A surprising update:

I know, I know. I'm a terrible fanfiction writer. The thing is, I had full plans to continue this story after I had finished the first arc, but my computer crashed and I lost literally everything I'd written for the second arc, along with a note sheet telling me where the story was going to go. I was pretty devastated after that loss and every time I tried to write something for this story, it just couldn't match up to the content I had lost. I'm sorry for all of you that were hoping for an update to this story. I simply lost my will to continue writing for it.

But if you guys aren't too mad at me, I do have some good news.

I wrote a book of my own for young adults, and it's inspired by Danny Phantom. So that's right all you DP fans still out there. I have a book that's just for you guys, especially those of you who read: The Collector, a fanfic I co-wrote with PixieGirl (writer of Soul Searching and Incommudicado). If you haven't read The Collector, totally check it out on Pixiegirl's page! She's an awesome writer.

Anyway, onto the big news. The story I wrote is called: The Rift written by K.S. Young. Right now the book is only in ebook format. It's available on the Barnes and Noble Nook Book site and also on Amazon for the Kindle and Kindle Fire. But don't worry if you don't have those kinds of ereaders! Amazon Kindle has an app for all PC, Mac, and smart phone devices that allow you to read the book there. So if you have a computer or phone, you'll be able to read it! I even downloaded the app on my Mac to see how it works, and I have to say that it's amazing and so easy. And the app is FREE!

You fan fiction readers are just the best. I wouldn't be where I am now without your comments and criticism shaping me one chapter at a time for all these years. Ya'll inspired me to write what I love. I know I haven't updated anything on the site in a long time, but I still remember all my reviews and all the love you people gave me during my prime here.

The book is only $6.99 and available in English to any country. So that means you readers from all over the world can buy it and read it! The book has 15 chapters to it and has 8 awesome illustrations of our main characters done by Anna Jones. She also did the cover art as well. She's amazing, sweet, and a joy to work with. She'll be doing more cover art as the series goes by.

Now, if you want to read the new book or just simply want to support me or any fanfic writer trying to make it, here's what you can do:

Buy it at B&N


Buy it at Amazon: You can find it at both locations by searching K.S. Young The Rift

To learn more about the series and/or if you have any questions or comments, you can contact us through Facebook, tumblr, and email. I can't post any links, but you can easily find this stuff by searching with the author name (K.S. Young) and the book name (The Rift or Rift Series):

Facebook: You can also find this by searching K.S. and theriftseries.

Tumblr: Search K.S. Young The Rift Series and you should find it.

Email: The email is on my account profile page. Sorry I can't post it here as well.

If you do take the plunge and order the book, please tell others about it and/or review it on Amazon or B&N. You can even like the book on Facebook. Spread the word! Support the series any way you can. I'm going to try to get the word of it spread to others, but I'm hoping you amazing readers can help with this job. Even just something small helps in a big way. And you can easily review the book just like you would on here on the Amazon and B&N site so let me know what you think!