Hi my beloved readers! After I finished writing my other active story "Don't You Dare" I am now writing a new story. Since only one voted for "No undercover story" and the rest of those who voted, wanted the first version of the story with Mac and Stella getting together while they're working on the case, I decided to write that piece. A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who voted in my poll. It means a lot to me and you really helped me to decided which story to write. Although I know this undercover thing has been done like a thousand times, I am trying my best to create my own ideas and share my own twist with you. It'll be a bit different from what I wrote before, but I hope you'll like it!

DISCLAIMER: I own NOTHING except for those characters in that story who have nothing to do with the series, and the plot and idea of that story is mine too. For that I just borrow the great characters from a great show. They originally belong to CBS, Jerry Bruckheimer & Producers.

A/N: Alright... this story is written in Mac's POV and Stella's POV. ~M ~ T ~ OR ~ S ~ B ~ will tell you who is now telling the story. I used the initials to make it more obvious for you :) my trademark xXxXxXxXx means a change of time or place. I hope this isn't too confusing for you and it makes sense...

So enough A/N's and introducing sentences... I hope you'll like it and ENJOY!

Undercover Romance

Chapter 1: Lt. Steve de LaRossa

~ M ~ T ~

The sun guided its rays into the city creating a wonderful "good-morning-picture" of the city outside. The windows of the skyscrapers reflected the sunlight, letting the glass surface shining orange and yellow, mixed with the light blue color of the sky above. Looking at that image New York seemed to be a painting in a book of fairytales. I liked that image, because it was one of those rare moments when everything outside seemed friendly and peaceful. No crime, no violence, no murder. Like a fairytale. It would be a nice and warm day just as it would be a nice and warm summer, starting now with that nice day in the beginning of June. The sun, which shone through the window, bathing my office in orange and yellow light, was warming my face, as I sat behind my desk, looking out of the window, seemingly watching the already busy city of New York. In truth I was lost in thoughts, fading out the world around me, something I usually avoided when I was at work with a bunch of people around me. But after one of the lab techs had come in and said goodbye for the day, after finishing his night shift, my gaze had wandered to a small picture standing next to my monitor on the desk. A picture that I fell in love with the very first time I saw it. It was a picture taken at one of the dinners at Danny and Lindsay's apartment. They sometimes invited me and Stella to a dinner.

It was a picture of the three of us: Stella with Lucy on her lap and me tickling the little girl, while Stella tried to protect her. That photo was taken about one and a half year ago. A week ago the little girl turned 3. A smile appeared on my lips as I thought of the little party the Messer's had planned for their daughter. Several times that evening I had caught myself watching Stella interacting and playing with the girl, noticing that Lucy adored her just as much as she adored me. I remembered that a happy smile was tugged on my lips as I watched Stella playing with Lucy. Stella seemed at ease and happy when she was around that little girl, something I truly granted her. With all those things she's been through she really deserved some happiness in her life and if we could give that to her, or I could give that to her I would instantly do it. It might sound weird, but as her best friend I feel like it's my job to do that for her. And just to mention it… she's done that a lot of times for me. I couldn't have a better friend than she is.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I nearly jumped as I heard a soft knock the glass door to my office. My heart still racing with surprise I turned around to see Stella standing in the doorway, a soft smile on her lips as she entered my office.

"Good Morning." I greeted her, my smile still tugged on my lips, but my heart rate back to normal.

"Good Morning yourself." She smiled. "Sorry for pulling you from your happy thoughts."

"Happy thoughts?"

"That smile that was tugged on your face told me everything, just not what you were thinking about."

"You… uh… and Lucy." I said without thinking about it. What the hell did I just say? I was thinking about her, yes… but…?

"Happy thoughts. Gotta remember that."


"Gotta remember what makes you smile like that." She said with a soft grin on her beautiful face.

"Uh… still that my answer sounded kinda stupid…"

"Why? Because you're honest and thinking about your best friend? Trust me, I'm thinking about you, too."


"Yes, right now I am thinking about what I am going to buy you as your birthday present." She said and then smiled. My mind now at ease I thought she still had enough time to figure it out, till my birthday was still far away. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the phone on my desk. I gave Stella an apologetic look and watch her leaning back in the chair she was sitting on as I answer the phone.


"Taylor, this is Sinclair." The Chief of Detectives and my supervisor greeted me.

"What can I do for you?"

"I want you and Detective Bonasera in the conference room in the lab in five minutes. And be on time."

"Got it." I said and hung up after he had finished the conversation. I looked at Stella, who was now looking at me with a questioning look.

"Sinclair wants to meet us in the conference room in five minutes." I told her and her expression changed from questioning to confused. Just the same as mine.

"Trouble?" she asked.

"He didn't sound pissed at all." I said wondering what this was all about. Normally when the Chief of Detectives called me in my office it was something that meant trouble. But this time it was something else, but what?

"Come on, let's go and find out what he wants. Sitting here and pondering about that doesn't get us anywhere." Stella said, once again proving that she was able to read my mind. I nodded, got up from my chair and grabbed my suit jacket, before I walked over to Stella, letting her walk into the hallway first.

We walked over to the conference room and stepped inside. As expected the room was still empty, but not for long. A few minutes after Stella and I went into the room, the door opened again and Sinclair stepped into the room. But he wasn't coming alone. A blond haired athletic looking man followed him into the room, a friendly smile tugged on his lips.

~ S ~ B ~

The man that followed Sinclair into the room and closed the door behind him, was a bit taller than Mac. He looked athletic, had short blond hair which was a light contrast to his tanned skin. He wore a white dress shirt which sleeves where rolled up to his elbows, like Mac used to do it, too. To his white shirt we wore dark blue jeans and sneakers. His bright green eyes looked clever and curious. All in all he looked quite handsome and I was now curious. He had a kind smile on his lips.

"Detective Bonasera, Detective Taylor" Sinclair greeted both of us as we shook hands. "This is Lieutenant Steve de LaRossa from the Crime Lab in Chicago."

"Detectives. Nice to meet you." Steve de LaRossa greeted, first shaking my hand before Mac's.

"Lieutenant de LaRossa arrived yesterday. He already told me why he wants this meeting. I suggest, Lieutenant that you tell them why you're here." Sinclair started the conversation as they sat down at the table.

"Yes sir." De LaRossa started. "Well, I am here because the Chicago Police Department is hoping you'll help us. For the past year we've been working on a murder investigation. A serial killer who murders newlyweds. So far we assume that he's targeting the women, as they all looked alike. Why he killed the husbands, too is a mystery for us. The victims all lived in the same neighborhood. So far we have no idea who could be the killer. Well… we were hoping you two would agree to an undercover project."

Mac and I exchanged a quick wondering glance. Undercover project? I had to admit that I was curious about that case and doing an undercover project was something totally new for me and since I liked challenges, especially when I could help, I really was interested.

"What exactly do you mean with undercover project?" Mac asked carefully.

"Well, so far that means that you would live in the same neighborhood as the victims and well… play target for the killer."

"That means we'll have to act like newlyweds and the female vics looked like me?" I asked a bit surprised.

"Exactly. You look much alike our female vics. They all had green eyes, golden curls and well, just looked much like you." De LaRossa said with a shy smile.

"So… why you wanted Ste… Detective Bonasera for that undercover job I do understand… but why me, too?" Mac asked and as I looked at him I could tell that he seemed to be interested in that undercover project.

"Well… as long time partners I assume you two know and trust each other well enough to do that job together. And since you're from Chicago, Detective Taylor, I assume that you know your way around that city, which is quite helpful."

Mac looked at me in a questioning way. His blue eyes looked curious and I could tell that he was interested in this project. At least I hoped he was. Neither of us said a word so Sinclair broke the silence after a few minutes.

"Lieutenant de LaRossa said that he's going back to Chicago tomorrow at noon, so… that leaves you some time to think about it. We're meeting again, tomorrow at 8. I hope that is okay for you Lieutenant." He said.

"Of course. I wasn't expecting an answer right away. I know this connected with a lot of responsibility, but also with some risk. So far we don't know what this guy is capable of or how he plans his murders, if he plans them. I want you to think about everything that crosses your minds in connection with that project. You don't need to accept it, but I would really appreciate it." De LaRossa said.

"Okay, then we meet here at 8 tomorrow." Sinclair said, got up and walked out of the room, followed by de LaRossa, Mac and me. At the elevators Sinclair stopped, while de LaRossa stepped into it. He turned around and looked at Mac and me.

"Make the right decision Detectives." He said and his voice and his eyes told me that, whatever reason he had, he wanted us to go there and help them catch this guy. I knew I wanted to do it, but I couldn't decide without having Mac's agreement to do it, too.

Sinclair followed de LaRossa into the elevator. Mac and I just watched the doors closing, pulling both of them from our sights, before we turn and look at each other.

"You're up to toast and coffee?" he asked me and I just nodded.


About half an hour later we sat at a small table in our favorite diner near the Crime Lab. Our breakfast already finished we were drinking our last cup of coffee. During our modest breakfast neither of us had said a word about what we actually wanted to talk about. After a few minutes of silence Mac cleared his throat.

"So… you're interested in that undercover project, aren't you?" he asked me quietly. We didn't want to draw any kind of attention to ears which weren't supposed to listen.

"Yeah, I am, but… I don't wanna force you into doing it if you don't want to." I said.

"I know. Just wanted to make sure you seriously want to do it."

"If we're able to help. What about you, Mac? Do you wanna go there and help them?"

He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Do you, Stella Bonasera, take Mac Taylor, to be your husband?" he asked quietly, only audible for me. If anyone else would have heard it they would have thought he just seriously proposed to me.

"I do." I said instantly and watched his serious expression turning into a soft smile, but a few moments later a slight frown appeared on his face.

"What is it, Mac?" I asked him with a concerned look.

"Just brings back memories."

"I can't say I know… well not in that specific meaning, but… you know, after Frankie I am a very different kinda person. That memories of what happened and what could have happened are coming back to haunt me every once a while. When it comes to men, I am more careful than ever… can I say I understand what you're thinking?" I dared to ask, not sure if that was going to help.

"Yes you can, because I know you understand… I never thought I would ask that question ever again, since Claire died. Not even as a joke. It'll need some time to get used to acting like being married, but… I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else but you." He said and his eyes were looking at me warmly. His words were truly heartfelt, that I could see in his sapphire eyes, but they were also heart warming. Instantly my lips curled into a soft smile.

"Me neither." I admitted and the soft smile reappeared on his face.

We finished our coffee and Mac said breakfast was on him. I didn't want to argue because I knew what it meant to him. He was a gentleman all the way. Together we walked back to the Crime Lab and got our working day started.

Okay... this was my first chapter. Interested in more? Want me to continue this story?

PLEASE let me know what you're thinking and leave a review for me! Will definitely reply!

A/N: Just to let you know... this story will have much longer chapters than my other stuff. Because I use both POV's it's hard to write shorter chapters. Hope that's okay with you... and I don't bore you..
