Author has written 23 stories for CSI: New York, Blue Bloods, CSI: Miami, Cold Case, and White Collar.
Hello dear visitor of my profile!
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my page. I hope you'll check my stories out, too! :)
My muse and I have currently been on vacation for a very long time, but we returned recently with a new fandom to write about! And we're both very excited about that. So, make sure to check out our work and maybe even leave a review for us, as they keep us going and make our day.
Info Messages:
To let everyone know who may start digging into my stories... I'm no longer writing for CSI NY, but that doesn't mean that I'm not proud of my stories. I am and I value each review I get for any of my 'older' works and I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who still reads and reviews those. But please don't ask for another sequel or another chapter to any of my stories. I'm sorry, but that inspiration is simply gone.
Update: I am no longer studying, however, still training to become a kindergarden teacher (nursery nurse). I haven't got a lot of time to actually write anything and to be honest... as you can see, I haven't written any fanfictions in a very long time. I don't know if I'll ever come back as a writer for fanfiction or any kind of fiction at all, to be honest. I just don't have any shows that I would want to write for at this point. I shall keep you guys updated, though.
About my story-writing and writing style:
There was a time once at school, when I was asked to join a project where there were going to Greece on an exchange project called "Comenius". The reason why my English teacher asked me was because I am one of the few students who's able to communicate with other people using a simple English. And as strange as this may sound... but I am proud of that capability, because it means that other people who are also not native speakers, can understand me easily. This is the same thing that I try to do in my stories. While I can't do anything against specific terms and details for some scenes, I still write simple and it's what most people like about my stories.
So please... my writing style and the way I write my stories is just that: my writing style. And I ask everyone to not try and tell me how I should've written certain things. I don't want to sound rude, because I still do want to learn, but not a different writing style. I can live with small mistakes in my stories, it's what says "Nobody's perfect". It's who I am, so please don't try telling me to change that, because I won't. If you spot a really major mistake, then that's a different story.
Interests and Fandoms:
Favourite Shows
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Blue Bloods
Hawaii Five-0
White Collar
Favourite Movies:
Assassin's Creed Movie
Absolutely Anything
Dirty Dancing
Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (Kevin Costner one)
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek - Into Darkness
Star Trek - Beyond
The Longest Ride
Upside Down
Finding Nemo
All sorts of Disney and Pixar movies, really ;-) and many other movies.
Favourite Character pairings
Blue Bloods:
Danny Reagan/Linda Reagan – Romance, Family, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Danny Reagan/Jacky Curatola – Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Crime... anything BUT Romance.
Danny Reagan/Jamie Reagan – Brotherly bonding time, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Crime... anything (but Romance of course)
White Collar:
Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke – Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Crime... anything BUT Romance.
Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke – Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Family... everything
Neal Caffrey/Kate Moreau – Romance, Friendship, Drama, Hurt/Comfort... anything.
Neal Caffrey/Mozzie – Friendship, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, anything BUT Romance.
x -X-X-X-X- x
Coming Soon:
A/N:To protect my ideas from being copied by someone who might read this I am not going to post the full story title (no offense, but I know this happens. I don't want to sound rude, but I have a friend who told me about this happening to her, so I'm just being cautious here). I also won't write any details about what will happen in the story, just a few words, so you know what you can look forward to. The bold italic letters in the beginning will be the official (meaning used by me) 'nickname' of the story to come. Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for reading my stories and to those of you who haven't read them yet: take a look at them! I appreciate every review I get :) And everybody who reviews my stories get's a reply to it (if possible). That's what I think is the least I can do to thank you guys :)