![]() Author has written 23 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Kingdom Hearts, Suite Life series, Shokugeki no Soma/食戟のソーマ, and Final Fantasy XV. Hi, I'm Katrina, and I'm a Mac. (I've always wanted to say that...) Life has been busy, so I've left this little place I call my own for a long while. I'm back, at least for now. I have some ideas coming up for Kingdom Hearts (naturally) and perhaps for the Big Four fandom. What comes, comes. Check back soon. Current stories: Salad, anyone? :Hiatus: Yep, I suddenly had this desire to write crack fic. Ahahaha. So sue me. But right now it's on hiatus, 'cause I have this major writer's block, and I feel like doing Edvy. Yup, sorry, guys. :D FullMetal Alchemist: Under the Holly- My first FMA fanfic! 'Though I have another written one, unpublished. So this should be my first published one-shot. Far Away- Got my inspiration from Far Away (duhh) by Nickelback. If you've never heard that song, you should deem yourself unworthy of living and kill yourself. Just kidding. Anyway, IF you have never heard it, go listen to it NOW. I have chapter 2 all typed out, it's just to tie up all the loose strings and what-not. So review, peoples! This Is Not Your Normal High School- A high school AU I've decided to write. Hopefully it won't turn out to be like the other stories (not that I'm saying they're bad in any way,) even though eventually it'll end up as an Edvy. Ramen Party- Short one-shot, pretty much just to talk about the SemeUkeness one can spot. Has a Naruto x-over. Want a Mint?- This idea just popped into my head and decided to stay. So, heck, I just HAD to write it! Fluff! Who can resist the powers that is FLUFF?? A Waltz Under the Stars- A birthday fic for the amazing Spoons! Valentine's day fluff. Naruto: Crime and Punishment- Uh... Do not ask me where this came from. Honestly, I don't know. Wishful Thinking- I have noticed I love using Shikamaru in my Naruto fics. Yes, I luffs him. xD 'If' Is A Good Word- SasuNaru, broom cupboard... with a twist. Yes, it's not your classical horny-Sasuke, blushing-uke-Naruto ficlet, school sex!!! ficlet. In fact, there is no sex, because I like to think of them with something other than a dirty mind. I actually sort of like this, and a little sad that it's received little attention. D: To Sweep You Off Your Feet- Another SasuNaru one-shot, because I have too many of those in my file. It was written two years ago (boy, does time fly) so I can't say anything about the quality, even though I tried to fix it up a little. KHR: Strings- My first KHR fic. Very slight 5927, in fact, it could be just plain friendship with no romance whatsoever. (Sort of canon, then?) It's about Gokudera, music, and Tsuna. *huggles* By Word Of Mouth- In which I attempt to describe a person and his/her character and actions through dialogue alone. I am pretty sure I'm close to failing, because it gets harder each time. Also a first attempt at a slight angst (why are most 5927 angst-y? It's like their relationship is made of angst, it's so sad.) fic where they had what they wanted then they lost (gave up on) it. Kingdom Hearts: Half a Soul- YES TWINCEST! There's angst, implied sex, ramblings, gang fights, dying, dark humor... It's the not-happy, not-funny yaoi fics I rarely write. I LOVE IT. Missing Persons- Very much inspired by OneRepublic. This one is based off Missing Persons 1 & 2 from their album Waking Up. There will be more stories inspired by their songs, just you wait. This is a little messy, but still a piece I like. Kingdom Hearts make me write out of my comfort zone. Features Roxas, not-so-sane Sora, Ventus (he actually had a bigger part, I just couldn't fit it in without expanding the story to thrice it's length, something I don't mind doing, actually. I'd probably work on that.), Riku and Kairi. Oh, and losing oneself. :D (The happy face is there for teh lulz.) Free Ending- Sort of crack. Ventus is older than Roxas by a year in this, because I couldn't really see them as twins if this is going to work. I planned for more incest action but to my surprise, I think it works better this way. The sequel (tentative title: Rebonding) is half-finished, and yes, I know I promised it by mid-July and it's August now, but I'm working on it. Really. In Search Of Other Options and What Happened After- I gave in, because I was reading too much Seiner and Seifer/Roxas and bad things happened in my mind. (There was a sadly lacking amount of updates in SoRox section, and the VenRox section. I abuse those bookmarks most often, but still...) I had tremendous fun writing this. It is funny. It is good. Actually, I strongly suggest you people to read it. Waking Up (previously titled Eyes Wide Shut) - This is my baby that I've been working on since March. Personally, I love it, and I'm pretty satisfied with it overall. It's sad and more sad, but then again most Roxora (Or VenRox, for that matter) are full of angst. Must write more happy fics. :\ COMING SOON! (All content is subject to change.) Title: Rebonding Summary: Sequel to Free Ending, though it could also be a stand-alone fic. In which we discover why the incident occurred in Seventh Heaven the way it did, and how Cloud was treated to a good, healthy dose of family bonding. More mentions of incest than Free Ending. I want to say here that I love all the reviews that come in! :'D I've been fortunate enough to always receive positive reviews! I've met wonderful people here, and read beautiful stories. In the same way I hope to do the same for you, so don't hesitate to drop me a line, send me a PM, or rant at me about anything. :D Thank you for all the support! (Oh, and people watching me for TINYNHS... Sorry, but I'm sure I'll get the next chapter out... When I can. It's on a temporary hiatus now, but I'll write it when I have the mojo. Or inspiration. I do know where the story is going, I swear.) |