Author has written 4 stories for Resident Evil, and NCIS. Beginnings Honestly, there isn't a lot that anyone really cares to know about me. I'm merely a fanfiction writer like everyone else here, that has a grand time writing and does harbor some ambitions that I'm not terrible at it. These are common insecurities and aspirations of many fellow fanfic writers; there is nothing that distinguishes me from any of the others. Sadly, I am a quite average young lady with a wild imagination, and no matter how vivid it may be I am nothing to write home about. I enjoy writing; a lot. It's the one thing that has been consistent in my life from a very young age. Eight years old and already wanting to be a writer. It was cute, novel, but I soon learned that I held not the grasp of the English language - my native tongue mind you - nor grammatical sense of being that is usually required for a career in the field I enjoy. Not much a pity that since I've held a fantastic career - even if only in my own mind - of grand adventure, high drama, horrific terror, mind boggling intrigue, and side splitting comedy through my writing. I can't, and won't, say that everything I've written has been spun gold because that's flat out horse hockey but it's been thrilling none the less. I love writing; it's what I do. I'm not completely terrible at it either, so don't think I'm shortchanging myself either. If others like what I eventually share then I'm overjoyed. If not . . .well I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. It's a win-win no matter how you look at it. I sincerely hope others have just as much fun writing as I do myself. Middles Now you'll note that not a lot is actually uploaded to this account at this time. This is because most of my writing takes place on paper. I eventually put it to text in Notepad or Word, sometimes Wordpad, but usually that is my newer fiction. Perhaps I'll go over my old things and revise them, improve them, then put them up on FanFiction, but that'll be a long drawn out process. Mostly the newer things will be tossed here. Challenges, drabbles, that sort of thing as well will show up here. Fandoms Resident Evil (VG) - Video Game, NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service, CSI - Las Vegas/Miami/NY The Real Ghost Busters - Cartoon, Starship Troopers: Roughneck Chronicles, The Cat Who . . . - Book Series Hot Fuzz - Movie, X-Men Evolution - Cartoon, Law & Order - Original/SVU , Danny Phantom - Cartoon Various Anime and Motion Picture Films, as well as MISC. Cartoons from the 80s - 90s Ends Currently I'm writing a fic titled Unhappily Ever After. This fic was sparked by a challenge I signed up for over at NFA. There will more than likely be half a dozen, if not more, challenge responses from there that will show up here on my account, as well as a few from other various places such as Livejournal, and friend challenges through AIM, Y!M, and MSN. Other fictions will be placed on here that aren't part of challenges but until I grow more confident in my abilities I believe I'll stick to just one or two side fictions while working on challenges. Now, you may have noticed that I have a fic on here already titled Unhappily Ever After: Halloween Challenge. This is actually only a scene from my fic Unhappily Ever After that was created as an entry response to the Operation Halloween challenge and was tailored to meet the requirements of said challenge. My idea, my fic I was writing in response, was way over scale for the 5k max word limit so thus the specific cut down scene was created. This scene, with a few minor changes, will show up in the large, currently WIP, original fic. Fair warning. Notes Unhappily Ever After - Last Update: 7-26-07 - Chapter 3 is: In Progress Little Less Than FUBAR - Last Update 8-03-07 - Chapter 3 is: Not Started Yet The Follies of Courtship - Currently Unavailable |
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