![]() Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. Can someone please tell me why in the hell grown ass men are writing My Little Pony fanfiction? And I thought M-preg was disturbing... I'm serious, someone PM me and let me know for my sanity's sake. The 15 Best Fanfics Ever Written (I tried to limit it to ten but it was impossible) *In Progress* 15. "The Halo of the Hero" by Xerxes. Ranma 1/2-Halo xover. Status: Dead. Ranma as Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra-117, what's not to like? This is an epic retelling of the original Halo story and back story with Ranma as the protagonist. Thought the Master Chief couldn't get any more badass? He just did. Not only is it one of the best novelizations of Halo ever written, we get to see Ranma actually using guns and straight wasting Covenant in Mjolnir armor. That's basically a god-mode so cool and believable it owns Kishimoto's crappy ass Sharingan bullshit any day. Extra points for: Cortana. Subtracted points for: Never reaching the point where Ranma goes back to Nerima and interacts with the Wrecking Crew. On my fav's list (at the very bottom). 14. "The Best of Times" by Ozzallos. Ranma 1/2-Sailor Moon xover. Status: Complete. Many, many authors have tried their hands at RanmaSM xovers. In fact, you can't be a legend in Ranma fanfiction without one (practically). Sadly, the majority of these, especially in the recent years, have been fukufics. If you don't know what that is, it's when Ranma gets turned into a magical girl(...). Ozzallos is probably the worst offender of the "let's turn Ranma into a girl" camp period, magical or otherwise, which is so tragic because he is a truly amazing author. This fic is probably his only fic where he doesn't do that, and it's fucking awesome. Ranma realizes that Setsuna (Sailor Pluto) has been behind all the messed up crap in his life and sets out for some payback that promptly turns into (quote the summary) "An epic pissing match with Sailor Pluto and the rest of the senshi." This is probably the best complete Sailor Moon crossover ever written, mostly because it's Ranma *vs* the Senshi and both sides really, really go in on each other. Extra points for: Ranma taking on *all* of the Senshi by himself! Subtracted points for: The author being lame and turning Ranma completely girl in every one of his other fanfics. 13. "Ranma 1/2: Easy Target" by WFROSE. Ranma. Status: Complete. The best fic that practically no one has read (save one other fic). WFROSE is a legend. He's been in the fanfiction game before (i'm pretty damn sure. If you read this WFROSE and I'm wrong correct, but don't lie cuz you're old lol) was even around and is still coming up with stuff that makes you go "how does he think this up?". Easy Target is one of the most original straight Ranma fics that's actually complete. It follows a Ranma years down the road who's become a professional hit-man for the Asian mob. The twist? Another group of hit-men(kinda) known as the Seven Fiancees are out for his blood, and it's going to take everything he has to come out on top. A blend of Ranma style martial arts meets 'John Woo gunplay', it sports true mystery, nail biting suspense, and of course absolutely *jaw dropping* action scenes that mix together fist fights and gun fights (and any other weapon you can think of). Extra points for: WFROSE having more original fics published than most authors have chapters. Subtracted points for: WFROSE finish "Ranma Saotome: The Atomic Kid" goddamnit! 12. "Tempered by Spiritual Fire" by malciah. Naruto. Status: Dead. If I could choose just one Naruto fic to resurrect from the dead out of the tens of hundreds I've read, this would be it hands down. Naruto is banished after retrieving Sasuke then forced to come back. Okay, we've all heard that before. But that's not the cool part. Naruto has his chakra sealed...yet still manages to become one of the most powerful and influential people in the Elemental Countries. And Naruto is...a monk. Not a "I just learned all these super powerful techniques from the Fire and Wind temples and now I've come back to kick all your asses" monk, but a real monk who actually tries to avoid fighting (read: *tries*), is deeply spiritual, and is so composed and serene that a Zen master would be jealous. On top of that, the Rookie 9 (most of them) hate him because they believe (more or less) that he is the Kyuubi and he played them for fools, but it's written in a completely believable manner. It also is one of the few, if only, fics that explores (more like hints at) the fact that there are other forms of life energy in the world besides just chakra. Extra points for (this is gonna be long): Owning Tsunade in the battle of words and wit, taking the new Daimyo(the previous Daimyo's daughter)'s virginity, and opening up not a can, but a whole barrel of whoop-ass on most of the Rookie 9 at the same time without *chakra* and especially without any stupid bloodline, doujutsu, cheap ass power-ups in a completely believable way. Subtracted points for: WHY oh WHY are you dead?!?!?! 11. "Star of War" by Lu Dragonlord. Ranma 1/2-Fist of the North Star xover. Status: Dead (and nuked to oblivion). You've probably never heard of this guy. He's another Old One from before .This is the best betrayal fic I've ever read. I've re-read this fic at least 14 times, easy. The greatest martial artist in anime trained by the greatest martial arts assassin in anime in the killer martial arts style that was created by God. Features a truly down and dirty betrayal by those thought friends that leads to a forced banishment to another world that's hell on earth, and a later, softer betrayal that's even worse by everyone Ranma has ever been close to when he returns (it's really heart wrenching actually). And when Ranma finally does get revenge, he does it so hard and so brutal that you almost feel bad for the people that betrayed him. Almost. Add a villain that's actually pretty sinister and is actually a woman, set it in a post-apocalyptic Nerima (when Ranma returns) and stir, and what you've got is a blood bath of epic proportions. This fic is dead at five chapters, but the chapters are 5-10 times longer than most good sized chapters on so it's more like 30. Extra points for: Ranma absolutely curb-stomping the shit out of Kuno, Mousse, and Ryouga and their spoilerspoilerspoilerspoilerkidsspoilerspoiler. Subtracted points for: the annoying ass Mary-Sue love interest (I'm pretty sure this was the guy's first fic so there has to be some downside). NOTE: This guy is also patient zero for what I like to call Dragonlord Syndrome. It's where you write a completely epic crossover and abandon it after the first arch, then disappear from fanfiction (and the net) completely, but not before leaving your fans to hang on some of the most ridiculously nail-biting cliff hangers in fanfiction...asshole. 10. "Reload" by Case13. Naruto. Status: Dead(?). Case13 is a monster. He (or she) is one of the few that's actually on my fav author's list so I didn't have to fav every fic. This fic is in the top 5 most original Naruto fics ever, and definitely the most original time-travel themed Naruto fic ever. The Naruto/Sasuke interaction is so deep that it will have yaoi fan girls crying, but it's not a yaoi fic (not exactly). This is due to the fact that Sasuke likes to be a girl. He wasn't born as a girl and can apparently shift between male and female forms (and basically any kind of person) at will, but he *chooses* to hang out as a total babe (most of the time) that's completely swagged out (read:stylish). Add the fact that Naruto and Sasuke have apparently become the most powerful beings in their world many, many times before but are not at the moment the fic starts (they're stupid strong and smart, just not S-Class/Sannin/Kage strong...yet) and you have Reload. Extra points for: Sasuke being a total babe that still acts like Sasuke! Just a hot, 'knows he/she could take over the world so why take anything serious' version of Sasuke! Subtracted points for: Us having to beg the author to update at least one fic. Case13's ANBU Naruto fic (Operator) and NarutoBleachxover (Crimson Edge) are just a fraction away from being just as good (but no babe Sasuke T_T ) 9. "Empire's Son" by blank101. Star Wars. Status: Complete. Best Star Wars AU on and possibly on the net. What if Luke was discovered by Palpatine and raised as a Sith, causing Leia in turn to be taken in by Obi-wan and trained as the Alliance's New Hope? Empire's Son, that's what. Out of every 'Luke turns to the dark side/is a Sith' fic, this is the one to beat. Palpatine is truly a monster. I mean this guy if fucking evil. Vader is a nasty son of a bitch as well. The Luke/Vader interaction is incredibly edgy and violent due to the fact that both of them believe Luke is Obi-wan's son. Han Solo's character is portrayed so close to canon that I could have sworn Harrison Ford was there helping write the script (if you didn't know, Ford actually wrote a lot of Han's lines in the movies). Young Luke is a hard ass mofo, who endures a crazy amount of abuse from all sides (except Han) and still keeps coming even though he's breaking inside little by little. Jedi-Leia is pretty sweet too. The writing is so rich and detailed from the technology to the politics to the characters that you would think this guy wrote at least one official Star Wars novel. Extra points for: Luke being a junkie, which sounds horrible but adds an incredibly complex side to his character and even more so when you find out why. No subtracted points. 8. "San'en" 7. "With the Heart and Underwear of Fire" by Diamond Avatar. Naruto. Status: Complete. This is the funniest fanfic I have ever read. Period. Humor is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, genres to write and Diamond-sama nails it like a crucifixion. I was pissing my pants laughing the whole time. It's damn near a crack fic yet it's not exactly. Tons of humor, loads of action and true romantic-comedy done right. Nothing more can be said that would truly capture the essence of this fic because it's so off the wall I don't really know how to describe it. Just read it, you won't regret it. Extra points for: Having a harem that actual MAKES SENSE. Subtracted points for: The author never writing another Naruto fic T-T 6. "Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure" by jbern. Harry Potter. Status: Complete. Have you ever read a fic written in not first, not third, but *second* person. Bungle in the Jungle puts you in the pilot's seat. *You* are Harry Potter, and you have been betrayed by everyone you ever considered friends and family (almost). Bill Weasley takes you under his wing to try and make up for his family screwing you, and you go on a a truly epic curse breaking adventure in the exotic jungles of Brazil complete with back stabbing goblins and psychotic allies while still trying to avoid the continued machinations of a manipulative Dumbledore and friends that fucked you over. The persepective will take a minute to get used to, but once you do you will be surprisingly refreshed. You might even find the 'regular' perspectives boring after reading this fic. Extra points for: Harry slowly turning into a badass, getting laid multiple times, pwning extra-dimensional demons, and for the fact that *you* are Harry Potter. Extra extra points for: The other being so good he actually has original stuff published now. Subtracted points for: You can't subtract from infinity. 5. "Naruto: Myoushuu no Fuuin" by May Wren. Naruto. Status: In Progress. Holy crap. This fic is everything the real Naruto series should be. A Team 7 fic where: Sasuke's actually not a dick (to his team least) but still owns people and stays IC. Sakura's not grating or useless and actually puts her smarts to use for some truly badass stuff. Kakashi is actually a competent teacher and elite ninja like his title suggests, cares for his team but remains IC like Sasuke (that's In Character for you n00bs), and Naruto is just a straight gangsta who's street smart/clever as all hell, is connected with the black market, and is a burgeoning seal master. And yes, still IC (I'm sensing a pattern...). And most importantly, Team 7 is fiercely loyal to each other. However, it's not one of those "They're going to be loyal cuz i'm the author and I say they are". No, they actually grow to be close through, what's this? Character development! Actual, deep character development for all of them including Kakashi (almost wrote Takashi...heh). Extra points for: The uber-classic Mission: Impossible style infiltration of the Hokage Tower by Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to find out what's going on with Kakashi. Subtracted points for: I would say slow updates, but then I'd have to shoot myself in the face for hypocrisy. 4. "The Golden Power" by DBAinsaw. The Legend of Zelda. Status: In Progress. You know how we use the word epic to describe something cool? This isn't like that. This, is a *true* epic. Pages upon pages of insane, jaw dropping action. Plots that run deeper than the Zelda canon, which is one of the deepest stories in videogame history. OC's that are actually lovable and you truly want to see more of them (spoiler: don't get too attached. heh). Link is the ultimate Bad-Ass warrior archetype. An exploration of the history of the Triforce, the goddesses, and what the Triforce actually does to those chosen to bear it's power that flips the whole power thing on it's head and makes what happens in the videogames fit with the realistic depiction of the Zelda world this fic sports. It's also a true adventure fic, fleshing out an entire world that exists outside of Hyrule. I thought "The Golden Power" couldn't get more epic after the first arch, with crazy amounts of action, suspense, story development and an insane climax. I was wrong. The very beginning of the second arch makes the first one look like a Disney movie. Add to that just the first arch alone is easily over 1M words long and you have one epic fanfic in the true sense of the word. Extra points for: Actually being what most fanfics claim to be. Subtracted points for: Yea, I really like my face the way it is thanks. 3. "The Cycle of Ages: A Chosen One" by Cap'n Chrysalid. Sonic The Hedgehog. Complete. These days, it seems like the only fandoms that are consistently popular are the anime ones with the exception of Harry Potter. Kids just don't know anything about good American cartoons anymore (read: 90's Saturday morning shows). The SatAM Sonic The Hedgehog (as it's known) was one of the first, if not *the* first videogame cartoon adaptation ever (maybe the Zelda or Megaman ones but I'm not sure and those sucked anyway). I just remember being like 8 and watching the Freedom Fighters take on the tyrannical Robotnik (NOT Eggman!) it a gritty, dystopian, post-apocalyptic world. I'll even admit I had a total crush on Sally Acorn (call me a furry if you want, I was 8 so suck it). The show looks dated now, but it was crazy for something that was supposed to be for kids. The only thing I hated was how wack Tails was. Basically, just used as kidnapping bait and a cheering section which sucked cuz I loved to play as him in the games. Cycle of Ages changes all of that. The Cap'n bases this fic off the Archie comic universe, which basically took the SatAM universe and made it into a full fledged epic storyline of it's own. In the comic Tails is actually supposed to be the chosen one to surpass Sonic, but I never read the comic too much (by the time it came out I was into *real* anime like Ghost In The Shell, Akira, Ninja Scroll, Iria, Rurouni Kenshin OVA...okay and DBZ and Pokemon too. Everyone did it so whatever. But mostly stuff a 10 year old shouldn't be watching). Either way, this fic makes Tails everything any Tails fan ever wanted to see. His past is explained, he finds respect among many of his older Freedom Fighter friends and butts heads with quite a few more. He begins his journey as a child in the middle of an ever-escalating, world-wide, interspecies war just trying to find himself and prove himself capable, and ends as, for all intents and purposes spoilerspoilerspoilerGodspoilerspoilerspoiler. On top of that this fic is every bit as classically epic by the same criteria I judged "The Golden Power", except it's COMPLETE. It's the length of three full length real life novels at least. I spent four days reading this non-stop with very little sleep, and after I finished I stopped reading fanfiction for months because I felt like nothing could top it. This fic includes every single important character from all games, comics, and shows and unifies them into a complete AU while taking everything to the next level. Even *if* you've never read/watched/played Sonic, you should read this just to see what a really great fanfic can be like. Extra points for: Tails and Sonic staying bro's despite their increasingly different views of war. Extra extra points for: The running motorcycle vs giant mech battle scene with Snively in a classic battlemech vs Tails sporting a custom sub-machine gun while riding a motorcycle with Cream on the back, which is hands down the best fight scene I've ever read. And *SPOILER* Tails losing his virginity to Rouge! Try to subtract points and I'll kill you. 2. "Process of Elimination" by DB Sommer. Ranma 1/2-Sailor Moon-Tenchi Muyo-Street Fighter and more MEGAxover. Status: Complete. There must be something about authors with 'DB' in their names that make them write epic(ly long) fics. DB Sommer is yet another author that was around way before who probably doesn't even have an account on here. That being said, he is a legend in his own right. There is a lost art in fanfiction, one which the great authors of old were adepts in but now few even remember it's name. Those of us who remember whisper about maybe one day joining the ranks of those who have achieved it. I'm talking of course, about the MEGAxover. A Megaxover is basically a crossover with 3 or more series. The catch? They don't just include one or two characters from each but most of the entire cast and world of each show. It's basically a World War of fanfiction. And with the exception of crack fic MEGA's, the good ones were all true masterpieces of fiction. That includes original fiction *and* fanfiction. "Process of Elimination" is the penultimate MEGAxover. I had heard about this fic since the very first month I began reading fanfiction as a kid. (I actually started with Tenchi Muyo fics and ended up reading Ranma fics because the sheer amount of R1/2-TM crossovers that used to be around. I've actually seen maybe 3 episodes of Ranma total, but I know the whole series from reading fanfiction over the years because R1/2 fanfiction pwns the actual series to oblivion). I had tried to read it a couple times but the length and depth were just too intimidating for me back then. A few years later I finally had enough and decided to wade through it. Woah. This shit is bananas. I don't remember much how it starts because it's been so long. All I remember is that these monstrous creatures that resemble giant cockroaches begin showing up all over the planet. The characters from each series, the governments of the world, and eventually everyone on the entire planet is threatened by these things and have to band together to fight back or be destroyed, and these things are WICKED. Basically, they both learn (intelligence) and evolve (biology) every time they encounter a tactic that *anyone* uses to kill or escape from them in order to become invulnerable. They keep constantly multiplying while the possible methods to kill them constantly decreases, hence 'process of elimination'. Add to that they could possibly become a threat to the entire universe which has other races in the galaxy wanting to destroy earth to save their own skin and you have "Process of Elimination". Lastly, this fic does was few are brave enough to do in this day and age and includes character deaths to make it that much realer. I won't spoil the ending but I'll tell you it's the only time I ever cried from a fanfic. EX Points: King of MEGA's. 1. "Slayers Apocalypse" by Unknown. Slayers. Status: Complete (with a 'but'). Ok. First off, if you've never seen Slayers you are not a true anime fan. If you've never even *heard* of Slayers...close your browser, turn off your computer, unplug your modem, get under the covers and cry yourself to sleep. You Fail eternally. Slayers is one of the most popular anime's EVER. It was DBZ before DBZ except with a million times more depth and almost no filler. Don't believe? Slayers started out in 1989 as a series of 52 Japanese light novels that spawned 8 mangas, 5 syndicated series with multiple seasons, 2 OVA's, 5 movies, and even a videogame on one of the first systems ever (Super Famicom). They even restarted it again in 2010 (don't watch it, it looks horrible). Everything about this series owns. The animation is straight gorgeous. The colors and fluidity are insane for something that's was a weekly program. The magic system is freaking awesome and blows Harry Potter away like hurricane Sandy. You know in animes and videogames like Final Fantasy where the character casts a spell and the spell cypher appears on the ground and around them. Yea, Slayers. Add to this, that arguably the strongest main character in anime history is actually...A GIRL! Lina Inverse in the most badass heroine in any series bar none (Except maybe Iria. If you recognize that name I salute you as a fellow hardcore otaku). Allow me to put you on kids. Lina is introduced as the most powerful sorceress in the world...and she's only *15*. Throughout the show when people realize who she is they freak out and say "It's the Destroyer", or "The Terrible One" or even something like She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and run away screaming, sometimes entire towns. It's freaking hilarious actually. She's not even evil, but she's definitely an anti-hero. Lina doesn't care about saving the world or doing good. All she cares about is treasure and eating lots and lots of food (In the exact same manner as a saiyan in fact). She also happens to be the sole user of the Dragon Slave spell, a spell strong enough to destroy the world if she loses control. All this is shown to us in the very first episode. The First. Fucking. Episode. You don't get it so I'll explain more. Despite not wanting to save anything, she of course gets wrapped up in numerous adventures in which she does in fact save the world many times over. She of course encounters and accumulates a rag tag band of fellow adventures and rivals that are all pretty famous in their own right (in the animeverse I mean) while battling villains that once again make DBZ villains look like pussies (most of em at least). There are even sayings and characteristics that have been referenced in a hundreds of fanfics and even some anime's. Ever read a fic where a character holds up a finger with closed eyes and says "That...is a secret!"? A super famous Xellos reference. The nail bitingly disturbing "OHOOHOHOHO!" laughter from the insane female rival/antagonist? Naga the Serpent(Lina's rival). On top of all that, the main villain isn't some simple Dark Lord, but literally the second in command God who created their universe (the three realms I think). And get this, his name is The Lord of Nightmares and he/she actually lives up to badassness of that title (Also known as He Who Shines on the Golden Sea of Chaos, L-sama, and true name is Lucifer). Lina starts off with her most powerful spell as the Dragon Slave which can destroy the world. Then she upgrades to the Ragna Blade which can tear holes in the fabric the universe if she's not careful. Finally she gets the Giga Slave, arguably the most powerful attack in all of anime which could destroy the entire universe if she loses control. And then SHE FIGURES OUT A WAY TO OVERLOAD THAT SHIT TO MAKE IT TEN TIMES MORE POWERFUL! Now I love Goku. He was the hero of my childhood. But he aint got shit on Lina. Goku can easily destroy planets. Lina can easily destroy reality itself. Win. "Slayers Apocalypse" is all that x100. First of all, it is the longest fic I have ever read. It took me over three weeks of reading to finish it. Each arch was novel length easily and there are at least 5. You ever read a fic where you read all day and you haven't finished the chapter? Yea. It's also a continuation and not an AU, so Lina has already killed what basically amounts to a god (Not L-sama but L's right hand) before it even starts. I can't even remember all the details (who could with a fic that large) but I will say this. In the canon anime there are demon lords known mazoku which are actual demons from japanese lore. They seek to turn all the worlds (one of which has it's own futuristic spin-off series) back into the Sea of Chaos for L-sama. The concepts in Slayers were already deep for a work of fiction anime or otherwise. Things like the SoC, the astral planes, and L-sama who is the demi-urge are all references to actual real life occultism. Throughout the series The Lord of Nightmares supposedly wants to turn everything back into the Sea of Chaos but doesn't actually attempt to. In Slayers Apocalypse he/she actually does, hence 'apocalypse'. The spells Lina has all channel L-sama's power as she is the foundation of reality (supposedly), so Lina and her friends have to find a way to fight that which actually makes up the very fabric of being itself. The fic deals with the true nature of reality, whether L-sama (the demi-urge) is the true God and if not who or what is (gnosticism), OC's that are cool as hell and make shaman's look like casual dabblers of the spirit world, the concept of planes between planes and the nature of Shadow People (supernatural phenomenon reported in real life) which make the mazoku look like puppies (and scared the shit out of me cuz I've seen them in dreams before), topped off with a final battle that literally had me shaking. At the time I read this I was reading FF constantly, printing out whole chapters of fics to read in class even. After I read this I stopped reading fanfiction and fiction in general for nearly an entire year. It was just too much to handle. There's no points, no extra blah blah blah. Lina Inverse, possibly the most powerful anime character in history, kills 'God' and basically becomes God herself. This fic was the truth. Period. With all that said, we come the 'but', and that is...I can't find this fic *anywhere*. Zip, zilch, nada. It's like it never even existed! Not a single hit on google. And since they killed their cache feature there's no hope of finding it through a search engine. I can't even ask over at the Anifics forum cuz that's dead now too! If it wasn't for the fact that I remember the *multiple* migraines I got from staring at a computer screen for days on end and how I was so overwhelmed I didn't read for almost a year (and all I did was read books and fics back then. Glad those days are over) I would swear I imagined the whole thing. I've also only read 3 Slayers fics in my life. Slayers Trilogy, Slayers Virtual, and Slayers Apocalypse. I can't even remember the author's name, only that she was a girl and it was hosted on her own personal site. So here is to the #1 Best Fanfic I've Ever Read, one who very few have even heard of and no one new will ever read again. Rest In Peace. PS. If anyone has ever even heard of this fic PM me. Disclaimer: This fanfic list represents the views of this author and is no way representative of the fanfiction community as a whole. However, this author has been reading fanfiction since he was 11 and he is 24 now, so bite me noobs :) |