![]() Author has written 15 stories for Xiaolin Showdown, Harry Potter, Sonic the Hedgehog, How to Train Your Dragon, Fairy Tail, and Kingdom Hearts. Hi, everyone! Thank you for taking the chance to read my unimportant stuff! You're welcome if you want to kill time! Xiaolin Showdown is what got me here so it deserves a special mention. I firmly believe that Chronicles does not exist in order to spare myself heartache. I'm also into: D-Gray Man, Danny Phantom, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teen Titans, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Death Note, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Big Time Rush, Alex Rider, Ice Age, Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles, Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon, Fairy Tail, One Piece, My Hero Academia and probably others that I'm forgetting! You can check my Favorites: there's something from nearly everything. Various stuff to tickle your nostalgia: #1. Favorite Xiaolin Showdown quotes: Jack: You might as well give up. Your worst nightmare is here! Hannibal: I see you brought your kittens to do your fighting. (While inside of Cyclops' mouth) Dojo: Look at his-their hands! He-I mean they is-are wearing the Ring of the Nine Dragons! This is a grammar nightmare! Omi: (grabs Jack) I ORDER YOU TO SPILL YOUR INTERNAL ORGANS RIGHT NOW! #2. Favorite Avatar: The Last Airbender quotes: Katara: Sokka, you're a genius! Prince Zuko: (about Azula) I know what you're going to say. She's my sister, and I should be trying to get along with her. Sokka: (while hallucinating) Drink cactus juice! It'll quench ya! #3. Favorite TMNT quotes: TMNT 2012 Splinter: The first rule of being a ninja is 'Do no Harm'. Unless you mean to do harm. Then do LOTS of harm. - brake - Splinter: Anger is self-destructive. Raphael: I always thought it was others-destructive. - brake - (Donatello gives Michelangelo the T-Pod) Raphael: You're really gonna plug an advance piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head? What if it melts his brain? Donatello: It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference? - brake - Raphael: Okay, Spike, you'll like this show. It's called 'Does Mikey bend that way?'. - brake - Michelangelo: It's like you always say Master Splinter: The enemy of my enemy is my bro... Splinter: That's not exactly what I said... Donatello: Maybe you forgot that he grabbed me by the face, Mikey! So I'll remind you. He grabbed me. BY THE FACE! - brake - Kraang: Give the Kraang the power cell that Kraang has come to demand that you give to Kraang! Michelangelo: It's the Kraang! - brake - Donatello: Who do we know that would be interested in stolen, evil robot parts? Leonardo and Raphael: Baxter Stockman! Michelangelo: Donatello...(everyone stares) Baxter Stockman! - brake - Donatello: Yes, you did it again! Why do you keep grabbing my face? What is wrong with my face? Raphael: Would you like the list alphabetically or in descending order of grossness? - brake - (the turtles explaining to Splinter how they got hurt after being forbidden to leave the lair) Leonardo: Oh! That, well, we were... Raphael: Hit... Donatello: By a... Michelangel: Bus? - brake - Pulverizer: W-What's a Kraang? Raphael: If we told you, we'd have to kill you. (pause) Ya see, Kraang are aliens from another dimension - (Leo elbows him) TMNT 2007 Raphael: We live together, we train together, we fight together, we stand for good together...we are ninjas. We strike hard, defend and protect and fade into the night and there ain't no bad guy or monster that gonna ever change that. That's what is important and that's why we will always be...brothers. - brake - Donatello: (talking to customers) Sir? Sir. Sir. Did you turn your computer on? Have you plugged it in? Yeah, that would help./ No, I'm not playing hard to get. I'm telling you, sir, it's not that kind of phone line./ I'm not your enemy. I'm just Donnie, your friendly IT tech support here to help you 24 hours a day, sir. I'm sorry! Ma'am! #4. Favorite How to Train Your Dragon/Riders/Defenders of Berk quotes: Hiccup: This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. My village. In a word? Sturdy. It's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes... We have... Dragons. My name's Hiccup. Great name, I know. But, it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that... Viking: [screams in Hiccup's face] RAAAAHHHR! [casually] Morning! - brake - Hiccup: This is Berk. It snows nine months of the year, and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have ponies or parrots... we have... dragons. - brake - Snotlout: [mockingly] Hiccup's so smart! Hiccup's so brave! He killed the Red Death! He trained the dragons! He's got the metal leg! Hiccup: [offended] Metal leg? That's what you're going with? That's what's bothering you? Snotlout: [angrily] No! It's everything the leg is attached to! - brake - Gobber: [after extracting venom from Mildew] I've seen a Nader's spine slice through a man's eyeball like a grape. I watched my own arm get devoured by a Monstrous Nightmare. But never - *never* have I seen anything so disturbing - as that old man's bare behind. Here, [Gobber hands the venom to Hiccup] Take this to your dragons. I'm going into the forest to scream. - brake - Gobber: Oh, nice of you to join the party! I thought you'd been carried off! Hiccup: Who, me? Nah, come on! I'm way too... muscular for their taste! They wouldn't know what to do with all... [flexing] this! Gobber: Well, they need toothpicks, don't they? - brake - [Gobber, in his flashback story, has been pinned by the Boneknapper at the edge of a cliff] Gobber: [voice-over] I did what any brave Viking would have done... [high-pitched] Help! [voice-over] The gods must have heard my prayer... it was Thor! He tossed a mighty thunderbolt... [the bolt hits the ground below the cliff] You missed! Thor: Wait for it... Gobber: [voiceover] Then, from the center of the earth, blasted forth... the hammerhead yak riding the hammerhead whale! Hammerhead Yak: Deploy the yak. - brake - [After Gobber outlines his plan for trapping the Boneknapper] Snotlout: [aside] It's sad when they get old. - brake - [Taking cover from the Boneknapper's flames] Snotlout: [rapidly, to himself] Find a happy place, find a happy place... - brake - Hiccup: [opening lines] This is Berk. Boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen. The one upside is our annual holiday. We call it... Snoggletog. Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery. But with the war long over, and dragons living among us, this year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember. - brake Hiccup [after seeing a Gronckle egg explode as it hatches] Man, it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk! [Back on Berk] [After the teens plant a Gronkle egg in each Viking's house] Astrid: Wasn't this a great idea? Fishlegs: Uh-huh! Everybody's gonna be so surprised! [a house explodes and an egg fragment flies out and hits Fishlegs] Snotlout: Surprise! [A baby Gronkle lands on Fishlegs' chest] Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut: Aw... Astrid: [horrified] The eggs...Explode? [a Viking house explodes] THE EGGS EXPLODE! [Another Viking house explodes. A villager comes running out] I'm sorry. [More explosions. Another villager runs past her] So sorry. - brake - Tuffnut: [talking to a piece of the puzzle] Take us to the treasure! Astrid: Let me know if it answers. - brake - Hiccup: Okay, this must be it. Why else would would someone build a wall in the middle of the forest? Tuffnut: Uh, Duh! To keep out the other trees! - brake - Gobber [singing]: I've got my axe, and I've got my mace, and I love my wife with the ugly face, I'm a viking through and through! - brake - Dagur: Ehm... Didn't I throw you overboard? Captain: Well, I am an excellent swimmer. [gets thrown overboard again] #5. Current Projects: Dragon Heir: Hiccup left Berk with Toothless on a journey to discover himself. Seven years later he's still searching. Lucky for him, Fairy Tail is with him to remind him...he's already there. How to Train Your Dragon X Fairy Tail, Hiccup leaves Berk Fic, Dragon Slayer Hiccup, Might Become a Series. How To Train Your Dragon 1: Having been returned to their homes, it is now only a matter of time until peace between Vikings and Dragons is achieved. At least... that's what it was supposed to be... Hiccup has always known there was someone out there who hated him. - Sequel to 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' #6. Hiatus Stories: Waltzing with Death: (Xiaolin Showdown/ Bleach) - After the final battle the gang found themselves in Soul Society where they become Shinigami. 500 years later, Kimiko and Raimundo are sent on a mission to the temple in order to discover the reason why Hollows keep showing up. While there, they agree to train the new generation of Xiaolin Dragons, however, they soon find out things are worse than they first believed. Different Paths – Play Spy: (Xiaolin Showdown) – AU: After their chaotic visit in Japan, Rai, Kimiko and Jack leave, but unknown to them they are watched. When Raimundo is kidnapped by their mysterious stalker, he is offered a job that is way beyond his line of work and that he doesn’t have a choice but to accept. He never thought he would end up both dooming the world and saving it at the same time. Unexpected: (Kingdom Hearts/Harry Potter) - It focuses on the Organization XIII and the relationships between the members. Because of the sudden increase of the Heartless, Roxas, Demyx, Zexion and Axel are sent on a mission but while there they encounter the mysterious castle of Hogwarts. They make a deal with Dumbledore to help with the security for a few days but a twist of fate force them to remain there for a while along with a few other members. With a new enemy born the Organization has to think of a plan to get back on their feet and defeat the new Nobodies until they are killed themselves. (Most likely it will never be finished but I will go as far as I can with the story!) Paranormal Restrains: (Xiaolin Showdown) – When Raimundo receives some alarming news regarding his family he is torn between going to help or stay at the temple. It doesn’t take long before he as well is involved in everything and his friends along with his family from Brazil have to help him defeat this evil that may not seem as evil in the end. Off World: (Xiaolin Showdown) - It takes place right after the last episode of the TV show. When the darkness wins, Raimundo and Dojo have to hide and search for a solution to save their friends. The one thing that will fix what has been done sadly, is in an another dimension so the duo goes for it. In that new world they will have to face many monsters, difficult conditions and a group that doesn't agree with strangers. Still that doesn't mean they won't make friends and they won't have fun. Through Wavering Eyes: (Xiaolin Showdown) - part 4 - Kadin wants to put his plan into motion but with what has happened in the Underworld he is momentarily stuck. Wuya offers the answer and pretty soon, both Xiaolin and Heylin sides are running to recruit the new dragons. By the time the gang hears about this, they already need to move and stop Kadin and Wuya from reaching their goal. #7. Finished stories: How To Train Your Dragon 2: When Vikings wake up in a room alongside their mortal enemies the obvious result is chaos. Not when they have to watch themselves five years in the future however. When traditions fail and believes are shattered, can the two sides learn from this experience and accept each other? - Watching The Movie Fic; Hiccup x Astrid The Power Within: (Xiaolin Showdown) – part 1 - After Raimundo's promotion to shoku level, the four warriors are sent on a quest to unlock their inner powers on the way having to get past many obstacles. Unfortunately their new skills are tested right away by the arrival of a more than a thousand years old opponent that could only mean the beginning of a new game. Demon Love: (Xiaolin Showdown) – part 2 - Chase Young decides to make a new ally so he searches the help of a demon asking her to kill the xiaolin dragons. She does as she is told, but a talk with someone changes her mind as well as her heart. She rebels against Chase and settles on doing the one thing she feared to do. With some help, the demon manages to partly achieve her goal just as the gang meets a second new player of the heylin side. Demon Mess: (Xiaolin Showdown) – part 3 - A new danger erupts forcing the monks to be on the run along with Karyne who comes back after a month only to bring bad news to the group. Together they form a plan to get rid of their pursuers but it could always go wrong when they meet face to face with the mastermind who holds one hell of a grudge against them. A Hero's New Beginning: (Sonic the Hedgehog) - The news of Sonic's death threw Mobius in Robotnik's clutches and while the Freedom Fighters cried about their loss, he took the chance to conquer the world. But during a mission, Manic and Antoine meet someone. Is it another Mobian who stood up against the evil doctor?...or an old friend who came back from the dead? Different Paths: (Xiaolin Showdown) - AU: In our modern days bad guys are everywhere but Kimiko Tohomiko is sure she can take them on. Her new task though, seems to involve the infamous thief Phantom. How will she react when she is drawn more and more in Phantom's life by her guilty curiosity and how will she fight the sudden feelings inside her? #8. Future stories: |