So here it is! The one you've all been waiting for! I hope you love it.

Disclaimer: I own the plot and the... nope that's about it.

Logan tossed and turned, his face shining with sweat. He was caught in the throes of a nightmare. He clutched the sheets in trembling fingers. His face twisted in a pained grimace. "No… Carlos…" His breathing accelerated, a groan escaped his lips. "Help… somebody help him…" The moonlight streaming in from the window accentuated his pale features.

He flipped over, tangling his legs in the sheets. "Unh, hang on… please…" He thrashed ineffectually, trying to release the constricting grip. His body suddenly left the bed. Standing by his bed, swaying on his feet, sleep still held him. His mind screamed for consciousness, but the dream, the nightmare, would not relinquish its grasp. He stretched an arm, reaching for something that wasn't there. "Carlos…" His whole body shook in an unfelt force. "…wait… One step "… I…" then nothing. All movement ceased. Logan collapsed back in his bed, perfectly still.


Everything felt surreal. The darkness wasn't palpable, but it may as well have been. It was like being caught in a billow of smoke. The warmth, like being hit by a spray of mist, but it wasn't wet. His fingers smoothed over his skin, dry.

Nothing broke the inky blackness. Everything tilted, if that was possible. There was no up, no down, but everything definitely felt like it had shifted, and he was standing. Standing on the blackness that had no shape, which could have just as easily been the empty air as it was the solid ground.

Footsteps lit up before him, bright yellow. They blinked into existence one by one, leading a path into the endless night. He didn't want to move, didn't want to follow, but he found himself drawn inexorably forward. His foot fit the footstep perfectly, covering the light for the instant that his foot occupied the same space.

He followed the trail, and gradually his surroundings began to change. Out of the black, gray cliffs materialized, fading in and out of existence, but eventually becoming definite. He found himself walking through the haze, with the indistinct cliffs forming a canyon on either side of him. Despite the lack of anything to judge by, he got the impression that he was going up. He was rising out of the crevice in the earth, to top the rocky cliffs.

He found himself atop the walls that had been closing in around him. The gray, rocky vastness expanded forever in every direction. The fissure that he had risen from had vanished, seemingly having closed up after he had exited it. The darkness still consumed the sky, but Logan could see. A silhouette had appeared in the distance.

He struggled to see who it was. The blackness swirled across the cliffs in gusts, making everything grainy, a sandstorm of black. The figure finally gained definition: Carlos. "Carlos!" he called, waving his arms.

Carlos ignored him. He didn't even turn at the sound of his friend's voice. Logan was pierced with an inexplicable fear. It was imperative that Carlos hear him. "Carlos!" Nothing.

A deadness took over Carlos' normally lively eyes. Black tendrils branched out from his pupils, slowly consuming his irises. "No!" Logan stood immobilized, the darkness twining around his legs, holding him in its deadly embrace. "Carlos!"

The tendrils spread further, seeming to gently prick the whites of his eyes. Dark vines wrapped around Logan's arms. He would've struggled, but it was as if he was paralyzed. It was then he noticed the people. Others were standing randomly across the plane of stone. People, all ages and sizes, stood staring at his friend. Their arms folded and eyes judging. They stared at his friend with a heartless detachment, like they believed he deserved whatever was happening.

"Help!" he yelled. "Somebody help him!"

The people remained as motionless as Carlos. Carlos' eyes were completely black. Logan was desperate, "Hang on! Please!" He struggled more fiercely against his imprisonment. Terror rapidly overtook all his other senses. Carlos's eyes solidified and minute cracks spread across the surface. "Carlos!" His eyes crumbled into ebony dust and were caught in the wind. The dust was gently pulled from his sockets, leaving him sightless.

"Wait," Logan threw himself against his restraints, "I…" he managed one step. It all ended.

So, what is the thinking? You know you want to review. You know you do. Dooooo it. Dooooo it. ^-^