I am very, very sorry for how long it took me to write this chapter. My grandma passed away. And I got a job! And on my first day of training I collapsed behind the counter. Yeah. Full on timber. It was a hell of a wake up call for me to never skip a meal again. Im fine now, though.

And THEN my laptop decided to wig on me by not allowing me to access the internet(is2g im cursed when it concerns technology.)

Thank you so much for all the follows, favorites, views, and a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed, you all are amazing and your reviews and encouragement make me want to write all the more! It is the best motivation.

Without further-ado, I hope you enjoy this new installment :)

After his conversation with Rick, Daryl had volunteered to venture out in search of a gas station or maybe just some untouched cars that could be siphoned. Daryl was thankful for the silence, just him and his bike, the late summer sun beating down on his back as he rode out north. The quiet, though, did more harm than good. While he enjoyed the freedom from the suffocating fear of the group, the questions and insecurities, the quiet allowed his mind to wander and dwell on things he'd rather not touch.

Things like Beth.

That girl with her soulful eyes, soft smile, she was a puzzle he couldn't solve. Her hushed words that made him think, made him want the craziest things . . . .

Things that a Dixon were not meant to have.

Daryl discovered a convenience store all too soon, making quick work to comb through the shop and the abandoned cars outside it. He was pleased to find that the Sedan and Chevy truck had almost a full tank while the little Prius, Subaru and Kia had just about half a tank. Inside the store, a single walker was trapped under a capsized shelf, chips and candy scattered around it. The thing gurgled and hissed as Daryl made his way past. With a dispassionate sneer, Daryl delivered a bolt to the corpses head, ceasing its growls.

"Shut up," he huffed before picking up a bag of Lays chips, ripping it open and wolfing down the contents in heaping handfuls, showing the crisps into his mouth.

He made his way towards the counter, his eyes scanning the back display of cigarettes. No one had touched this place, there were dozens of smokes of various brands. Daryl moved behind the counter, using the butt of his bow to smash in the glass. Quickly pocketing several packs of cigarettes, he pulled his bag out and began shoving candy, chips and those Debby snacks inside. Daryl snacked as he wandered through, his eyes wandering to the cases of beer in the fridges.

Ain't no time for that shit, he reprimanded himself, spurring his way down the aisle, shoving a few more snack type foods into his bag. He paused beside one of the spinning racks, this one had cheap five dollar jewelry on the hooks. Daryl's gaze lingered on a bracelet. It was a simple black cord of leather with a single musical note strung on it. Before he could over think why he was doing it, Daryl shoved the bracelet into the back pocket of his grimy pants before heading out of the store and back to his bike.

The ride back to camp went even faster than the ride there, everything was loaded up into the cars and the group was scattered about camp talking or fiddling with something. Glenn was walking past him as Daryl dismounted his back, with a grunt he shoved the pack stuffed with junk food at the young man who stared at him in confusion.

"S' food, ain't squirrel but it'll do," it was the closest Daryl had ever come to lighthearted teasing.

Glenn wrestled the bag open his dark eyes growing along with the smile on his face. "Sweet."

"Save it for later, can't have everyone pigging out and wastin' food," Daryl snapped, his less than pleasant tone snapping the Korean from his jovial mood.

"Yeah, okay," Glenn agreed, taking the back and jogging toward's the RV, head down and his tail between his legs.

Daryl watched him scurry off, his gaze moving around the camp, ever the observant hunter. He spied Beth sitting with Carl and Sophia on the log that had been placed in front of the fire pit, leaning close to the boy as she spoke while the little girl giggled at something Carl said. Daryl let his gaze linger on the pair as Beth smiled down at the younger boy, the almost melodic sound of her laughter reaching his ears. Carl grinned right back as the boy attempted to do some kind of trick with the twine his fingers were hooked through.

"It's nice isn't it?"

Daryl jumped slightly at Carol's sudden remark. The woman was standing a few feet from him, a serene smile on her tired face.

"What you on about?" Daryl grunted, shifting the strap of his bow on her shoulder, damn thing was heavy and his back was starting to ache.

Carol moved towards him, her gaze never leaving Beth and the kids, arms folded across her chest. "Seeing Sophia smile, hearing her laugh. Beth has a real way with the kids, don't you think? With you too," at that last remark a knowing grin marked the older woman's lips.

Daryl simply frowned at Carol as though she'd grown a second head that had begun to talk in tongues.

"Ain't got a damn clue what yer talkin' 'bout woman," he barked, his anger snapping.

Carol was unaffected by Daryl's outburst. She had been married to Ed for over twenty years, and now that he was gone, Carol found she wasn't afraid of men-especially Daryl Dixon.

Carol simply shrugged her slight shoulders, untangling her arms to place hand on Daryl's arm. The hunter stiffened, red alarms blaring in his mind over the simple touch. Carol noted the fear, the anger, but made no move to remove her hand. Instead, she squeezed his arm in reassurance, offering him a sympathetic smile.

"Losing people . . . it's scary, I know. She's young and frail . . . I remember when you first joined us you dismissed Beth-all of us. You thought we were weak, and we'd be dead soon. But here we are. Yes, not all of us are here, but some are and that's because we're stronger than we look."

"What's your damn point lady?" Daryl bit out between clenched teeth, ripping his arm free from her grasp.

Carol sighed, looking from Daryl and back to Beth and the kids.

"You went back for her, Daryl. You could've ran and saved yourself, your side wouldn't be torn up like it is. Instead you risked your life to save hers'. You care about her, Daryl-and that scares you."

Her words made him think to the bracelet burning a hole in his back pocket, Daryl snapped. One moment he was standing there the next he was towering over Carol, glaring down at the woman as she met his burning gaze without fear.

"You don't know what you're talkin' about," he growled.

"You're right, I don't know," Carol said, but her tone belied her words. "What do I know? I'm just a crazy housewife. Just . . . I don't want to see Beth hurt Daryl."

Daryl's anger flared, his glare scathing. "What kind of redneck bastard do ya think I am? I'd never touch-"

"There are other ways to hurt a person, Daryl. Ed hurt me physically, mentally and emotionally. A broken heart takes longer to heal than a broken bone." and with that Carol left Daryl to his own whirlwind of thoughts as he watched the older woman make her way towards Beth and the kids.

Daryl observed the way Beth grinned at the older woman, making room on the log for Carol to sit. The smile on Carol's face was just as genuine and bright, as though Beth's joy was infectious. Daryl shook his head clear of all thoughts, shoving the image of a smiling Beth to the far reaches of his mind as he turned away from the picture perfect scene. He made his feet carry him towards Rick, Dale and Glenn who were finishing loading the cars.

"Any luck," Rick asked when he spied Daryl making his way towards their small gathering.

"Yeah, bout seven miles out there's an old mom n' pop store, three cars and a truck were abandoned, checked 'em they all got half a tank or more of gas. Should be enough to get us to Fort Benning. Store's hadn't been touched, grabbed some food. Figured we'd clean it out while we siphoned the cars."

Rick nodded. "That's good. Real good. Thanks, Daryl."

Daryl feel that nagging lightness in his chest at Rick's gratitude the same one he'd gotten when Beth had woken from her nightmare the night before. "S'nothin'. Everyone ready to go? Day's gunna be half gone waiting on y'all."

Rick brought the group to a stop once the sun had begun to duck behind the tops of the trees and dusk began to settle. They brought the vehicles to a clearing not far from the road to set up camp for the night, it was surrounded by woods, Daryl agreed that as long as no one slacked off on watch, they'd be perfectly safe here for the night. The other's didn't waste time unloading the cooler, tents, chairs and whatever else they needed for the night.

Once his bike was unloaded, Daryl slung his crossbow over his shoulder, ready to venture into the woods in search of game. With any luck he'd find more than just damn squirrels for dinner. The idea of a roasted rabbit made his stomach growl with want, putting a little extra oomph in his steps as he made his way towards the tree line. He passed by Glenn and Beth who were unloading tents from the back of the SUV, goofing around like they weren't trying to survive a damn apocalypse. Daryl's hopes to avoid the young blond were dashed when she called out to him, taking off after him at a jog.

"Daryl!" Beth repeated breathlessly, one of her small hands brushing against his tricep, bringing Daryl to a halt.

Daryl cursed under his breath before turning to face her, steeling himself in resignation as Beth's soulful eyes went from his face to the bow slung on his back.

"You heading out?"

Daryl leveled the young woman with a flat look before averting his gaze back to the woods, shifting his weight uneasily under the weight of Beth's stare.

"What it look like?" Daryl grumbled before continuing on, making an effort to take quicker strides, hoping in vain that Beth wouldn't follow.

"Can I come?" she asked, coming up behind him. "Hunting, I mean?"

"Ain't got time to babysit ya," Daryl said, his tone just under a growl.

Beth flinched at his sharp tone. "I'm not a kid, I don't need to be watched. You said you'd train me-or was that just talk?"

Daryl stopped dead in his tracks, causing Beth to collide into his side. Nostrils flaring, Daryl glared down at the little blond, struggling to keep his temper in check. His teeth dug into his tongue as he tried to think of a way to get Beth to leave him alone. But dammit she was questioning his honor, his pride and Dixons didn't go back on their word.

"You callin' me a liar, Greene?"

Beth said nothing, the young woman merely flared up at the man, anger churning in her blue eyes, her mouth set in a firm line. Daryl felt his resolve breaking, letting loose a foul curse.

"Grab yer shit, and hurry it up, ain't waitin' all day for you," he growled and stomped off.

Beth said nothing as she turned on her heel and walked back to the SUV. Daryl stopped at the edge of the treeline to watch as she grabbed her pack and knife, tucking the blade at her side. As she began to make her way back to Daryl when Shane stepped into her path. Daryl watched as Beth smiled up at the much larger man, like a doe befriending a grizzly.

From such a far distance Daryl couldn't make out what exactly the two were saying, but he could tell the moment Beth mentioned his name due to the way Shane's body went rigid, and the vein in his forehead began to throb. The death glare Shane gave Daryl over his shoulder was another clue. Daryl ground his teeth together, the annoyance he had felt moments ago at Beth's persistence returning with vengeance. Daryl also noticed when Beth saw her mistake and instantly regretted it.


Beth's plea fell on deaf ears as Shane stomped towards the youngest Dixon.

Daryl gave an inward groan. Sonabitch.

"Dixon," Shane barked, his voice carrying enough bite to draw everyone's attention to the former cop and the redneck.

Beth was running after Shane, only to be stopped by Rick, who placed a hand on her shoulder, gently pushing the girl towards Lori, who took her hand. Daryl didn't move as Shane stomped towards him, looking meaner than a Rottweiler.

"What you think you're doing," Shane yelled, invading Daryl's personally space.

When the larger man's hands fell on Daryl's chest he saw red. Daryl shot forward, hooking his arm around Shane's neck and squeezed.

"I'm real fucking tired of how you been talkin' to me, Walsh," Daryl snarled as Shane struggled against his hold, the man's fingers digging uselessly into Daryl's arm.

"Hey! Enough!" Rick shouted across the distance, his long legs quickly eating up the space separating himself and the snarling men.

Beth lurched forward before Rick could reach them, wedging her small frame between the two men. "Stop it! Shane knock it off!"

Her small hands collided into Shane's chest, shoving him back. Shane stumbled back, his eyes breaking contact from Daryl and landing on her. Beth frowned up at him, her eyes churning with fire.

"Daryl's done nothing but help me, Shane!" Beth burst out, glaring at the larger man. "You're acting crazy!"

"Come on, man-" Rick began, reaching to place a calming hand on his friend shoulder. Shane wasn't having it though. With gnarled curse, Shane shoved Rick's beseeching hand away.

"Whatever," he snarled. "When that filthy bastard has a knife to your throat, don't come crying to me."

And with that Shane turned away sharply, heading towards Dale's RV. The slam of the RV's door caused Beth to wince, while Daryl was doing his damnedest to not clock the asshole in the back of the head with his bow.

"Is he gunna be okay?" Beth asked Rick, her gaze pleading for an answer other then the one she knew was true. Daryl glared after Shane for a stretch of time, that murderous anger churning in his gut ceasing to dissipate, his hands balled tightly into fists. Tearing his gaze away, Daryl leveled his eyes on Rick as he regarded Beth with a lost look on his face.

Rick said nothing, merely sighing as he glanced from the ground to the direction Shane had stormed off. "I'll talk to him."

Talking won't fix nothing, Daryl huffed, shouldering his bow once again. "Let's get, girl. Daylight's wasting."

Beth's only response was a nod as she turned on her heal, heading towards the SUV, grabbing a backpack from the trunk and slinging it over her shoulder before returning to Daryl's side. The older man frowned at her, before muttering under his breath and unlatching his knife from his side and presenting it to her.

"Not gunna let ya go out there with no way to defend yourself. Get you your own on the next time we're near a town." he declared.

Beth was only half listening as she took the knife from Daryl, her doe eyes running over the sheath and handle with awe. She'd never handled any kind of weapon before, her father hadn't abided by violence of any manner.

But this violent world called for protection, Beth knew that. She knew that if she stayed as she was . . . she wouldn't last.

"Thank you," Beth said at last as she clipped it to one of her belt loops. "I'll keep it safe, promise."

Daryl's only comment was an indistinct grunt before he started off into the thicket of trees, Beth trailing behind him. The woods were blissfully quiet, there in the canopy of green, Daryl felt himself relax. He supposed if he had to have anyone stomping around in the woods with him, it might as well be Beth Greene. She was quiet for now, thank god. Her foot steps however, were loud as twigs and leaves crunched under her boots.

"Gotta watch where you step," the hunter cautioned. "Follow my lead, step where I step. Avoid twigs and dried leaves, try to leave as little evidence you were here as possible."

Beth nodded, her eyes darting to the ground, her brow furrowing in concentration as she followed after him.

"How long you've been doing this?"

"Hunting? Tracking? Long as I can remember. Between my pa and Uncle, was practically raised in the woods with a bow in my hand," he shrugged. "S'like breathing I guess. Just do it."

Beth smiled slightly. "That's how it was with music for me . . . Momma was always singing to me, playing old records or playing the radio."

"You was close, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. With everyone. Daddy, Momma, Maggie and Shawn . . . ." Beth's voice trailed off into silence. "Anyway. What are we tracking?"

Daryl shrugged. "Nothing yet. Trails are old 'round here. Gotta walk for a bit 'fore we find anything worth hunting."

"How do you know?" Beth asked as she moved to his side, frowning at the ground at their feet.

"Signs are all there," he explained, motioning to a scattered patch of leaves. "Something came through here, day or two ago. See how faded the prints are? Erosion or some shit came through with the rain, washed 'em away. So it's been a while."

Daryl crouched down on his haunches, Beth following suit as Daryl pointed at some broken twigs. "And here, whatever it was, was good sized. Somekind of wild cat's my guess. Stomped right on through here and went east."

"Wow," Beth breathed, a bright smile forming on her face. "I'd have never noticed that. That's amazing."

"S'nothing," he denied as he straightened. "Best bet's to follow it. Its looking for food, just like us, any luck, it'll lead us to some."

Beth pushed herself into a standing position, moving to follow him. "Lead the way, Mr. Dixon."

Beth had to admit, watching Daryl Dixon track was an amazing thing to behold. In the woods, he changed. Gone was the prickly sour faced man, and in his place was a hunter through and through. Confident in his surroundings, he moved through this quiet domain fluidly.

Like he was born for this, for this world, Beth thought as she pushed her legs to keep up with his quick, silent pace.

Beth was less then a stellar huntress herself, she was loud, her foot falls seeming as loud as a bomb in the serenity of the woods as she followed after Daryl. While Daryl saw tracks and patterns in the dirt, all Beth could see were some leaves and sticks; nothing out of the ordinary for the woods.

With a heavy sigh, Beth went to step over a fallen log, when one of the laces of her boots caught one of branches, tangling in its twisted woods fingers.

"Man," she breathed as she tried to jerk her foot free to no prevail. "Daryl, wait."

There was a muffled curse and pointed stomping as Daryl made his way back to her. He frowned at the sight of her, hunched over, desperately tugging at the snarled shoelace.

"I'm stuck," Beth said helplessly, giving her foot another tug.

"Can see that, Jesus, girl, need to put ya in a plastic bubble or something," he muttered as he crouched down beside her, close enough that Beth could smell the remnants of cigarettes on his breath.

"Wasn't like I meant to get stuck," she huffed, as she glanced down beside where she sat on the dirt, allowing Daryl's nimble fingers to make quick work of the knotted shoelace.

Her entire frame stiffened when she spotted a torn piece of cloth, black and grimy gray tie dye, crusted with blood on the ground next to her.

"D-Daryl," she choked out, her voice soft.

"Wha-?" he glanced towards her, his gaze dropping to where Beth's own was locked.

Beth glanced around fearfully, her heart racing in her chest. "Could be walkers, or-?"

"Naw," he breathed as he picked up the torn cloth, raising it to eye level. "Ain't no geek."

"Then what-?"

"It's Merle's. Don't ya remember? He was wearing this shirt when . . . "

When they went on that run to Atlanta and Merle never came back, Beth concluded silently.

Beth stared at the tattered piece of clothing, it had been so long ago-it felt like an eternity-but, yes, she did remember Merle having a tie-dye shirt on the day he, Glenn, Andrea, Jaquie, Morales and T-Dog had gone out.

"Do you think he's . . . ." the murderous look in Daryl's eyes made Beth stop short, her tongue tying in her throat.

"He's not fucking dead, Greene," he growled as he gave her laces one last tug. "My brother's a tough old bastard, ain't nothing-"

"Daryl! Calm down! You're gunna get us swarmed," Beth hissed as she climbed to her feet. "I wasn't saying-I didn't mean it like that. Of course, Merle's okay. He's a Dixon."

Daryl was breathing heavily, his eyes darting around the woods, as though seeking some other sign of his lost brother amongst the trees and silence. When none presented themselves, Daryl's gaze fell once again on Beth, who was watching him the way a person would a feral animal.

He blew out a rush of air, the tension easing from his body. "Bet yer ass he's a Dixon."

And with that, Daryl moved past Beth, his bare arm grazing her shoulder. Beth released the breath she had been holding before rushing to keep up with him.

Just when she had thought she was making some kind of progress with the man, she had to go and take two steps back. Not that Beth of all people could blame him for it. Beth was still holding out on a thin ray of hope that her own family was alive. Of course Daryl wanted to believe his brother was alive. And for his sake, Beth hoped he was right.

There it is. Nice and long-kind of. Merle is close-what could this mean? Thank you again for your patience and for reading. An update for Rock-a-bye should be up next week, so long as my laptop behaves. Im also learning how to gif, so soon my Bethyl muse will be fully satisfied. I want to make gifsets for all my bethyl fics-as big of a pain that's going to be.

Please review, nothing makes my day like hearing for you all about your thoughts and feelings towards this fic.

see you soon :)