struck it in the stomach with his tail.

"Thundertail, use your charge beam." Thunderpaw said to Thundertail who was at his side.

Thundertail tensed up for a few moments and then opened his mouth and released the beam. It impacted the tyranitar's right leg and made it lose balance for a moment. When it regained its balance it quickly surveyed its attackers, and noticed a chance which had potential to end one of their lives.

It let itself fall on all fours, separating one of the attackers from the rest. Then it grabbed the separated luxio in its mouth and crushed it with its teeth, blood spilled on the sand and screams filled the air.

"FLASHSTAR, NO!" Thundertail screamed in despair as his crippled sister fell to the sand, slowly dying.

Thundertail ran at the tyranitar with such speed that the sand he was kicking up became a blur; he launched himself at the tyranitar in a life risking move and dug his claws into its face. He then released one claw and actually gouged one of the tyranitar's eyeballs out with it, and then he repeated the action with the other eye.

Then in a blind rage he dug his claws into both empty sockets and released the most powerful and painful shock wave he could possibly manage. The electricity ran through the tyranitar's eye sockets and fried its brain; it then fell over backwards with a thud in the sand.

Thundertail released his claws from the lifeless tyranitar and stared at its dead face as blood dripped from his drenched fur and landed on its chest. When he final regained his senses he turned and ran over to Flashstar who lay coughing up blood, being comforted by the other three and the pups.

Thundertail collapsed at her side and cried. She turned her head slowly to look at him and she smiled and said weakly "I can't hold on."

Thundertail looked at her and his tears dropped onto her fur. "Please don't die, you've always been there for me, I need you." He sobbed.

"No." Flashstar said, coughing up more blood. "You don't need me, you managed to kill that tyranitar yourself, you're big sisters work is done."

"Don't go." Thundertail sobbed.

"Thundertail, there's nothing we can do." Voltfang sighed.

"Shut up!" Thundertail shouted. "She's going to live!"

"He's right bro. I can't stay." Flashstar said softly. "Bend down so I can kiss you goodbye."

Thundertail lowered his head and received the kiss from his sister; she smiled and said "I won't ever forget you, little brother." And she closed her eyes and left the land of the living.

"I… I won't ever forget you either." He sobbed, collapsing to the ground beside his dead sister.

"Thundertail, I'm so sorry." Thunderpaw said softly, placing a paw on the luxio's back gently.

Thundertail looked at his blood stained paws and then at Flashstar. He licked her cheek and said again. "I won't ever forget you."