Title: Retribution
Chapter 6 – A New Understanding
"Danny anyone else?" Henry asks as he waits by the door with his shotgun in hand.
"Those were the last two left I think," Danny answers as he gently tugs the gag from Jamie's mouth and then pulls out the small knife.
"You okay?" Danny asks softly; Frank watching the affectionate brotherly interchange. He always knew that Danny worried about his youngest brother but to see him acting almost fatherly toward him right now settled his mind and heart in ways he never thought he would experience.
"Yeah…fine," Jamie sighs as he looks down.
Danny drops his eyes to Jamie's open jeans button and then looks back up; noticing the instant look of shame in his brother's eyes. "Hold on I'll have ya free in a second," Danny turns Jamie around so that their father wouldn't see and fear the worst.
Jamie feels his wrists starting to get some slack as Danny continues to cut him free of the hard plastic restraints. "Thank you," Jamie whispers as he quickly does up the button on his jeans and then turns and gives his brother a hug before heading for his father.
"I was worried sick," Frank whispers as he pulls his youngest into his strong embrace and holds him close. He looks up at Danny and gives him a thankful smile.
"Dad, I gotta say you got good timing," Danny smirks as he wipes some sweat off his forehead and also gives his father a brief hug. It was different for Jamie; he hadn't experienced terror like this and so he couldn't fault his youngest sibling for wanting a bit of extra comfort from their father. The three of them slowly head for the door, Jamie glancing back and then catching his brother's eye before he turns and looks ahead. Danny didn't have to ask what Jamie was pondering, he already knew; it was his fate if they weren't rescued at the moment they had been; what he might have had to endure. As it was, he knows they'll both have a few nightmares from this for some time to come.
"You have proof that Rinaldi did this?" Danny asks as they all come to stop on the platform of the cabin.
"How did you get here?" Jamie asks.
"We walked," Henry groans.
"There is a chopper waiting a few miles up."
"Miles?" Jamie groans.
"Hey this time we got transport," Danny nods toward the working ATV's.
"Good," Henry states as he looks at Frank. "Your hunch paid off."
"How did you find us?"
"I called in a favor," Frank answers. "But to answer your first question, we don't have firm proof that this was the work of Luca Rinaldi. He made a call and I made a good guess but we have nothing in writing to use as evidence."
"Are you serious? He drugs us, kidnaps us, drops us from a plane and we nearly die and he just walks away?" Jamie asks in disbelief.
"For now," Frank answers with a small frown. "But when I get back I'll be putting him under a tighter microscope," Frank states firmly as he pulls his phone and dials a familiar number.
"Who the hell is he callin' out here?" Danny looks at Henry who merely shrugs.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of this call Commissioner?" The surprised voice of Luca Rinaldi is heard.
"Nice cabin you have here Luca," Frank answers, his own face displaying a small smile when he hears Luca's nearly inaudible curse. "But you really should be more careful who you loan it out to. Seems they made a real mess. Now if you'll excuse me; my sons and I have to get back for Sunday dinner. Have a good night."
"I'll get e…"
Frank hangs up, his ears picking up Luca cursing his name before there was once again silence.
"Way to go Francis," Henry grins. "Now who's gonna drive these damn things?"
"I'll take one," Danny volunteers and then looks over a Jamie who was just looking back with a blank stare. "Jamie, you wanna take the other?"
Jamie looks at Danny and starts to shake his head no; not sure his nerves would survive the trip back after all they had just endured.
"Come on, it's easy," Danny tosses him the keys.
"I'll ride with Jamie," Frank volunteers.
"Okay," Jamie answers numbly as he feels the keys suddenly get heavy in his palm. Frank looks down and notices Jamie's hands slightly trembling and then gently grasps the keys, their skin connecting and Jamie's feeling instant warmth and comfort.
"I'll drive back, you can ride with me," Frank tells his youngest in a kind tone. Jamie nods as he turns and heads for the stairs, Frank grabbing Danny's arm and holding him back. "What the hell happened in there?"
"When Jamie was captured and taken with them…they um…well one of them threatened to…you know…"
"Dad when I found him, the button to his jeans was open and his zipper an inch down."
"Oh god no," Frank groans as he feels his system instantly lurch. "Do you think…"
"I doubt there was time but I don't know for sure, you'll have to ask Jamie. He didn't tell me," Danny huffs. "I'm sorry."
"You are both alive, that's all that matters now I'll talk to him; let's go home."
"How are Linda and the boys?"
"Linda said you two were working an undercover case," Frank tells them as they near the ATV's.
"That's my girl," Danny smiles. "The got the jump on us outside the bar."
"I know, but it's over now," Frank tells them as he looks at Jamie's placid expression. "Time to leave."
Danny and Henry climb onto the first ATV and it starts up; Frank and Jamie hanging behind.
"Jamie you okay?"
"Yeah just um…you know hungry and tired and…sore."
"When you were with them," Frank starts and then stops, wondering if he could actually bring himself to discuss what might have happened to his beloved youngest son. "Danny said that one of them made threats that…"
"There wasn't time," Jamie answers in truth. "He said that he would um…but there wasn't time…there wasn't time."
Frank pulls Jamie into his grasp and allows his son to have some added privacy as he gently sobbed into his father's loving embrace. After a few moments, Jamie pulls himself together and then looks at his father with a weary expression.
"I want to go home."
Both of them finally climb onto the ATV and head after Danny and Henry, reaching the waiting chopper not too much longer after the first one. The four of them eagerly climb into the belly of waiting machine, Danny and Jamie both getting fresh blankets to use for the trip home.
"Come here kid," Danny entreats with affection.
Frank watches Jamie curl under Danny's arm but the worried look from his face doesn't leave. What else happened out there? He was sure that Danny would tell him all the sordid details but would Jamie? Thankful for the warmth from the blanket and his brother's protective arm, Jamie finally allows himself to close his eyes, his mind and heart grateful for the timing of their father and saving him from a fate worse than death. As his mind ponders what might have happened, he feels his eyes water and quickly swallows, a small sniffle instantly drawing his father's tender gaze.
"Cold," Jamie mentions with a quiet tone.
"Jamie was quite the outdoorsman these past few days," Danny mentions with pride, making Jamie's lips curl slightly upward. He had told himself that he must have let Danny down when he was captured so to hear his brothers reassurance makes his anxiety ease somewhat.
"What happened to the other guys?" Henry queries.
"One of them is still out there," Danny answers with a heavy sigh. "And the other we took down before you two finished of the last two."
"The nerve of that smug bastard," Henry huffs as he looks over at his son.
"Well it's over now and he knows he lost," Frank shrugs.
Henry just shakes his head but by the time he and Frank look back at their boys, both of them are asleep; Jamie under Danny's arm and Danny's head resting on top of Jamie's.
"They look like best friends right now," Henry mentions.
"I think after this they will be pop," Frank smiles as he leans back and just watches his two precious sons. Thank you Danny.
The helicopter had touched down at the hospital and both Reagan boys were sent to the ER, to be treated for mild hypothermia, dehydration, a bit of malnourishment and of course various scrapes and bruises; Danny getting his side properly stitched and both getting x-rays just to be sure. Then it was time to go home – each to their own and then heading back to Frank's for their usual Sunday dinner.
"Danny?" Linda rushes to the door when she hears it slowly opening. She takes in the slight of her beloved husband and can't stop the tears from instantly forming. "Danny it is you!"
"Babe I'm home," Danny sighs as he gathers his wife into his arms and holds her close, closing his eyes and just relishing in the feeling of her body in his grasp. "I'm so sorry."
"No…" she shakes her head as she pulls back and looks at him with a teary smile. "It wasn't your fault."
"I love you so much," he utters in truth before his lips crush her in a searing kiss. He pulls her close once more, not wanting to let go. "You still want to have dinner tonight?"
"As a family? Of course I do," she answers in truth. "But not before you have a shower."
"Alone?" He arches his brows in eager anticipation.
Linda's eyes drop to the blood and dirt covered part of his sweater and then her eyes raise back up to his. "What happened?"
"Just a scratch. Trust me I'll be fine."
"What about your brother?"
"He's not invited," Danny retorts, forcing an eye roll from his wife. "He's fine. He was hurt and scared but he'll pull through and be stronger for it. I'll tell you all the details later, but first…" Danny states as he lifts his wife into his arms and heads for the stairs.
"Danny…" Linda starts before he leans in and his wife happily accepts his lips, hungrily devouring them as they head toward their master bathroom, locking the door; their boys at their grandfather's house awaiting their arrival later.
"Dad!" Both boys shout at once as Danny and Linda enter Frank's house an hour before dinner. Danny opens his arms and gathers both sons into his grasp, planting a kiss on top of their heads and giving them each an extra squeeze.
"Mom said you and uncle Jamie were on an undercover assignment?" Sean asks eagerly.
"That's right. It's top secret," Danny winks.
"But you always said that uncle Jamie was too small to go on that kind of stuff," Sean frowns as Jamie walks into the room.
Danny chuckles as he looks at his brother's expression. "I said young. It had to do with inexperience at the time I said that."
"So he has experience now?"
"I'm right here," Jamie teases Sean, making his young nephew turn around and look up at him with expectation. "Well it was a um…learning experience."
"Did you guys kick ass?" Nikki inquires.
"Nikki your language in front of the boys," Erin groans.
"Dad kicks ass all the time he says," Jack retorts, drawing a pursed lip glance from Linda.
"Okay no more ass talk around the adults, we might get tainted," Danny smiles. "But yeah Jamie and I came out on top."
"Awesome!" Jack high fives his uncle.
"That is so cool. I wanna go on undercover stuff," Nikki pouts.
"How about helping me set the table instead?" Henry breaks up the idle chatter.
"We'll all help," Erin looks at her daughter who just shakes her head and heads into the kitchen; iPod still attached to her ears and hip. "I swear it's like talking to a stone wall at times."
"Every parent's plight," Frank looks at his daughter with a smile.
Danny looks up to see Jamie watching him with a placid look and slowly heads over to him. "You okay?"
"Yeah…can you help me with something?"
"Sure kid, what's up?"
"So how are they?" Linda asks Frank just before dinner was to start.
"I think they'll both be fine. A real first time survival experience for Jamie but with Danny's help he made it and probably learned more from his brother and being in that kind of situation than reading about it or even taking one of those weekend survival courses," Frank answers. "I'm just glad they are home safe and sound."
"Will there be anything else we have to worry about?" Linda inquires, her gaze shifting from Frank to Erin.
"Not if Rinaldi's smart. We were able to get a few more pieces of evidence that would suggest that Luca Rinaldi was responsible for their kidnapping but we'll only pull it out if he gives us more immediate trouble."
"Immediate?" Linda arches her brows.
"Well he is a mob boss and I doubt he'll give up that overnight. But any direct family threats will be cause for an official inquiry; death of his son or not," Erin explains. "And I doubt he wants us watching his business dealings any closer than we already do."
"Let's hope this was the last," Frank states heavily. "Okay all set for dinner?"
"Sean where is your father?"
"He's fighting Jamie."
"What?" Linda and Erin exchange glances and then look at Frank.
"And great grampa is reffing."
"Oh no," Erin sighs.
"What is this about?" Frank asks firmly.
"Dad said uncle Jamie fights like a girl so he's showing him some moves."
"Ah. Well in that case I'll get them."
"Hey I hit pretty good for a girl," Nikki protests.
"You heard us through that noise?" Erin retorts, garnering a small smirk from her daughter.
Frank slowly heads down to the basement where he hears some soft grunts and his father's voice. He stops and watches the scene before him, Danny and Henry were giving Jamie some basic street fight moves; all in good fun of course. Danny grabs Jamie in a head lock and starts to ruffle his dirty blond hair, Jamie of course laughing at his brother's antics.
Frank's mind drifts back to the moment in the cabin when he found the man that was about kill both his beloved sons. The scared look on Jamie's face when he was finally rescued and then of course Danny's confession about what he had to endure. But Jamie had so far shown at least outward physical resilience and wasn't looking like he would allow those men's taunts to make him hide away; if anything him wanting Danny to help him fight better was a good indication that he wasn't about to let anyone dictate his actions – he was a Reagan after all, a son his father could be proud of.
"Alright boys, supper time," Frank makes himself known and the play fighting instantly stops. "Should I ask whose idea this was?"
Both Danny and Jamie point to Henry drawing a small chuckle from the eldest Reagan.
"Thought so pop."
"Funny," Henry deadpans as they all slowly climb the stairs out of the basement and then finally reconvene around the Reagan family dinner table.
"I know we have a lot to be thankful at this meal," Frank mentions softly under his breath, drawing a very understanding nod from Linda, Erin and Henry. After their usual prayer of thanks, dinner starts, light banter about the week ahead and the kids stuff in school, replaced any talk about what Danny and Jamie had to endure. But as the brothers would exchange small glances throughout the night, both of them knew that their harrowing weekend from hell wouldn't be forgotten anytime soon; but that also a stronger bond was forged in those unforgiving woods a few hours away.
"See you tomorrow," Danny gives his brother's arm a small squeeze and then nods to his father before wrapping his arm around his wife and following their two boys out the door to their waiting van.
"You want to stay here tonight?"
"No I have a few things I have to do before I call it a night."
"Good night son," Frank holds his youngest close and offers him a warm smile.
"Night dad."
"Think they'll be okay?" Henry asks as he comes up behind Frank and they watch first Erin and Nikki leave, then Danny's van and finally Jamie's car.
"Yeah," Frank answers as he turns around with a smile. "I think we'll be just fine."
"And Rinaldi?"
"Oh I'll worry about him tomorrow," Frank sighs as he slowly closes the door.
Jamie lets himself into his quiet apartment and just stares at his jacket on the table; the one he had worn home from the hospital. 'Something special for you rookie Reagan…' Jamie hears one his captor's voices in his head. He feels his stomach tighten as he remains fixed in place. But a few seconds later, his brain's message to not let fear dictate his actions and keep him hostage was finally heard and he heads for the table, taking the jacket into the kitchen and shoving it into the garbage. It wasn't needed for evidence as they had already sent in another team of men to round up Rinaldi's men and would have those still alive in custody and those now dead were in the morgue with their criminal records now closed.
Having already had a shower earlier, Jamie just changes for bed and gets under the covers, turning off the lights but laying awake and looking out the window; the city offering its own natural version of a night light. He had told his brother and his father that he would be okay, but as soon as Jamie closes his eyes, his brain replays when he was cornered in the cabin and his vile captor's hand were on him.
Special treat for you…
"Ah!" Jamie huffs as his eyes snap open. With a small curse Jamie rolls onto his stomach and tries to force his mind to think on something other than the past few days; nothing works. He slowly reaches toward his bedside light and turns it on, remembering something his grandfather told him after his first shift on his rookie beat. He hooks up his iPod to the small speaker stand and searches for his grandfather's playlist, pressing play and then turning off the light.
The quiet room starts to fill with soothing melodies and soon Jamie was able to get himself to sleep for a few solid hours; awaking the next morning not as rested as he would have wanted. The next few weeks would hold pretty much the same, but Jamie was more than determined to not let Luca Rinaldi win, no matter what.
"Morning Sarge," Jamie greets his partner the following Monday for their shift.
"Mornin' rookie," Renzulli looks at the faint bruise on Jamie's face and the slight dark circles under his eyes. "Whoa! Rough weekend? You lookin' tired."
"Ah just me and Danny outdoors for a bit," Jamie answers with a wry smile.
"Ha! Sounds like you had it easy," Renzulli's voice trails off. "Let me tell you what the wife had me doing…"
Jamie just shakes his head and offers his partner a small smile as they head for their patrol car. The weekend had forced him to face some pretty tough life lessons sooner than expected but after he and Danny had come through so much together he finally felt the distance gap between them close even more; their harrowing ordeal bringing them closer together as brothers and friends. And while he still wasn't sure, much like the rest of his family, if Luca Rinaldi would actually just push back from the table and call it a day or try to make a vengeful play once again, for now he was going to concentrate on the fact that he had a new sparring partner; one that would ensure he'd be in fighting shape for the next round of battle if they were called to fight.
A/N: Well hope you all liked this ending and thanks so much for your amazing support! It's a bit open ended so that I could come back and deal more with Jamie's nightmares and after math and of course Rinaldi wanting to finish what he started, but I have a few other story ideas first so please review before you go and let me know a final thought and if you'd eve like another short story follow up and stay tuned for more. thanks again!
A special thank you to those of you that don't have accounts but always leave amazing feedback. I truly do appreciate your time and comments and hope you like the new Blue Bloods stories that Alice and I have planned for you all over the summer.
Stay tuned for more adventures to come! :D