Reviews for White Gold
666snoopy chapter 1 . 5/25
That was great!
nozomi-NN-chan chapter 1 . 2/3/2019
Loved it so much!
Tuesday's-Here chapter 1 . 11/10/2016
Ahhh Naruto's more animalistic side came out to play huh? Well it was quite nice for us and Sasuke of course! haha short, sweet, and with a smattering of smut what's not to love? Thanks for writing!
jj chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
love it very nice
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
I'm not sure I should even write a review as everything I have to say was already said by "sunpop". Nevertheless, I'll reiterate the point that reviewer made which I completely agree with: the first half of the fic was far superior to the second half. Naruto following Sasuke home from the circus was as lovely a fairy tale-like beginning as I can think of. There was SO MUCH you could have done with that. Instead we got a timeslip where we were dumped into the middle of Sasuke and Naruto's romantic relationship without any sort of explanation for how we got there.

Why did they become romantically attached? Did Naruto ever find out what happened to his parents? Why did he choose to stay with Sasuke instead of going to live with other werewolves or supernatural creatures? (We can see in the second half that Naruto has made friends with quite a few of them, so he's obviously broadened his horizons beyond Sasuke.) And what does Naruto do for a living, or is Sasuke supporting them both? What kind of relationship dynamics do they have? Why would Sasuke be willing to support them both? Why won't he bottom for Naruto? Is he controlling, or is there something else going on?

In the end, both halves of the fic feel really incomplete. There's so much that could have been done with the childhood story that was left untouched, and the second part, despite being longer, didn't feel particularly well-developed for a romance.

It's too bad. The first part was actually interesting, while the second part was incredibly mundane: two lovers eat dinner together. You can't get any duller than that. In the second half, Naruto being a werewolf, which was the most interesting part of his character, was reduced to a mere colorful detail. It had no real relevance to the plot or his character arc. If fact, if you cut out the first part of the story and rewrote the second half so that Naruto was Sasuke's roommate and not a supernatural creature, no one would notice anything had changed. Ino and Sakura could be annoying college buddies and the rest of the story would be essentially the same: two lovers eating dinner together and then having sex afterward. That's how little relevance the lovely beginning ultimately had on the fic as a whole.
Madoma chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
This was an amazing one-shot. You write very well. I can't wait to go on your profile and read some more of your work.
Prism-Tea chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
I dont even...I honestly...This is...HUAGHEKMVRNEOCKFR!


It would have been a KILLER multi chapter! I would have LOVED- no DIED- NOO! KILLLLLEEDDD! to see them as teens growing up! D:::::::::


.:hyperactive-apocolypic-seizured-awestrucked-goddlyforged-mental breakdown of complete and utter joy and giddiness and fangirl love and omfg its so late and GAAAHAAAAHAHAA!:.

Yes. I am indeed crazy. _ *que comedic drum beat*


NYAHAHAHA! :3 I really do appreciate this. -_- My family and I just moved houses. From the city into the woods. I love the woods and all...but the internet took FOREVER to put(seriously it took about a month!) and I was having MAJOR fanfic,manga,anime withdrawls. x.x


So I read this, and the whole fangirlyy effects are coming full blast after missed doses..8P

So if anyone read this complete waste of space and crazed rants of a fic-addict than by all means- bake yourself some cookies and send me some for my bday.

...Its tomorrow by the way!

(I'll take chocolate chip please)
katanova chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
this has to be one of cutest fics I have read in a long time,and also it 3
lovelilly chapter 1 . 2/14/2012
I really liked this story it was different from anything i have ever read before and i love how u put together your stories and how you write them they are always a joy to read!
random alias chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
Awww grumpy Sasuke is cute, maybe if he let Naruto have fun more often he would help him XD
CreativeStrive1025 chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
This story is very different. I haven't read many Naruto werewolf stories before, but great job. I really like your writing style.
noname00 chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
I loved it
mistical yuki chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
awsome! I realy liked it!
asm613 chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
it's cold out here."

"Can't do anything about that," Sasuke told him, inwardly puffing up at the thought that someone thought he was powerful enough to change the weather.


That was funny
Michiyo Uchiha chapter 1 . 1/31/2011
I loved this piece! It was like chocolate, dark and sweet.
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