![]() Author has written 24 stories for Death Note, Naruto, and Hoshin Engi. Halo! Salam kenal, saya Ceprutth DeiDei. Sudah berapa tahun ya saya bergabung dan menjadi salah satu bagian dari keluarga besar fanfiksi ini, ah... memikirkan itu membuat saya merasa nostalgia. Terima kasih Fanfiksi sudah memberikan kesempatan bagi saya untuk berkembang dan berkarya sebebas-bebasnya (dengan tetap memperhatikan asas dan norma). Terima kasih sudah membuat saya berkembang hingga sejauh ini. Dan maafkan karena saya sudah tidak lagi aktif menulis maupun melanjutkan cerita-cerita yang dahulu sudah terlanjur saya koar-koarkan di sini. Mohon maaf sekali untuk siapapun yang masih menunggu cerita-cerita multichapter saya yang harusnya on going tapi sudah hiatus. Jujur saya masih berusaha untuk melanjutkannya, hanya saja feel dan pribadi yang sudah amat berbeda akan mempengaruhi hasil kelanjutannya nanti, dan mood saya pun juga ambil peran. :') Iya, bahkan hingga kini writer's block masih menjadi ancaman terbesar. Wah... bacot banyak juga ya ternyata. Saya senang menambah relasi, meskipun saya bukan menjadi orang yang aktif dalam menjalin relasi itu. Mari saling kenal dan saling mengobrol lewat jalur-jalur yang lain. :) Saya mungkin memang sudah tidak aktif di sini, tetapi saya masih aktif menulis. Jika kamu ingin mencoba membaca dan melihat-lihat silakan mampir berkunjung dan menikmati. :) Untuk bagian ini adalah bagian yang sedari dulu masih tidak berubah (hanya bertambah), just so you know if we have the same interest. :) Halo! My name is Ceprutth DeiDei. It's been years since I've joined here and become part of the big family Fanfiction ever gave me, ah... thinking about it makes me feel nostalgic. Thank you FanFiction for giving me the chance to develop myself and to unleash my wildest imaginations (as the norm and rights follow). Thank you for letting me improve my skills so that I've become what I am now. And I am truly sorry that I would still not be writing frequently here, whether it publishing new stories or continuing my supposedly on-going--but now on hiatus--multichapter works. I am sincerely sorry for making anyone who still had hopes waiting and waiting for the next chapter to be published. I'm still trying to continue write it but it's been hard because so much has changed, I have changed, the feel and my personality now has just changed so much that it will definitely affect the works later. And well, my mood is kinda responsible too. Yeah, even now writer's block is still my biggest enemy. Whooops... I talk too much. I love to have more friends and relatives, even though I'm not one to actively make that relations and friends happen. Let's keep in touch! :) Thank you for everything! I watched, read, and liked this manga/anime: Naruto, Houshin Engi, Alive: The Final Evolution, Yajirobee (Balancing Toys), Taiyou no Ie, Bleach, One Piece, FullMetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood, BTOOOM!, Soul Eater, Meitantei Conan, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Eyeshield21, Death Note, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama (just a bit though), Pandora Hearts, Vampire Knight, Kuroshitsuji, Ao no Exorcist, Sword Art Online, Law of Ueki, and many others. I watched and liked korean drama too (though only two): Goong 1 Princess Hours, Oh My Ghostess and Full House. I also watched Sherlock BBC SerialTV, Kimi ni Todoke, Great Teacher Onizuka, and Transformers. My favorite characters are: Sherlock Holmes, Shuichi Akai, Lawliet, Mello, Sodakki, Envy, Yukie Tezuka, Hiruma Youichi, Okumura Yukio, Tres Iqus, Kousuke Kira, and Soul Eater. My favorite pairs are: SasuSaku, KenshinKaoru, EdWin, Sherlolly, EdEnvy, Tresther, HiruMamo, MattMello, NejiSasu, SeijiHaru and else. But the slash (or I prefer calling it 'yaoi') pairs are just on humor fics. I can't stand to read real slash fics though, hahaha. I am straight. And no, I do not agree and support LGBT rights, as they are something that I believe is a condition when something isn't right. Why? Because my belief says so too. If you're interested to check out my fictionpress account, just click the link. Currently active on Wattpad, check it out if you're interested. You also can add my facebook, twitter, and plurk. Kind of active on facebook, currently inactive on twitter and plurk. But still, do check if you want. :) So, this is all I could say for now. Please do enjoy reading my fics. Best regards, Ceprutth DeiDei |