Reviews for CSINY-Family Ties
Advazzz chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
Again you make me laugh and happy thank you!
"Smile number two. I am on a roll."
redqueen74 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
this was really good!
Rexybaby aka Karen chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
I firmly believed that CSI NY wouldn't be the same without Stella and I was right. But so glad that I can still get my Stella / Mac fix here with you and your great stories whether they are one-shots or multi chapters.

Enjoyed this one-shot, and liked that it included Reed; he kinda is a part of Macs' family and therefore Stellas'.

As always thanks for sharing.
Stardust585 chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
Hey, m'dear:) I've been underground lately but now I'm hopefully back and your stories are the first I turn to:) And I sure got my money's worth with this one! Gosh, I almost forgot how great you are:) I really loved every line here, it was so heart-warming and sweet, yet not without a hint of angst and real depth - you got the perfect mix here and everything simply clicked!

As always, you write the two of them spot on - how comfortable they are around each other and how well they know each other, you're always able to convey all that by one glance or gesture!

I really loved the moment when Stella tells Mac she'll always feel the need to justify her actions to him b/c she cares - simply beautiful, and so deep:)

And I really liked the Reed angle:)

Thank you so much for keeping Smacked alive, no one does it quite as you do!
EverAfterRA chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
I'm sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I miss Mac and Stella a lot too and happy because you make me feel better with your story. :)
StellaBonaseraTaylor chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
Hi there my friend,

First I really want to thank you for your help, and reading it really helped me, I was smiling at the end of it and believe me I have not done that in the last two days. So I'm here humbly to thank you for the smile and for sharing your gift, and so do the people well.

I loved it and reading it made me so good that I'm totally free to do a review and I hope it isn't too emotional. lol

I loved the beginning of it, Stella talking about her case, I know it's Mac-centric, mainly b/c we have no news of her. So I was just in heaven when I was reading her talking about her case. And of course Mac worried about her it's always a delight to read I'll never get tired of it and how you write it. :)

I think you should do it more often, just like you do it brilliantly:)

It's hard for Mac don't be in charge of things and with her away, this feeling is just too strong in him, as he thinks something might happen to her and he won't be there or come too late. And you can fantastically bring this to your stories. Congrats

Well I have not seen it but I can see that it was intense and had an effect on him, and I'm glad I'm seeing it for your OS, so Stella is there for him and give help and support he needs to get over it.

For a moment when he said that he regretted not having a child I thought 'she can say she's pregnant or call him to train a bit before making one' hahaha. I'm kidding

I believe they'd be great parents lol.

I love to see that no matter what they'll always be there for each other. Their love is the most important thing for them and what keeps them going through this challenge of being away.

I loved it when she says he'll never be alone, only ensuring that she'll be forever in his life, to love and take care of him.

I love Reed and they should further explore the relationship between them, but they always prefer to do stupid things. So I prefer to read your stories to watch this. You're much smarter than them.

I believe that family ties are closer of the love than blood, the blood doesn't always speak louder, but love is always made to be heard. Mac will never be alone because he has the love of the people around him, the unconditional love of Stella, love and admiration of the son (Reed) and the love, affection of his friends.

Incredible job as always it was sensitive, touching, realistic and mature, ie it was perfect. ;)

Sorry anything ok, I tried to keep my emotional distance but I think I didn't have success with that. lol

Many warm hugs to you and many thank you

SBT (who is smiling now because of you)
Hope06 chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
i loved the reed angle in this it worked perfectly.

and awww Stella I miss her two Mac just isn't the same
Ghawazee chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
you made me she a tear...again. This weekend-trips fill much more than it can be was like she never left because they are so much in character sharing those types of conversations and showing those feelings that they don't need to say anything further to understand what's going on inside them. It's like she is not there all the time but she is omnipresent anyway because with the only person he can be like this is with Stella. He can be flirtatious and make jokes but she is the only woman he can show who he is. That vulnerable part was only shown in front of Stella :-)

I must be a mind reader because meanwhile i was writing my review on the episode i thought about Alison "Hell hath no fury" :D

VERY nice touch having Reed there. I miss all of them. Best part for me: "you'll never be alone" (not quoting, just sayin' and mac regretting not having a child of his own. Great job my dear :)
analiesa1013 chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
*grins* can I say that after reading this,I have forgotten any other news about the show,I couldn't stop from going aww! at almost every line,and with Reed at the couldn't have made it any better!
Catulicious chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
Great one shot my friend!

I like it more, because Reed was in it! I love him lol

Have a great week:) chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
Olive it when Stella puts zMac on a level playing field and the inclusion of Reed. I nnote the careful avoidance of Jo and Ellie.
csi-ncis chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
The Reed angle was perfect especially with it being focused on older children missing. Glad you started giving Stella cases, even if they are made up! lol Great stuff!
Smacked - for - life chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Great one shot, just wish we could finally see the new season here:(

Loved the intro of reed and te very cute scenes with mac abd Stella where she tells him he'll not be alone - very sweet :)

Can't wait fo more one shots to come :D

SMackedFan chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Awwwww! This was so sweet! And of course I LOVED that you threw Reed in at the end ;) hehe. They would make such a cute family!

Btw, I'm SO sorry I've been MIA for like the last week. I litterally haven't checked my email in about 6 or 7 days I think! Haven't even picked up my laptop! It's been a very hectic week with lots going on. So, I'm hoping by like mid next week sometime I'll have some time to myself to catch up on your other updates ;) I feel like I've been so deprived! lol. I need to read them! I had a few spare minutes today, so wanted to read this but now I'm off again, I have to go do inventory at my store tonight :( booooo. So I've got a nice 12-13hour night ahead of me :(

Anyway, gotta run, but you'll hear from me again soon. Don't give up on me, lol!
MARNIC chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Nice one-shot! it was really good. It's nice to read one-shots from great writers as you! Not too many left writing SMacked.
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