![]() Author has written 67 stories for 39 Clues, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, Arrow, and 100. I'm from the Philippines. Beautiful country though very ugly in some ways. By beautiful, I meant really beautiful. Not just the beaches but the mountains rivers, bays and all. Absolutely amazing. Yet there's something that really saddens me. I can't get a grasp on it but it's just something that makes me sad when I see my own country. Anyway, moving on... I love Doctor Who and Sherlock. I love food! I love them! Mediterranean might be my current favorite. Or Korean. Or basically everything! Hm...craving for some moussaka and kimchi. I hate cockroaches. I love music. The Script rocks and so does Ed Sheeran, Avicii, Zedd, Krewella. Did I forget to mention I love food? Oh I did? Nevermind. I LOVE FOOOOOOOODDD!!!!! Music I love music. Yeah, that's it. They had the same process. Heard a song they sang. Searched them and other songs they sang. Then BOOM! I'm a fan. Yeah! I was into pop when I was younger. Now I'm shifting into EDM but I still like pop :) Books Basically, my childhood started with books. I went to the library and saw some books. Read them got addicted. That was Nancy Drew by the way. The old one. Anyway after that, it just continued. Saw other books. Read. Then YEY! Sherlock I love Sherlock Holmes! I was reading Detective Conan and Conan was also a big fan of Sherlock Holmes thus the name. I got addicted so I started to read Conan Doyle's work and I salute to him. It was completely genius! Moving on, I loved this series. It completely blew me off my feet and before I knew it I was addicted. I want to thank Sherlock. Because of impatiently waiting for season 3, I decided to watch Doctor Who which was one of the best decisions ever. :D Doctor Who David Tennant FTW!!!!I miss DT very much and also RTD. Steven Moffat made Sherlock great but sadly, not Doctor Who, in my opinion. I don't quite like Moffat's style of writing for DW but I like Matt Smith! Moffat has brilliant ideas and very clever ones too but his writing lacks emotion and passion sometimes. It ruins things for me. For example, River/Eleven, I have a feeling I would've liked it if it wasn't for the poor progression of their story. Anyway, Doctor Who looks a bit corny to some people. It did for me at the start but at the end I fell in love. Don't mind the graphics and all if I were you. It's the message. Bow ties are cool. Apples are rubbish. Bananas are good for partying. Don't blink in front of a statue. EXTERMINATE! Just joking. If you haven't watched Doctor Who, I advice you to watch it. It's awesome! Manga I don't really watch anime bcos I'm too lazy too wait for the download or stream since the net here is slow :P so I just stick to manga which is just as good. -Naruto (got a bit tired at the end bcoz of Talk No Jutsu) -Fairy Tail (really like it and cool but some fight scenes were a bit rushed) -One Piece (weird drawing but story is great and awesome and EPIC) -Death Note (not satisfied with ending though maybe ending it that way was the right decision but I like it...really sassy) -Detective Conan (fell in love with mysteries bcoz of this) -Soul Eater (cool that is all cool) -Katekyo Hitman Reborn (rubbish ending but cool...hate the ending. HATE!) -Yakitate Japan (old but really nice and cool too) OTPs Sometimes I just hate my OTPs bcoz none of them really end up together or not yet. I don't really favor boy-boy relationships but I have nothing against it. Sorry JohnLock;) -Matt Smith/Karen Gillan (one of the cutest couples HANDS DOWN! you've got to see their pictures absolutely perfect for each other try searching for some pictures) -Sherlock/Irene (I don't love this pairing because they look cute or something it's because their relationship is fascinating) -David Tennant/Billie Piper (they also look cute together and most probably ship them bcoz of their roles) -Ten/Rose (the above explains everything or the other way around...) -Gale/Katniss (Peeta just felt wrong...sorry) -Ian/Amy (Ian obviously likes Amy, no doubt) -Four/Six (Six most probably likes Four and as I said I don't like Sarah that much) -Harry/Hermoine (it just feels right) -Naruto/Sakura (Hinata also doesn't feel right) -Natsu/Lucy (they look really cute together and it's kinda obvious that they like each other) FOOD Oh yeah! Food! Who doesn't like food? It's nice, juicy, tasty, interesting, delicious *suddenly stops and looks at the distance then snaps back* Sorry, had a bit of a moment back there. Anyway, I haven't really tried authentic Mediterranean food but I still liked it. It tasted refreshing to me with all the lemon and stuff. Sometimes I just have this weird craving for something lemony or limey. That sort of sourness. Though I like the sourness of kimchi. Korean food is also very, very good. I also like chocolates. Dark, actually. Not the super dark ones. Maybe about 60-75% dark chocolate so I don't really appreciate white chocolate. But milk chocolate are also nice. Basically I'm okay with any kind of food. As long as its safe to eat and clean :) I hate Filipino food because it just makes me want to eat more every time I eat it! Just joking. I love it too. It just tastes so good with rice. Oh and the dessert. Yum! Now I want a glass of halo-halo!!!!! *Runs off to ask permission to go out for halo-halo and leaves you there* ;) RECENT ADDITION ONCE UPON A TIME TOTALLY LOVE IT! My goodnessss! Amazing! That's all I can say and CAPTAINSWAAAAAAAN |