Author has written 18 stories for Ranma, Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z. Nihao everyone, Ranmawo1 here!! Well, this it the first time I've put any real work into my profile, so sorry if it's no good Name- Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third (Or Ranmawho for short) =) age- 23 gen.- Male Marital status- Single new update I've created a group so that you all can talk about the current chapters of my story (or about pretty much anything), see the latest up-to-date information on the latest chapters coming out for my stories, and see why I might be getting hung up and delayed at any point and time. So come on and join my new site, http:///group/A_Beautiful_Dream/ on Yahoo! Before I continue, I'm gonna rant. I'm gonna be brutally honest, so bear with me. Far, FAR too many times, I've clicked on a review board, only to see a good writer getting flammed because some stupid asshole doesn't like how they've done something. GROW UP PEOPLE! This is a fanfiction site, A FAN-FUCKING-FICTION SITE! Do you know what that means? That means that this site was created for the express purpose of writing stories based off of popular media, and they are FANFICTIONS!! Now please, hold your gasps of surprize at such a shocking revelation, and pay attention! Who gives a flying fuck if someone wants to write a story and change how someone in the story acts, thinks, dresses, fucks, calles themselves, or any of that stupid shit? You wanna know something? There are no characters, NONE, who are cannological characters (the only, and I mean ONLY excptions being parts of a fanfic that were taken directly from whatever story their based off of, and written WORD FOR WORD, and even then, there's a chance of the characters becoming ooc.)! No matter how well you may think you know a character, no matter how much time you've invested in studying them, unless you are the character's actual CREATOR, there is no way in HELL that you can be absolutely certain that how you have a character react to any given situation would be how the creator would have them react. So quit flaming people over stupid crap you hypocritical dip-shits! And because of you fuckin' flamin' dipshits, I'm takin' my other rant off! Thank you. If you've read this and agree, then please copy and paste it onto your bio, and spread the word! We've lost too many decent writers because of dumbass bullshit that gets tossed in their faces, wether it be by too many stories of a particular type, or retards who flame them because they wanna tweak a character! -Ranmawho1- I'm an anime fan, but I find that more often than not the mangas are better than the animes, so yeah. I'm also big on roleplaying, so if your into text-based rping, come and join us at IYRP, the greatest rp site out there! http:///InuyashaRoleplaying/home.msnw Anyway, my current list of top animes'mangas is as follows, and I know what I'm talkin' about, SO GO OUT AND WATCH/READ THEM PEONS!! RAWR AND STUFF!! Baki the Grappler Ninja Nonsense Dragon Ball series Ranma 1/2 Negima Robotech Yu Yu Hakusho Bleach Naruto Hellsing Black Lagoon Tenchi Muyo (Especially Tenchi Muyo GXP!) One Peice Tengo Tenge Death Note Blood + Eureka 7 Brain Powerd Ayame's High Kick Golden Boy (THIS ONE ESPECIALLY! RAWR!!) (I'll list pairings when I feel like it =P) For book series, heres a list that ya'll should read! The Sword of Truth series (Debt of Bones, Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, Blood of the Fold, Temple of the Winds, Soul of the Fire, Faith of the Fallen, The Pillars of Creation, Naked Empire, Chainfire, Phantom, & Confessor.) The Magic the Gathering series (FAR too many books for me to list =P) the Forgotten Realms series Stephen King's The Dark Tower series more to come! (when I think of them =P) Well, that's about it! Oh yeah, a challange for any one who feels up to it; A Harry Potter/Dragon Ball crossover where Harry Potter dies during child birth, but a few days later baby Goku's space pod lands in the Potter's back yard. PM me if your interested!! |