Reviews for Picture This Death
Saissa chapter 23 . 10/5/2013
Great story - Very interesting and unusual plot line - Well Done!
1sunfun chapter 23 . 8/31/2013
mysticmoon1331 chapter 23 . 5/8/2012
brilliant! fantastic story! thanks so much for writing it and sharing it here! i wish you good luck and no writers block in all of your future writings. good luck!
alix33 chapter 21 . 8/8/2010
"Tony was there in under a minute. "I think we're done," Tony grinned. "Ziva has Dana in custody, and reported that she's 'singing like a cannery'." "Did you tell her that the expression is 'canary'?" asked Gibbs. "No—I liked the mental image of a singing cannery better." - Hehehe, I like that image better than the canary too.
alix33 chapter 18 . 8/8/2010
"one arrest while in college for participation in a panty raid—ah , a man after my own heart..." "I thought panty raids were after something other than hearts," said Ziva." - Hehehe.

"but I wonder if there's something we're missing." "Our sanity," said Tony. "I can't remember where I left mine." Gibbs glared at him. "I can't help you with that, since I don't think I've ever seen you with it." Ziva applauded." - I just laughed.
alix33 chapter 16 . 8/8/2010
"I should go see McGee," Abby said. And plant a kiss on those luscious lips." - I am now SO envious of what Abby will get to do.
alix33 chapter 15 . 8/8/2010
"Feel the worms, Probie," Tony grinned. " 'The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out...'" "Come closer, Tony, so I can vomit on you," Tim retorted. Maggots did indeed make him queasy." - Hehehe.

"Let's go over the list of people Ziva talked to." She had printed it in alphabetical order. Gibbs didn't know how she got the computer to do that (it was over 100 names), and didn't care to learn." - Hehehe.

"a distrust of tall men with brown hair and green eyes. He wondered to himself if that last one explained some of his personal problems." - AW, Timmy!

"Does Abby know that you now have a thing for blondes?" Ziva teased." - Not nice, Ziva!

"Robert Smith'...Oh, I'm going to love tracking that one." "Good. You can have it," said Gibbs. Tony gave him a baleful eye and resumed reading." - Hehehe.

"Just how many visitors did you have today?" "Roughly..." he counted rapidly. "...23." "How can you have 'roughly' 23?" asked Tony. "Did you have some fractions of people?" Too tired to argue, Tim said, "Maybe. I don't know." - Hehehe.
alix33 chapter 14 . 8/8/2010
"But who intersected with McGee? He always comes off as being as innocent as a ham." "That's 'lamb'." "It is? Oh, thanks. I've always wondered what made a ham so innocent." - Hehehe.

"You said DiNozzo stayed behind to read to McGee? Read him what?" "He's reading from a book that's a collection of an old comic strip that McGee likes. Sully's Air Force." "Sully's Air Force? Good heavens!" She looked slightly surprised or appalled; Gibbs couldn't tell which. "Well, if it helps him heal faster, I suppose it's a good thing. But Sully's Air Force...!" She'd probably prefer the works of Dostoevsky. Or that book on the management secrets of Attila the Hun." - Hehehe.

AW! The director has the same taste in comics as Tim!
alix33 chapter 12 . 8/8/2010
"The room door flew open, and Ziva burst in. She shoved Tony out of her way and began screaming at Gibbs. "Tisaref be evadon! [Burn in hell!, "Chel'at ha'min ha'enoshi!"[Scum of the earth!, and more such phrases. "Hello to you, too, Ziva!" said Tony, startled. "Is Abby storming up behind you? Is she parking the catapult? Did the hospital make you leave your pitchfork and flaming torch at the front desk?" Ziva hurled a choice expression at him, then turned her invective back to Gibbs. Gibbs had rarely seen her in tears, but ones glistened in the corners of her eyes now. He rose and held out his arms to her. She let herself be embraced, and let loose a few of those proto-tears, while her verbal assault continued, though much more quietly. "You know I don't understand Hebrew," he said softly, "but I can guess what you're saying. And you have a right to be mad at me." She switched to English, sniffling. "There was a note tacked onto my monitor when I got into work this morning. From the Director. It said to come to her office before I did anything. Abby was there when I got there. She was already both crying and furious. The Director told us McGee was stabbed sometime over the weekend. Why, Gibbs? Why didn't you call us and tell us about McGee?" "What could you have done, Ziva? Sat here and watched a man sleep, like DiNozzo and I?" "Abby and I should have been here!" - AW, YOU GO, Ziva!

"Gibbs said, "The best cure for hard-headedness is lunch. Shall we get pizza? What do you want on it? I want sausage and onions." "Pepperoni." "Just mushrooms." "Double pepperoni." "Wait – who said 'double pepperoni?" They looked around. "McGee?" "McGee?" "Probie! You're awake!" They ran to his bedside. His green eyes were sunken and his face was lined and pale, but he was definitely their McGee. "You just now woke up?" said Gibbs. It was both a question and a statement. "Did our yelling do that? I'm, hell, I'm not sorry at all! You're awake!" "I heard Ziva swearing. I recognized the phrases. My freshman year at MIT, there was a guy in the across the hall in the dorm who was from Israel. He could swear up a storm! When sailors from the Israeli Navy visited Boston, they would come see Ehud to take lessons." "You are making that up," accused Tony. Tim only grinned. "Say, Ziva, what about the phrase –" "Oh, no, McGee! That's really dirty! Don't even ask." "But you don't know what I was going to say!" "Was it dirty?" "Well...yes." "Well, there then. I'm not passing on dirty phrases to you." - Yay, Timmy is awake!

"Ziva turned to Gibbs. "Was he this wound up when I left for Pittsburgh on Monday?" "Hard to tell. He's always been peculiar." - Gibbs calling DiNozzo peculiar made me laugh.
alix33 chapter 6 . 8/8/2010
"I don't know how you can pretend Tony's not around, though. Good luck with that." "Har har," said Tony, and Tim laughed for the first time that day." - That made me laugh too.
alix33 chapter 4 . 8/8/2010
"They has questions about the witness sketch I drew." - "have questions", unless Dana is indeed a brainless cat, from one of those manipulated animal pic websites.

Total kudos on the Harry Potter moments in this chapter.
lucyferr chapter 23 . 12/23/2009
You really must hate Tim. You're making out that the only reason he could ever find an attractive mate is if she just wanted to use him.
lucyferr chapter 14 . 12/22/2009
He always comes off as being as innocent as a ham.”

“That’s ‘lamb’.”

“It is? Oh, thanks. I’ve always wondered what made a ham so innocent.”

LOL. Good one.
lucyferr chapter 13 . 12/22/2009
The one time Tim yells at Tony, Gibbs slaps him down? What kinda BS is that?

He has always had your back, and not just when on duty or because someone tells him he has to do so. He does this because he feels it’s the right thing to do. Can you say you’ve done the same?

Sure, tell Tim that Tony was waiting for him all the time. That's good. But then accusing Tim of not always having Tony's back? Gr Gibbs!
lucyferr chapter 12 . 12/22/2009
“Stom ta'peh!” [Shut up! “Do you have any idea what it means to care about someone, DiNozzo? I care about my teammates. And that includes caring about you... most of the time. Do you ever think about anyone other than yourself, ya chatichat hara [you piece of s?

Always fun to see Ziva yell at Tony. Doesnt happen often enough.
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